Eclipse of the Magi

Chapter 63: Chapter 63: Conqueror

Meanwhile, while Harvard was fighting the captain, Stolas would be up against Anne Marie, bullets being captured by the small stars amidst his side. Without hesitation, the child shot those bullets back, infusing them with the likes of such galactic energy to deal further damage. Anne simply made use of her surroundings by kicking up one of the objects in the barracks, a table, to block the shot. The table was swiftly destroyed, leaving behind a cloud of dust, which would become perfect cover as she aimed and fired more bullets towards Stolas, hiding within the debris to conceal her direction. Because of this, Stolas would be forced to dodge, moving forward through the use of his stars to close the distance and get a clean strike at her. A Blast would be made to ensure this, propelling the Stellar Magician forward and balled his fist to lead into a right hook across Anne's face. She would, however, block it and try to counterattack by firing another bullet within close range, most likely with difficulty due to the awkward position she found herself in. Stolas simply carried one with his strikes.

A Left hook, a Right hook. A Jab at her stomach, and a straight punch to her face. An Uppercut and a kick to her chest thanks to his small size. Stolas was sending attacks left and right, not bothering to use his magic except for the occasional defense. A Rush of attacks that would connect due to the sheer aggressive nature that came of it, yet was retorted back through more bullets, forcing Stolas to get back. "So, You're the fighter of the group, eh?" Anne would state, spitting out any blood she may have had from the attacks sent. "Interesting. Might pose a small problem for me, but it's nothing too serious." She'd then began her own assault, aiming at around the very ship itself, taking note of the metal parts that is trying to desperately hold it together. When she did, she fired them, and would use her magic alongside it, the bullets extending themselves and sharpening their points to pierce easier, while also letting them be more malleable so they can ricochet against the metal bearings.

"Wait hold on, you have my Dad's MAGIC??" Stolas asked in confusion, forcing himself to evade, trying to track the bullets bouncing across each other.

"Depends. Does he use Guns for his stuff?" Anne asked in confidence.

"Well, not- GAH! -Really? He uses minerals and stuff!" Stolas had his words cut when he was dodging due to one of the bullets barely grazing against his feathers, being thankful it didn't directly hit him.

"Oh? I didn't expect a Gunslinger to not go for Gun Magic. Your father's a crafty one, then! I respect it! Its impressive he didn't went for the easy route, Remind me to pay a visit to him once this little skirmish is done, yeah?"

"HAH! That's if you'll even make it!" When Stolas was in a prime position, the bullets bending themselves to strike at the child, he would begin to glow a bit. Such a glow enveloped his arms, his legs, his body, and soon, his head. The more he evaded, the quicker the process, which would make Anne try to fire more bullets with the same properties to hit and stun the child before he even gets a chance to counterattack. The bullets scattered themselves, bouncing across the area as if they were pinballs, wildly soaring all sorts of directions, around 10 bullets aimed to the Stellar Magician, with 4 aimed for his head.





Dust was made when the attack struck, and further dust was made when the explosion from above was caused, creating a massive hole to be looked down upon, more than likely being the attack made from Teach. Anne would have her flintlocks at the ready, aiming and preparing to fire at a moments notice, should by some instance, the boy survived. She was ready. She was prepared. She was-



A Wound, one made right at her chest, sending her back, closing around her lungs, yet not hitting anything too severe, as the bullet made a clean pierce through it. A Second and Third would come up, forcing her to evade and throw herself under cover, noticing that glow once more. It was from Stolas' location. The Glow was coming from his body, and when the dust cleared, she could see it in full display. The boy was shining a clean ocean blue, with different constellations made all across his body. It was almost like a suit of armor, made up of such a void and space debris, softly wrapped around the child. It was almost straining to the eyes, and yet with its blend of colors, it looked almost magical. Anne would struggle to get up, clutching the wound made upon her body, being in awe of this display. " this?" She would ask, her voice being somewhat faint, coughing up some blood.

Stolas simply smiled. " what it means to be a Man! To fight on, even at the face of death, and telling them to pull the trigger if they dare! This is what It means to face problems head-on, and never flinching! Zodiac Man...!" The boy would then get into a stance, showcasing the bullets that were caught within this spatial-like armor.

"Well blow me down. He had the small stars actin' as bubbles to catch the bullets. He was preparing himself from the start with them. Looks like I might need a new opening then, if my usual firepower isn't enough." Anne thought to herself, guns at the ready. The two stared down at one another, their resolve being shown.

Out came one, then another, and then another. As Stolas shot the bullets back to Anne, Anne counteracted by firing her gun and shooting the bullet away. It happened again, and again, and again, with Anne timing herself to parry the shot, and Stolas getting closer to close the time and distance needed, hoping her reactions slipped up. When Stolas got just close enough, with the bullets bouncing around and the armor catching them, He'd leap upwards and try to land a shot point-blank right at Anne's face. "Later, lady!" The child said, before pulling his own trigger.

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