Don't Mind Me Living In Another World Certainly Not As The Hero

Chapter 4: 4 - Choices Choices

After looking over my status it seems that of the thirty one choices each one seemed to have ranks of increasing cost.

At the top was a list of equipment, like swords, shields, helmets, armor and the like but the cost was only a single point, but there were empty blocks next to the current listed cost which to me meant there were higher level goods to be gained by investing more points.

Below this were a few sections of choices.

Below the Equipment section

Was what I would call the growth section.

Inside of which was selections to aid in ones personal growth, options such as [Exp Gain Rate], [Level Up Requirement], and [Soul Gem Growth].

I'm still not sure what a soul gem is, but the other two were common staples for fast growth, I mean one that would increase the experience gained when slaying something, while the other would make it so you needed less experience in order to reach the next level.

Then there were two sections I'll call personal, and party.

Personal allowed me to choose a second job, gain the appraisal skill, or perform a reset.

While party, allowed me to form, and customize my party.

Then there was the magic section, allowing me to shorten my chants, increase my Mana recovery rate.

A commerce section, allowing for percentages when buying or selling netting me discounts or greater margins.

Below that was what I'll call the special section.

Since Limit Break, and Damage Break were within, along with increased Critical Hit Chance.

Lastly was Stats, where you could boost your core stats, like HP, MP, Strength, Agility, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, or Spirit.

With so many choices I kind of wish I really was a cheat getting like 100 points as a bonus just for having transmigrated in the first place but sadly no.

There wasn't even a Special points per level earned either...

Oh well no sense complaining over receiving a gift right?

Well for now I only have a single usable point so best to invest in the growth options for now, but which one?

Increased exp, or reduced exp per level?

Well seeing no other way I chose the first then reset and chose the latter, getting to see what each did and.

Exp Gain Lvl 1 gave me x2 Experience on all kills.

Reduced Exp Needed Lvl 1 meanwhile meant I need 1/2 as much exp to reach the next level.

For now it seemed better to half the level up time since I didn't know which was better and well at my next level up I could just choose the other anyway which overall would boost my leveling speed by 4x.

With my choice made my days of killing bugs became much more lively to the point I brought forth another wave of disgust by the locals of the village but, who cares I was happy and they weren't keen to stop my insect genocide from going on.

Thanks to my continued efforts my level began to raise itself almost a bit to quickly for my own comfort but well that didn't matter since no one would be able to know until I turned ten and underwent the awakening ritual anyways.

After six months more of being an exterminator my profile was starting to fill out some.


Job: Villager Level 10 | Farmer Level 2

Ability: [Reset] | Appraisal | 2nd Job | Exp x5 | 1/3 Exp

I had learned a good deal more about my system and how it worked.

Mainly the most advantageous part being I earned Special points for every level of my jobs so long as they remained active, if I did a [reset] and removed second job then I would lose the three SP I earned for that job but the more jobs I had the more points it would take to increase the total, Farmer had appeared as a selectable job once I reached Villager Lvl 5 so to help me with leveling up and earning more points faster I chose 2nd job and took up the role of a farmer, now I was growing two jobs at once but I wasn't sure if I was actually levelling up slower since my gained xp would be split between the two or if I earned the same xp amount per job?

Regardless my growth rate was surely abnormal and it was actually becoming harder to hide the fact that I was still a toddler, but had strength enough to match some of those who'd undergone their awakening already.

Even with Appraisal I couldn't see a persons stats, not even my own, but I could see more details about my jobs, and skills earned from SP points.

This allowed me to know that each persons job grants you a boost of stats, and well a villager gave a very small boost to strength, while Farmer granted a small boost to endurance, this effect grew each time the job level increased so each level up was making me stronger and well if there was no offset for being underdeveloped than I would be stronger than some of the adults in the village since during my extermination missions I had gotten into the habit of appraising everyone.

[Villager Lvl 5]

[Villager Lvl 7]

[Villager Lvl 15]

[Villager Lvl 22]

[Senior Villager Lvl 4]

[Senior Villager Lvl 13]

[Village Chief Lvl 15]

[Farmer Level 21]



The villages levels was all over the place but there were three common jobs among the majority with only our occasional villagers possessing other jobs.

Such is to be expected in a rural village I suppose, but the visitors gave me a glimpse that the number of job might be endless since, I caught sight of a swordsman, spearman, knight, merchant, even a slave dealer at one point.

I might be three years old but with my increased strength I wanted to wander into the forest, and kill some monsters the paltry growth from killing bugs was getting boring and level ups occurring less and less often, I needed to grow faster!

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