Doctor Player

Chapter 90:

Chapter 90

Raymond decided to head alone to the Lenton estate.

Raymond can protect himself with his shield magic, but others are at risk of contagion.

Of course everyone was against it.

“It is dangerous, Master!”

“It’s dangerous!”

Hanson and Lindon naturally jumped, even Christine, who only cared about treating patients, reacted negatively.

“It’s very likely to be contagious. I know the Master’s mind, but it’s dangerous.” It was a natural response.

It would have been over if he entered an area where the epidemic was raging and got infected.

Christine bit her lips and said.

“I know the sublime meaning of the master, but take care of your own safety. The master has a duty to spread medicine to the continent to save more people.”


Raymond gave a troubled look on his face.

‘I’m not in danger at all. How can I explain this?’

It was impossible to say, ‘I’m fine because I can use shield magic for 24 hours.’

No one will believe it.

In the end, Raymond had no choice but to roughly cover it.

“That’s all right. It’s hard to explain the exact way, but there’s a way to protect myself from an infectious disease.”

“Is it an ancient secret art?”


Having said that, his students no longer opposed.

“Please promise me instead your safely return.”

Christine held out her pinky.

Raymond tilted his head, stretched his finger and wrapped it around hers.

“Yes, I promise.”

“If you get sick, I will scold you a lot. So be prepared, okay?”


“I’m not just saying this, I’m really going to get mad. So be careful.”

Raymond broke into a cold sweat, feeling like he was really going tp get scolded.

So after Raymond left, the atmosphere at the Penin Treatment Center sank.

“Is it true that there is a way to protect yourself from infectious diseases?”


Hanson trailed off.

“It could be a lie. He’s a man who doesn’t care about water or fire for the sake of his patient.”

“But why didn’t you cquestion him?”

“Lindon, do you think you can undo the Master’s determination for his patients?”


Lindon shook his head.

It is impossible to stop Raymond’s burning passion for his patients.

“I respect the master, but it’s a little frustrating at times like this. For the sake of his patients, he doesn’t care whther he would get hurt or not.” Hanson clenched his fist as if he was resentful.

‘If I had been better, I could have helped. Damn it. I always put the burden on our master alone.’

The fact that he could not help was beyond upsetting.

‘Not like this. I need to find a way to help master. Somehow…’ Hanson clasped his fist.

‘There’s only one way I can be of help to the master now. Being the hands and feet of a master. I’ll be my master’s limbs.’

It wasn’t just a thought.

He is truly determined to become Raymond’s limbs and ease his burden as much as possible.

‘I would do anything to relieve his burden.’

‘I’ll take care of all the trouble ahead.’

Hardly determined, Hanson looked at Lindon.

“Lindon, this is a special lesson until the Master comes.”

“What? Why me all of a sudden?”

“I’ll be in charge of your training from now on.”

‘I’m gonna have to take care of it.’

‘I can’t have my busy master worry about Lindon’s education. I will be responsible for training the new healers who will come in the future.

As part of his first commitment, Hanson decided to take charge of the small medical training.

Thus, Hanson’s “teaching practice,” which will become notorious as a “teacher from hell” of the medical school, began.

Of course, from Lindon’s point of view, the door to hell was suddenly opened.

Lindon was most afraid of Hanson’s special training.

‘Argh! Why are you doing this all of a sudden? Save me!’

Meanwhile, Christine was biting her lips with a similar concern to Hanson.

‘You’re going to stop the epidemic alone? No matter how ancient secret is, there’s no way it is not dangerous. A fool who only thinks about his patients.’

She felt anxious and frustrated at the thought of Raymond.

In the past, she felt inferior to his passion that she couldn’t catch up with.

Recently, however, there has been a new feeling.

When she saw his foolishness of having no second doubts at all about his decision to go, she could not feel but feel nervous, frustrated, and worried.

‘If you get infected, you could die. But he is not afraid of anything. He. Damn it.’

The reason he left alone was clear.

It is because he doesn’t need help.

Rather, he left alone because she was only going to be a burden.

The fact made Christine so angry.

‘This can’t last forever. I won’t let him carry the burden alone. I had to try my best to stand next to him.’

‘I’ll make him depend on me.’

Having made that commitment, she thought that simple effort was not enough.

‘I need to find another way to help him in a practical way.’

Christine was in deep agony.

No matter how hard she tried, it was impossible to grow enough to stand by Raymond in a short period of time.

‘So I had to find a way to help Raymond in some other way.’

‘I have to relieve some of the burden on Raymond, who sacrificed himself, for the sake of his patients.’

‘In what way should I help him……?’

Then, an idea flashed across her mind.

Her Family name.

The Duke of Raven came to her mind.

‘I must find my rightful authority in the duchy.’

So far, she has been indifferent to the power struggle within the duchy.

The whole family ignored her, but she didn’t care and just turned away. Thanks to her, all the powers she was originally supposed to have were taken away.

