DxD: Crimson Fate

Chapter 2. Waking up.

Chapter 2: Waking up.

I don't remember when it happened, but at some point, I "woke up."
Not in the physical sense, mind you, but in the sense that, one second, I had no consciousness, and the next, I did.
I woke up in a small room that was dimly lit.
A small source of light in the ceiling gave off enough light to let me know that I was not blind, but other than that, I could see nothing else with any clarity.

Dark silhouettes of barely recognizable objects were all around me.
I felt like my body was utterly tied up. But it also felt weird, like I wasn't tied up with a robe or the like, but a big blanket that was so tight around my body that I could not move a muscle if I wanted to.
Despite that, I futilely tried to move, and as expected, I couldn't. I was also tired.
Even trying to move for a few seconds took a toll on me, like my body was so weak I could barely hold myself up. It's a good thing I was lying down.

I tried to look around me, but I immediately found out I could barely move my neck and froze. The image of the red car speeding towards me flashed in my mind, and I remembered. 'Oh, right, I was run over. I guess... I survived then. I think I can't move my neck because it was broken or something and my body is so weak because my blood must be pumped full of sedatives and painkillers to make me not feel the pain.'
With that thought, my mind started to spiral into a depressive mood. 'How bad are the injuries.', 'am I ever going to walk again.' ,' Will I be a cripple for life now?' and the train of depressive thoughts kept on going until I remembered the silver lining. 'At least the kid's safe.' The image of the kid I saved flashed in my mind, his body hurtling through the air toward his mother. I hope they didn't get hurt because of that. She also had a baby in her arms. Ah, fuck, I don't even feel good about that anymore. I probably hurt all three of them.' As my bad mood was getting worse, I put a halt to it. I was always good at pushing things to the back of my mind to focus on what's to come. I suddenly noticed how parched I was; hungry too. Since I concluded I was probably in a hospital right now, I tried to call out to a nurse or someone. What my mind wanted to blurt out was, "Hey! Is someone here?"
What actually came out was a wail. A cry...one that was horrifyingly like that of an infant. And it wouldn't stop, even if I tried. My mind went into shock as I kept hearing myself wailing and crying like a baby. My shock was put on hold as I listened to the sound of a door opening, a click of a switch, and the dim ceiling light above me turning into something akin to the sun with how bright it was. My ears picked up on two things while I was temporarily blinded by the bright light. The first was that my body stopped crying. Second, I heard the sound of giant steps approaching me. When my eyes adjusted, I was met with the sight of a giant. A gorgeous giant of a woman with long, flowing black hair, beautiful green eyes that were mesmerizing to look at, and a sculpted face like a goddess. My breath was taken away, in both awe and fear, as the giant, with the gentlest of moves and the most loving of eyes, extended her arms towards me, picked me up, and held me to her chest. I was so paralyzed that I didn't even notice that I was picked up from not a bed but a cradle. I was then greeted with the holy sight of this goddess, lowering down the side of the dress she wore, exposing her breast for my eyes to take in, and then promptly shoving it into my mouth.
I then processed to black out.
But, a moment before my mind was gone, I noticed how I was sucking upon her teat like my fucking life depended on it.
'So. Uh. I am a baby now?' I thought to myself, trying to get some semblance of a hold on the crazy shit that was happening to me. I had woken up a few minutes ago, back in my cradle. Yes, I only noticed the cradle after the giant woman was gone. The giant that breastfed me apparently didn't turn off the light after she left. Anyway, I was cultured enough to know what reincarnation is and even what isekai is. I had read many a story about a person dying a cliche death like mine and then being sent off to a new world. How did I know this was a new world? Easy. We didn't have levitating baby toys back on Earth. At least as far as I know. I took in the sight of the nursery mobile spinning above my head while hovering in mid-air. Nothing held it up as it floated there, emanating a subtle glow. I concluded that THAT must be magic. 'So. Let's sum up what I know so far. I got killed saving a kid. I was reincarnated, or iskeaid, as an infant. The giant woman, who I know now, is probably just a normal-sized human but looked huge to me because I was so small and was probably, most likely, my mother. And, of course, there's fucking, magic.'

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