Chapter 7: Ch.7 Strange Old Man
With a heavy heart Ciara carried Elric into a carriage under the guide of the swordsman that saved her life. She had just laid to rest her protector the Vellen knight Sam Beckett in a land other than his birth. His grave was marked with a simple gravestone that was marked : Sir Sam Beckett Hero of The Kingdom Of Vellen. With thoughts of her and Elric's lives only being spared at the cost of many others she looked to her newest savior not even knowing his name. "Brave swordsman if I may as to be so bold a to ask for your an your masters names? As it is only proper to know he names of ones benefactors." Ciara said.
"My apologies young miss, I forgot to introduce myself with all the matters going on, you can call me Blake. As for my family name I have none, as I was just some war orphan once saved in much the same as you." Blake said "Oh" was all Ciara could say in reply. "I was found one night outside the manor of my Lord Odis by one of his bakers." "You see I was starving and desperately searching for scraps to eat when I was found." "This was the turning point of my life; after the baker gave me something to eat he cleaned me up a bit and took me to see the man that is now my master as well."
Hearing this Ciara was so shocked she almost fell off the seat to the carriage floor. "Now now what is with that look for young lady?" "My master is a kind Old man; a bit strange at times I guess, but I guess that is why he would take someone like me in." Blake said in a joking tone.
"Strange old man, How so, I can't be taking my only son around someone with "odd taste" regardless of how thankful I may be." Ciara said in a shocked manner. "I misspoke, I guess most of us just find it strange that someone of his status lives such a simple life and occasionally takes in those in need such as myself and the two of you." Blake replied. "You see instead of living in the lap of luxury in the Capital City of Foust he chooses to live in a small village of sorts in the woods that lay between the capital and Port Nass." "Well I call it a small village, but it only consist of the main house where milord Odis lives and the work areas and homes of of that he has taken over the years that chose to stay and serve him as repayment such as myself. My guess is there is only twenty or so people living there." Blake clarified.
The distance was quite short so the carriage arrived in front of Odis' manor within an hour. It was like Blake had described; a mid-sized manor no bigger than what a squire would be given in her kingdom with a blacksmith's workshop, bakery, storehouse, and a few small homes surrounded by a few fields for growing food all smack dab in the middle of a forest. As they pulled up an older woman dressed a a maid ran out to great them. Noticing Ciara held a baby in her arms the maid said "I'll go an fetch the babe a bottle o' goats milk as will do his body good and give his poor mother a break." After saying this she ran off towards the direction she had came from. Blake lead Ciara who was holding a fussy Elric into the main parlor of the manor. "That is just Old Bell, she is kind of a mother hen to all the lil ones round here, she means no harm, and you do look as if you need a rest." Blake said to her.
Two minuets later Bell came in to the parlor they were in holding a bottle of goat milk in one hand and a fresh dipper cloth in the other. With a fresh dipper and a warm bottle of milk Elric who was being held by Bell, after she asked Ciara if it was ok, had calmed down and was no longer making a fuss. Now that Elric was calm, Blake excused himself to go find his master Odis. Odis was up in his study on the second floor of the manor. Hearing Blake approach he said for him to come down.
Blake told Odis about want happened with Ciara, Sam, and Elric in Port Nass and how he had brought he two of them here. After hearing the story Odis said " It is good for you to have the foresight to bring the two of them here. A young woman alone with a baby might be hard press to make a life in a ruff place such as Port Nass. "If you would be as kind as to so her the way to this study of mine, I would like to have a word with the young miss alone if she is willing." Blake went back down to the parlor and told Ciara that his master Odis wanted to speak with her in private for a moment. Upon hearing this Ciara said " Yes I wanted to thank him for is fine swordsman rescuing me and my son anyway." Miss Bell do you mind taking care of my son Elric for me for a while, so I can go speak to the master of the house?" Tis no trouble at all young miss I love holding babies more than anything else in the world." Bell replied. As such Blake lead Ciara to Odis' study and excused himself. Odis got up and opened the door saying "Come in my child and have seat." Not being taken aback by being called his child or a child Ciara walked into the study an took a seat on a small couch that was across from a large wooden desk with an overgrown chair behind it. Odis closed the door an walked behind his desk to drag the chair out from behind it. After getting hi chair into a new spot that he felt was better than talking across a large ingeminating desk he sat down with a dull thud.