‘But I won’t do that in the future.’

‘I’ll face it straight, fight, and get it back.’

It’s for Raymond.

‘When I have strength, there will be things I can do for him. I won’t be his burden as I am now.’

At that time, Christine and Hanson’s eyes met.

Both thought alike at the same time.

‘I’m the one who’ll ease his burden.’

Hanson raised the corners of his mouth as if it were impossible.

‘Princess, I cannot compromise on matters pertaining to the Master. The first disciple to relieve the master of his burden is me, Hanson. I’ll especially allow you the second seat.’

In this way, the two burned with a sense of competition for Raymond.

On the other hand, Lindon…

‘I just want to be comfortable! What’s wrong with everyone?’

So the wise men of the “Medical School” who would shake the continent worked in their own ways for Raymond.


Raymond ran down the road as fast as he could to reach the Lenton estate.

Upon arrival, the ‘eradication operation’ was already in full swing.

“Is it Baron Penin?”

“Prince Cliang?” Raymond opened his eyes wide when he saw the young Cliang in charge of the elimination operation.

It was Cliang, the great youngmaster of Duke August. He is the one who he treated when Raymond was an apprentice in the past!

“You are to launch the eradication operation?”

“Yes, the Lenton Territory is a territory under our Duke August, a great nobleman in the South. We are carrying out an eradication operation under orders from His Majesty, the King.”

Cliang looked at him bitterly.

“It’s something I don’t want to do either, but I can’t help it. I I leave it alone, the plague could spread throughout the southern part of the country.”

Cliang looked at the small castle.

“The problem is that the lord was resisting desperately.”

“But why are you here, Baronet?” Cliang asked with a puzzled look.

Raymond nodded with a stiff face. “I’m here to solve the epidemic.”


Cliang looked at him wide-eyed.

“No, you can’t! It’s dangerous!”

“It is okay. I can protect my body with ancient secret technique.”

“An ancient secret art? What exactly secret art are you talking about?”


“Are you lying because you care about the patients?”

Raymond shuts up.

‘It is not like that. I also think my life is precious.’

But Cliang didn’t trust Raymond easily.

“I have heard rumors so far, so I know very well how much the Baron cared about his patients. He is a truly great man of this era who does not even care about his own life for the sake of his patients. But no. If you enter that castle, you will die.” Cliang said firmly.

“You can never go in.”

It was a stubborn objection, but Raymond did not back down.

‘It’s a request for thirty thousand pennas. I can’t back down.’

No, I want the commission fee, but that wasn’t the problem.

Raymond raised his head and looked at the estate.

At least 300 people lived in the estate.

If he steps down, all 300 people in the territory will be burned to death.

“So it doesn’t matter if the people over there die?”


Cliang hesitated.”It’s an inevitable sacrifice. Your Royal Majesty has also ordered the elimination.”

“Your Majesty will want to save them all, if possible.”

It was certain.

Oden was the worst father, but he was still a monarch who cared about his people.

If I could, I’d like to save them all too.

“I just need 24 hours.” Raymond said, looking directly into Cliang’s eyes.

“Give me that much time. I’ll try to solve the epidemic within that time frame.”


The reason for asking for 24 hours was simple.

This is because there was a limit to the time to maintain the shield.

‘Buy an item! Shield Rating Up!’

[The skill level of the shield is increased to C! (Temporarily)]

[A stronger defense is possible!]

[50 additional skill points are consumed!]

Since the D grade shield alone was not enough to provide peace of mind, Rayond raised the grade to C as well.

‘Purchase skill time extension item!’

[You can maintain the shield for 24 hours!]

[The current level of the shield is ‘Grade C’!]

[200 skills points are consumed!]

‘Huh. 200 skill points.’

It was outrageously expensive.

More than half of the points Raymond had saved so far have been consumed.

‘I don’t have enough skill points to extend it to 48 hours. I have to figure it out in 24 hours somehow.’

Although Raymond went out of his way to help the patients, he could not take the risk of contracting an infectious disease.

It had to be resolved within 24 hours before the shield disappeared.

As the distance neared, the scenery in the estate caught his eyes.

‘I could feel the dark atmosphere.’

It was a feeling of despair that flowed from the people of the territory.

Everyone looked at Raymond with dark dead eyes.

‘Everyone is terrified that they will die soon.’

Raymond shook his head.

At that time, he heard a young voice.

“Are you Baron Penin?”


Raymond turned his head and looked surprised.

The young nobleman, who did not fit in with the atmosphere in the estate, had his eyes wide open.

‘Who is it?’

With Shiny silver hair.

And jewel-like blue eyes.

It was a beautiful boy who seemed to pop out of a fairy tale.

His expression seemed intimidating, perhaps due to his confidence. But on the contrary, it stimulated his maternal instinct.

“I am Baron Lenton, lord of this place.”


The boy bit his lower lip tightly and suddenly knelt before Raymond!

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