Dueling life in a futuristic world

(3) Waking Up

As I open my eyes, I see a familiar ceiling. I get excited at the possibility that what I just experienced was all just a horrible nightmare. Still, as I sit up, this uncomfortable weight on my chest brings me back into reality. Looking at the nightstand, I see a holographic clock displaying 5:30 AM, and the realization finally sets in.


"Nooo...." I whimper and then slump back down into the pillow.


I stay like that for a good ten minutes thinking about it. I try to rationalize what just happened, but the absurdity of the situation prevents me from doing that.

'Did that goddess seriously believe that the best way to ask a thirty-year-old man that had just been fired if he wanted to die was by asking "Do you want to try something new"? Or did she lie about not being allowed to lie to mortals?.... I can't believe this. If this is happening, that must mean this is the world she described... Oh no.'


I sit upright and examine the room I'm in. It looks like a hotel room. At least, that's the conclusion I came to when I noticed the notes stuck to various appliances. In my head, I'm trying to figure out if I should be mortified or excited. Really if you think about it, this is a great opportunity to start over. It could be argued I was in a dead-end job with my prospects looking grim. but with that said I could really do without the weight on my chest.

I also verify the situation downstairs...

"aaand it's gone… Fuck" I mutter.

Suddenly a sheet of paper materializes mid-air and lands on my lap. I pick it up and try to read it, but fail to do so, as the lights are off and the room is too dark.

"Great! Just great! Now how do I turn these lights on?" I question, not expecting an answer, but surprisingly I get one.

"[Lights on! Good morning customer 'Yuumi Matsunaga' Your stay at the academy temporary hotel N7 is valid until 8 AM. Reminders: The introductions for NWDA start at 7:30 AM with tryouts for 600-800 Elo duelists at 8:00 AM, Enjoy the rest of your stay at ATHN7]." Announces a synthesized voice. All I took away from that is that I'll also have to pack up my stuff! This day just keeps getting better!


With the lights on, I can now read what's written on the paper.

"Greetings from your favorite goddess, Ness! Have you calmed down now? Or still feeling your body up and down... Well, regardless, there are some topics I haven't explained to you that you really need to know.

First, your name is "Yuumi Matsunaga", 18 years old.

You are an orphan who struggled to get the minimum 600 Elo to qualify for the NWDA tryouts. And that's what you really need to know about yourself.

Other than that, look to your left? right? I'm bad with directions; on one of the nightstands, you'll find a parcel from the NWDA. I would recommend you start from there.

I also left you with some things from your old life, first your old phone, power it up sometime. And your old deck, that's the important one as that's what you'll need to duel. If you have any other questions, grab Yuumi's phone and search it on GlobalNet, that's how I got most of my information.

I'll leave you to explore your body now, hehe." The note ends like that...


'Thank you, goddess... fucking marvelous.'

The last deck I used, was in a local tournament, and I remember I played Pendulum Magicians. This was a while ago, so it ran three Astrographs and two electromites. This means ill need to change the deck if they have the same banlist here.

Now my phone being here is also interesting, but I don't expect it to be beneficial. I'll probably not have a signal, and I have Yuumi's phone already, so I'll just keep it for sentimental value, I guess.


I do the only thing I can and get out of bed. As I stand up, I feel this weight pulling on my chest. Touching them, I notice I'm not wearing a bra...

'I hope they won't feel this heavy after I put one on. This is really distracting.'


Glossing over that, I walk up to the parcel the goddess was talking about and open it. Inside are two other boxes, one of them is a transparent package with a school uniform inside... and the other is a cardboard box with "DIMCORP DUEL DISK 6." written on it.


I first check the package with the school uniform. Taking it out of its box, I immediately recognize the design. It looks like the sleeveless uniform Yuzu wears at the start of ARC-V, except the color and the size are different. First, the uniform has been scaled up to fit a young adult, and second, the color has been swapped a little. The skirt remains maroon, but the sides of the shirt are now red, and the center white section and collar have a red tint to them. The omission of a tie is noticeable and with the uniform, there are also two more small packages, one labeled "Stockings: Black, Thigh High" and the other a shoe box containing some dark red sneakers with white stripes.


I put the uniform back in its package and grab the duel disk box. Now even with this all going on, I cannot deny my excitement for this. A real duel disk is the dream of many YGO players, and I have one right in front of me...

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