Now seated comfortably Odis said "Lets start by introducing ourselves; my name is Odis and how shall I address you young miss?" "My name is Ciara Vellen, and my son is named Elric." Ciara said deciding not to hide the truth from the master of her savior. "An first off I want to thank you and the swordsman Blake that serves under you for saving me and my son's lives."
"Dear Ciara there is no need to be so formal or to thank us." " I am but and old man with a kind heart. As for Blake he was just doing what any good man who saw a woman and child in danger would do." "Can you tell me what brought you all the way to my doorstep when you seam to have only recently given birth to the boy downstairs?"
"I um suppose that is why you asked to speak with me in private knowing it might be a sensitive subject." "Well without giving out details that might put my child or myself ,and perhaps even you in danger; what I can say is that my homeland was attacked an we where running for our lives." Ciara said in a reluctant tone. " I see, and I can take it that it was quite so distance away, considering Blake found you in a port city." "If you fell as if it might place you or others in more danger I will not press you for details, though I do have an idea of where it is you might be felling from." Odis said as he was trying to remember where he had heard the name Vellen before. "You and your son Elric are Welcome to stay here either in this main house or in one of the smaller houses that could be arranged for you, if you so choose. While I would prefer for the two of you to stay in my home I will not force you." Odis said warmly. After speaking a bit more Ciara said she would like a few days to think it over to which Odis agreed to.
Arrangements where made for Ciara and Elric to stay in guest room on the second floor of Odis' manor. In fact it was right next to Odis' own room with only the study between them. In reality Ciara had already made up her mind before she even left the study. She wanted the extra time to prepare herself for what she had decided to do. For now she was sitting at a small desk in the room she was given writing two letters while looking at her sleeping son for what would be the last time for a long while. For his safety she had made up her mind to leave him here where it was safe while going back to live in the merchant area of Port Nass. Ciara had came to this fearing the off chance of them some how being followed or found out by other means by those behind the hedge witches' attack on Vallen Kingdom's capital city. Also the thought of living under the same roof as another man when her husband might still be alive did not sit well with her. It did not matter to her that that man was probably old enough to be her grandfather.
A week later she told Odis of her decision to leave while having Elric stay in his care. While not happy about her choice, saying that a child should have his mother by his side, he was not going to stop her understanding it was out of love an concern for her son. Giving the two letters to Odis and telling him to read the one in a few years and to give the other to Elric when he came of age she left the next morning. Being that she had quite a sum of money she was able to buy a shop that had living quarters above in Port Nass despite being a woman, because at the end of the day money talks loudest.
The room that Ciara and Elric had stayed in was given to Elric and the maid "Old Bell" acted as a nanny of sorts to him taking care of his needs. Her love of children was know to all so this was unsurprising to Odis and Blake. The years began to pass and Elric was now five years old and was a strong willed yet reserved child. He began to walk an say simple words by 8 months old, and could hold a conversation with an adult by age 2. At age 3 he could read a write better than most children in what would be the 6th grade going by the standards of our world. By four years of age he had read every book Odis had and was pestering him to let him learn to fight from Blake. After a few weeks of constant harassment Odis and Blake caved in and Blake started teaching him the way of the sword. The local blacksmith made a miniature long sword for Elric, not much bigger tan a dagger if held by an adult after a few months. This was because the boy took to a sword like a fish to water. Now at age five it was becoming apparent that within a year or so Blake would longer be fit to be his teacher. It was truly a case of the disciple becoming the master in the making.
Now most days where filled with philosophy and history lessons in the morning by Otis and Swordsmanship archery and horse riding the rest of the day. On occasion Old bell would try and teach him etiquette and the joy of a good cup of tea. As such life was finally peaceful for Elric unlike the bloody events that welcome him into this world of Zania.