Dueling life in a futuristic world

(2) Interesting conclusion

I freaked out on the floor for more or less 20 minutes. The goddess kept looking at me, and I fell even deeper into despair every time I looked back. By the end, I was able to speak again.


"So... What is this "End of Life program" about? " I ask her as I try to stand up again.


She looks at me and starts speaking. "Well, it's straightforward. A world is being integrated into the sphere of influence of the Patheon, and Tetra needed a living soul to anchor it down. That is when you come in. Your world has been under the Pantheon's influence for as long as it existed, and your soul would be perfect for nailing it down." She took a book out of her cleavage in the middle of that sentence. And put on some reading spectacles too.


"So... you want me to spread the world of the Pantheon in another world? Is that it?" I ask, confused as to what the conditions are.


She giggles and then adds. "No, no, no. We don't need a priest. We just want you to live there. By the time you've lived out the rest of your natural life, the world should be stable."


'She doesn't want anything from me? This is a little suspicious.' 

The goddess says something as I'm thinking. "No need to be that suspicious. As a goddess, I'm prohibited from trying to trick mortals."


'And now you can read my mind?'


She giggles and then states, "Of course, I can"


I huff and ask, "So, what would I get? In these situations..."


"Let me stop you right there," She interrupts. "You won't be getting any OP powers..." She then looks up and then adds. "Not that you would need them anyway."


'What?' I ask internally.


"Fine, let me explain better. The world you will be going to is strange... Their technology is way ahead of your world, but for some reason, they decided all conflicts would be resolved by "dueling" in a specific children's card game... Then they then used that technology to create "Holograms with mass", so even wars are fought by "dueling".


'No way, no fucking way, if this is what I think it is... I don't even know....'


The goddess gives me a smile. "Yes fucking way, this is going exactly where you are thinking. They play YUGIOHHHHH!!" She cheerfully sings.


I look at her with a gloomy expression.


She then looks at me and continues. "So, interested?"


"Why me?" I ask.


Her smile fades, and she looks at me with a serious face. "Come on, don't make me spell it out loud. You have no live family, no friends, and as of a day ago, no job. There's no one left to miss you. Oh, and less importantly, you already know how to play Yu-Gi-Oh!"


'Oof, that hurt.'


"You were the one that asked. Merciful Solus, I can now see why you have no friends, you are in front of a goddess and can ask me anything, but you choose to only ask about yourself! Try to not act like that there! Well... not that I care; Tera only needs a few years anyway."


I look at the floor and shily say. "I'm sorry... This is just a big shock. Actually, how did I even die?"


"*Sigh* There was a fire at your apartment, and I was conflicted. On one hand, you had already signed up for the End of Life program; on the other, if you had just woken up, you could have still lived. So I asked you what you wanted."




'Why did I not see this coming.' At this point, I have already come to terms with the fact that I'm dead. This revelation would have been much more impactful if she had told it to me in the beginning.


Trying to think passed that little fact. "Then how exactly would I be "reborn"? Will I be a baby aga..."


"OH, SOLUS. NONONO. THAT'S DISGUSTING!" She shouts, interrupting me mid-sentence after some time of looking at me with a disgusted expression on her face. She explains. "Sorry, but the implications of what you asked are absolutely disgusting. I don't care what you may have read about reincarnation, but that's not it. There's an available vessel for you to inhabit."




"*sigh*I mean a person who went brain dead in their sleep. We have fully healed the body, so you won't have to worry about health complications; now, this body is much healthier than your old one ever was."


I Squint my eyes at the coincidence.


"Don't give me that look! I know this is suspicious, but we don't have an opportunity as clean as this one often, and we need to take it. She also was an orphan, so you won't have to worry about pretending to love a family that isn't yours."


This is getting more and more convenient for her as she goes on.


The goddess continues. "She was about to enter the NWDA, so that's also taken care of. Now, do you accept my offer?


I groan and ask, "It's either this or eternal darkness?"


She takes her spectacles off and responds. "No, you would just be reincarnated in another world, but without your memories. This way, you get to keep them."


After looking at the floor for a few seconds, I look back at her and answer. "That's basically eternal darkness. Fine! I accept. Not much of a choice to make." As I say that, I remember something she mentioned earlier. "Wait, She?"


The goddess gives me a shit-eating grin. "Oh, come on. Not everything can be as convenient as you wish. Well, you already accepted. No takebacks! Bye-bye!"


"WAIT..." And then the white room turned into a blinding white light.


A few minutes later, in the divine realm.

A goddess stands alone in the middle of a white room. "Finally, he's gone! How can someone be so selfish!? Healthy body, bone-clean mind, memories intact, and genderbending on top, but he's upset! Even I can only do that every 100 years! The nerve of mortals nowadays!

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