DxD: Crimson Fate

Chapter 3. Getting the hang of things.

Chapter 3: Getting a hang of things.

It's been a quarter of a year since I woke up in this strange new world.
I'm now six months old. How does that work? Well, to put it simply, I think I gained my awareness at the age of three months.

My theory is that an infant's feeble mind couldn't handle the full brain load of an adult all at once. So, I gradually regained my memories and awareness of who I was, hitting a critical point at three months in which I fully regained my memories.

But I think "Fully" isn't the right word. Even now, I don't think I have all my previous memories and knowledge.
For example, I know I was a polyglot before my death and rebirth, as I clearly remember being able to speak English, German, Russian, Italian, and Japanese, as required for my job.
The hotel where I worked was very high-end, hosting many important political figures from multiple countries.

But now, I can barely remember my German. I have entirely forgotten how Russian even sounds, and my Italian is barely passable, while before, I was fluent in all three languages.

But my English and Japanese are okay.

I didn't even notice the loss of my learned languages until a month after waking up when I noticed I was thinking not in English, my mother tongue, nor in German, the language I inherited from my mom and knew almost as well as my English, but, in Japanese, which was my weakest of all five.
I then proceeded to have a panic attack, which caused my baby body to start wailing as I tried and failed to think in German, English, or anything other than Japanese.

Juri, my new mother, joined me in panicking as well. She tried and failed to do anything to get me to calm down.

It took nearly an hour for my body to run out of energy, and I gave in to sleep.

It was only after about a week that my memory of English started trickling back in. I started remembering the names of things around me, then how to structure a sentence, and slowly, over the course of a week, I remembered the rest of the language.

That was my second freakout like this in this world. My first was far worse.
It was a few hours after I first woke up when I remembered I had a family before I died: my sister, her son, and my mother. They meant the world to me, and I was crying my heart out as the weight of the fact that I would never see them again hit me fully.

I grieved their loss for two days until I finally could get my shit back together. Then and there, I decided I would never forget them, but I would not rob this Juri of her child. I Don't know if I took over the soul of the baby that was here or if I was meant to be here in the first place, but regardless, I was the one in this body, which meant she was going to be my mother. I was going to be her son. The best damn son there is.

And with how good she treats me, I really can't be anything other than the best.
Even right now, As I was thinking all this, she was busy preparing a small little party for me and her only, to celebrate me turning 6 months old. She was blowing a few ballons to hang around our room and had prepared a small piece of cake earlier for her to eat, and for me to nibble on.

Once she was done with the few decorations she put up, she came to me and held me up and nuzzeled into me belly affectiontly.

"Who's my little Milo, who's my cutie pie," she cood at me and I willed my body to start giggling.

Oh, right... The way I control my body is kinda dumb right now.
I have found that I don't have much control over my body now save for some movements. But I found a technique to make my body do certian actions.
The technique basically involves using my emotions to elicit certain reactions from my body.
For example, if I flood my mind with happy memories, I would start giggling, or when I used sad ones, I would cry. The intesity of my body's reaction depended on the memory or the thought.
Right now, I don't have to remember some past happy memories to mkae my self giggle, as I was genenuinly happy being with my mother like this.
I will relay on this method less and less as I grow more control of my body and limps, but for now, I'm happy as is.

My mother was ecstatic at hearing my giggles, and start nuzzling more until she got her fill of hearing her baby giggling.

She put me in her lap as she grabbed the cake she made for us.
It was a small round disk covered in white cream with a small strawberry on top.
My mother took a little of the cream with her fingertip and brought it to my mouth to lick it.
So far, the only thing that made me lose control of my body was when it came to food. No matter what I did, whenever my mother tried to feed me something, or god forbid, even showed a hint of her breast, my body would go crazy and jump at the exposed nipple/food.
I have found that when my mother fed me sugar, 'baby me' (This is what I am going to refer to my body when I lose control of it) would suck on her finger very vigorously, way more forcefully than when she breastfed me, as 'baby me' tried to get any and every bit of it. My new body seems to have an extreme case of sweet tooth.
It seem my mother has come to the same realaiztion as me, as proven by whay she did next.

She suddenly loosened the strap of her sundress, revealing her breast. With a teasing smile, she smeared a bit of cream onto her nipple.
"Looks like my little boy is hungry," she said, her voice light and playful.
Before I could register what was happening, my body instinctively reacted, latching on to the nipple. The sensation was overwhelming, as I lost total control of everything. Mixing 'baby me's two favorite things was apparently too much for 'baby me' to handle as it sucked so hard on Juri's nipples that I felt myself starting to get faint from the exertion while her soft laughter filled the air.
"Such a big boy now, aren't you?" she murmured, her face flushed with warmth as she enjoyed the moment.

Turns out, my mother was a degenerate.

Ah, well, I will still love her regardless. Nobody's perfect, after all.

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