Chapter 6: Ch.6 Bandit Attack
As the "Golden Crow" made its way into Port Nass Captain Jack took over the helm, and began shouting orders to his crew. "Bring in the main sails and loose the trims to full. Prepare to drop anchor and ready the long boats to go ashore."
Ciara had brought Elric up to the upper deck located on top of the stern castile to get a view of the ships going in and out of port along with trying to see what Port Nass looked like. Sam remained in the cabin below still trying to recover from the wound left on his shoulder by he sea dragon's trident like tail. With the view of the port city of Nass coming clearer Ciara could plainly see the difference in architecture between Fargo and Tera. The buildings here were mostly made of wooden beams, and used plaster to cover the walls along with having wooden roof shingles. Where as the ones in Tera are made from hewn stone and have thatched roofs. It was also a lot smaller in size compared to the port city of DawnStar that was home to over half a million humans, a thousand elves, and a few hundred beastkin. Based on the size of he city she could see Ciara guessed that Nass was no larger than twenty thousand in population.
Once the "Golden Crow" made it into port it dropped anchor and launched two of the long boats. On board the first was Captain Jack, Sam, Ciara, Elric, and three crewmen. The second long boat had seven crewmen on board. These men would help the dock workers secure the ship once Captain Jack gained docking permission from the dock master and port authority. Once he gained the approval the three crewmen in his long boat would row back to the ship relaying the message to bring the ship into the assigned docking location. It took around ten minuets for them to row the long boats to the smaller docking area for such boats. After securing the two boats, Captain Jack and two of the crewmen left for the port master's office leaving eight to assist Ciara with getting there trunk unloaded and make preparations to secure the "Golden Crow" once the signal was given stating they had received docking rights. Sam asked around the docks about the location of a suitable inn. One of the dockworkers told him about the Painted Pony Inn, said to be the best Inn for three hundred miles. He may have been bosting because it was owned by his brother-in-law's family, but it was definitely the best in the city.
** Painted Pony Inn**
The inn ,located in the center of Nass was a large building with three floors and wooden horses standing on there hind legs on either side of the double doors. Once inside the trio approached a grand counter that served as the inn's front desk. Behind the counter stood a middle aged man that was dressed in something resembling a modern day tux from Earth. Noticing the guest that where well dressed approaching him; he greeted them in a kind and respectable way for their perceived status. "Hello, and welcome my good sir and madam to the Painted Pony." "How long will we have the honor of you staying with us?" "I am not entirely sure, as we just arrived and it may take so time to arrange proper transport for my young mistress and young lord. So for now I would like two of your best rooms for lets say a month. We will be paying in Taren Gold Coins if that is not an issue." Sam said coldly. "G-ggold co coins!" Na-na no that is no problem at all my esteemed patron." the desk clerk struggled to say. "Here are your keys, I will have someone show you up to your rooms at once." "Gaston!!!! Show our fine guest up to there rooms right away."
After being shown there rooms Sam told Ciara he would be next door if anything happens. The walls where thin enough to where if she yelled for help he would be able to hear her and quickly rush to her aid. Ciara placed the sleeping Elric on one of the beds before going into the bath to wash herself. It had been weeks from the last time she was able to properly wash herself as fresh water is limited on a sea going vessel. Time passed slowly with the three of them enjoying not being on a rocking ship. A week had gone by and Ciara wanted to get out if the inn. Sam tagged along a she took Elric out to shop for some local cloths. She had thought it might help them blend in, but mostly she was just board. Strolling among the may shop of Port Nass she was able to find a few outfits that fit her taste. Here the woman tended to wear more form fitting dresses that were tighter than the long flowing ones common amongst the nobility of Tera.
Passing by an ally way after leaving one of the shops a group of three men in worn out clothing started walking towards them from the back of ally. These men thinking they had spotted an easy mark where going to rob Sam and possibly worse to Ciara. Being a trained knight always on the lookout for danger Sam spotted them a while back and readied his hand on the hilt of his silver rapier. He was out numbered and still recovering form an injury; knowing this Sam thought it was not going to be an easy fight. With his years of training he knew it was best if he acted first.
Shoving Ciara and Elric into the door way of a near by shop, the told her to run and hide.
Afterwards Sam turned around while drawing his rapier slashing towards the neck of the closest of the three would be bandits gravely wounding him. It was not an instant kill but it might as well have been. The bandit would blead to death in under a minuet. the other two seeing there partner in crime and "boss" go down Drew there daggers and pounced on Sam. Being wounded slowed sam down but he was able to strike one of them in the guts as the two daggers landed on him. One hit is right leg in the front, while the other hit him on the back just below where the dragon's tail had struck him. This cause the still healing would to reopen. Screaming in pain Sam went down. He knew it had lost, he had failed. He failed to follow the last order given to him by his king: to protect the queen and crown prince even if it cost him is life. Starting to fade into black he once again yelled out for Ciara to run. He could no longer even lift his arm to defend himself and soon fell into death's cold embrace under the last bandit's dagger.
Ciara filled with dread picked Elric back off the shop's floor and ran fast as she could out the shop's front doors screaming for help. She got as far as the last step that went up to the shop's entrance when the heal of her shoe caught in between the planks of wood that made up the stair tread. This gave the bandit time to catch her. She caught a glint of light reflected off the bandit's dagger headed for her throat. Her life flashed before her eyes: when she by chance meet Elric's father at a banquet she attended with her mother as a small child, her wedding night, giving birth to Elric. It was all over she was going to die, her newborn son Elric was only going to know hardship and death. He would not ever know who he was, if he even manage to live past today. The dagger was quickly drawing closer to ending her life.....
The sound of two blades striking one another rang out. A longsword had stopped the dagger just before it got to Ciara's neck ending her life. It was in the hands of a valent looking young man dressed in chainmail and a red cape adorn with a stag. The backlash of the strike being blocked caused the bandit to stumble backwards. Getting back to his feet the bandit tried to run off. Unfortunately for him all the commotion had attracted the attention of the city guard that was close by. The guard was able to apprehend the vile thief and murderer in quick fashion. Once the dust settled the swordsman that happened to save Ciara's life helped her back to her feet. He then briefly introduced himself and escorted the still shaking Ciara to the guardhouse to file a report of what happened. It turns out that those three bandits had been wanted by the city for a long time and there was a substantial reward for the capture or death of them. She decided to give most of the reward to the swordsman as thanks for saving her life, only keeping a small part of it to pay for a proper burial for Sam Beckett the knight who served her and the kingdom of Vellen well. He may of thought in those last moments he failed, but he had truly died a hero.
Not knowing where to go and with her only protector now dead Ciara accepted the invitation of the heroic swordsman that saved her life to go back with him to the villa of the master he served under to seek a place to stay and tell him how is retainer had valiantly saved her life.