Don't Mind Me Living In Another World Certainly Not As The Hero

Chapter 2: 2 - Forsaken Yet Alive

I can't really explain what happened next, one minute I was writing on my computer and well the next I opened my eyes only to find myself staring up at the lower half of a woman face.

Her face from the nose up covered by her low drawn hood.

Jostle Jostle

Even as I was trying to figure out what was going on I could feel we were moving, so she must be carrying me, but seriously princess carrying me a thirty year old man!

I mean come on!

Get me a stretcher at the very least please!

But then everything changed


Instead of my cry for dignity, there was a simple shriek that cut through the air."

"Shhhhh, quite you go back to sleep."

The woman carrying me said, before wrapping me tighter making it feel like I was being strangled some.


That was my voice?

Rather than voice that sound was me.

As I figited trying to break free of my bindings I found I couldn't move at all, not even my head!

Whoever this woman was, she'd captured me and made it so I was just a bag of worms.

Even as she ran on I could do nothing and the more I struggled the tireder I got until not being able to help it I slipped into slumber.



"This is perfect."

I heard the woman voice once more but by the time my eyes opened I couldn't find her anymore, instead I could only see a wall on my left, while the wide open night sky was above me.

Man the stars, I had only ever seen a sky like this while camping, this wasn't a sight you could see in the city.

But why did she take me here, I mean I'm all for a vacation but don't just leave me bound up and left for dead in the middle of nowhere!

But that thought only lasted a moment before the wall next to me shifted and light poured out as it opened.

It wasn't a wall but a door.

Except on the other side.

Was Giants!

Another woman appeared though this one was wearing something similar to a nightie but only if one was made of a burlap sack.

"Oh dear, it seems there's another one."

Another one?

So I've been taking in by a human trafficking ring, god the real world sucks.

Even as the giantess bent down to pick me up, I struggled with all my might but still failing to break my binds.

"Go Ga Ah!"

"Oh my what a lively baby we got this time."

Ba... baby?

Did she just call me a baby?

No no no no no, I'm a grown ass man I'm no baby.

But then like a bolt of lighting my thoughts connected.

I could barely move, I couldn't speak.

Everyone so far looked like giants.

Was I really turned into a baby.

But I mean my intelligence remained as I could understand the language being spoke.

Without being able to resist I was collected by the woman and taken inside.

Once there she did a once over of my bindings looking for something before smiling softly, then placed me down in what looked like a low half cage, the sound of other breathing signaled I was not the only one, so her earlier words meant this was something like an orphanage with multiple abandoned babies being present myself included.


I learned of my new life quickly, I had indeed been turned into a baby it seems, and well I wasn't alone, I can't say if the others sharing this crib were also transmigrations like me, but well nothing they did was really out of place honestly I was the weird one since aside from general cooing to get attention since I couldn't speak I never cried.

Breaking down my pride as I had to come to terms with dealing with the gernal daily functions certainly hurt my mind but I quickly adapted using humanities greatest feature to my advantage.

The other thing I found out was that this was some form of other world, since there had been more than a few visitors to our 'home' all of which were dressed up either as peasents from the medieval ages, or like they were an adventurer from all those fantasy novels and anime I watched and read.

The other nail in that coffin was seeing some of the foods, I know that other cultures eat a bunch of weird things but still the things this 'sister' was eating for her own breakfast and dinner were far from things anyone from Earth would call 'food'

We children were given some form of milk to drink, probably thanks to domesticated beasts being raised in the area but well it was either that or starve to death.

The other evidence was plainly that there was at least two languages being spoken here one that I could understand as if it was english, but the movement of the sister's lips didn't match up with what I heard, so I guess it's plot armour for a transmigree then?

While the other language just sounded like someone was speaking Chinese, Japanese, and Korean all at the same time as a jumbled mess, such that even just hearing it spoken gave me a headache.

Having figured out this new development in my life I did what anyone else would do, I tried to call forth the system.

The faster I learned about my cheat power the better.

Sadly as the weeks and months passed nothing I did was able to call it forth, at first I thought I was because it needed to be spoken but even after I could speak "Status" nothing came up and I started to despair about the fact I was just a nameless mob in this new world, likely destined for a quick death out here in the boonies.

And on my life progressed alongside my siblings, as well all grew up together.

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