Doctor Player

Chapter 89:

Chapter 89

King Oden and Chancellor Galman looked at the Royal Knights.

“Make sure to investigate it thoroughly.”

“Yes, your majesty!”

Chancellor Galman thanked Raymond greatly.

“Thank you. If it weren’t for you, I’d never have guessed. I don’t know how many times I get help from you. Thank you very much.”

He wasn’t just saying it.

Thanks to Raymond, he was able to save the Marquis of Langham, and he even learned a clue to figure out who was behind it.

They were all tremendous help.

If it wasn’t for Raymond, they wouldn’t even have thought that this was an assassination.

‘I don’t know how many times we had gotten help from Raymond.’ Chancellor Galman shook his head.

“As the Chancellor of the Kingdom of Houston, I express my sincere thanks.”

“……No, it’s not-“

Raymond bowed his head in bewilderment.

I was just teaching them that a patient with kidney failure should be careful about fruit juices, which is good health information, but I guess I ended up making a contribution for the kingdom I wasn’t really intending to do.

‘… Your Highness’

Raymond unknowingly glanced at the King Oden’s countenance.

What’s his reaction?

Just in time, King Oden was looking directly at Raymond.


Raymond tilted his head.

It wasn’t his usual cold eyes.

An unknown feeling flashed through Oden’s eyes.

It’s his first time seeing his father’s eyes like that, so he can only make a puzzled face.

Oden’s lips trembled as if he has something to say.

But he soon calmed down.

He was going to say something, but he stopped.

His eyes were cold again as usual.

‘What is it?’

It was time to be confused by Oden’s incomprehensible appearance.

“This is a big deal, Your Majesty!”

It was a royal knight!

He ran in a hurry with his face pale.

“What’s going on?”

“The news came from the South!”

The bitter tension spread throughout the scene.

“A terrible plague is spreading in the Southern Region of Lenton!”


The royal knight cried out.

“We must close the estate right now and burn all the people of the estate! Please give me orders!”

It was so sudden.

A terrible disaster has arrived in the Kingdom of Houston.


“Ha, ha. Damn it. Bloody hell.”

Outside the capital of the Kingdom of Houston, the masked man was running away, breathing heavily.

It was Black, who led all kinds of conspiracies under the command of Archduke Berad!

How could he ran away?

At that time, a sharp sound was heard.

Whoo! Poo!


It was a crossbow!

A sharp arrow pierced Black’s thigh.

Black, who rolled the floor, rose hurriedly and begged.

“Please! Save me! Please!”

A figure appeared through the darkness.

It wasn’t a knight of the Houston Kingdom who was after Black.

It was a man in an unidentified white suit.

The man grinned.

“Oh my God. You don’t look good. That’s why you failed your mission every time. Your Highness is greatly disappointed.”

“Ha, if you save me once, next time I’ll make sure to do good!”

“There’s no next time. As you know, Grand Duke Berard has no mercy.”

At the end of the sentence, a sword light flashed through.

It was so sudden.

Black was decapitated without even being able to close his terrified eyes.


The white suit man looked at Black’s neck with contemptuous eyes and took out a communication crystal. He connected it with someone.

The face of the Archduke Berard, a cold handsome man, appeared in the communication crystal sphere.

“I have just dealt with ‘Black’, Your Highness.”

– So, is there anymore traces of the recipe for Tears of the Sun Juice being delivered to the royal patisserie? Did you erase everything?

Grand Duke Berard seemed to be more concerned rather than his usual confidence self.

If it turns out that the Kingdom of Droughton was responsible for delivering the recipe for the juice, the aftermath will be unbearable.

“Yes, I have erased them all. We’ve killed everyone involved, so they can’t confirm the evidence that it’s our fault. However, it seems inevitable to be suspected.”

The white suit man grinned.

“But don’t worry. If the current plan goes successfully, the entire Houston Kingdom will be devastated.”

It was a terrible conspiracy yet again.

The whole Houston Kingdom is going to be devastated?

However, Grand Duke Berard did not deny the white suit man’s words.

Rather, he nodded.

-Yeah, the previous plots were just twigs anyway. The real thing is this plan.

The white suit man smiled.

“Please wait comfortably. This “White Sox” will give His Majesty, the Grand Duke a big victory. Before the war even begins, your Highness will be triumphant.”

It wasn’t a lie.

That’s how big their plan was.

The Kingdom of Houston will be ruined and will not even have the power to lift the sword properly.

But then, Grand Duke Berard showed an unexpected reaction.

-Don’t let your guard down. There’s this ‘guy’ in the Houston Kingdom.

It means Raymond, the guy.

who have so far destroyed all the schemes they had staged.

The Grand Duke Berard was now considered Raymond’s lifelong nemesis.

‘I didn’t know that Raymond would be ablet to see through this conspiracy either.

-Remember, we’re not creating a plague. We are simply taking advantage of the stupidity of the Houston Kingdom.

It was an incomprehensible story.

Just taking advantage of the stupidity of the Houston Kingdom?

Archduke Berard repeatedly called for it.

– Raymond, he could see the truth of our plan. If that is so, then this conspiracy is also a failure.

The man in the white suit, ‘White Sox’, twitched his lips.

“Don’t worry. If he tries to interfere…”

He stroked the sword around his waist.

“…I’ll just have to get rid of him, that’s it.”


After the banquet, the Penin Treatment Center became a hit!

It was not a ‘fake’ jackpot like before, but a ‘real’ jackpot!

The aristocratic patients began to visit one by one!

“It’s 200 penas!”

“It’s 300 penas!”

Even if they were caught, they did not know that they were being ripped off. This is due to their lack of economic sense.

They had to pay the treatment fee, which was a few hundred penas.

‘Ugh. How much is this. Am I really going to be rich now?’

Raymond couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

The money he earned in the morning was enough to buy a whole beef and have a party.

However, his mood was not as good as he expected because of the news of the plaque in the South.

‘Eradicate the territory?’

Raymond’s face hardened for a moment.


It closes the area where the epidemic occurred and burns all residents in it to kill them.

It was the surest solution to the epidemic of this era.

‘Shall I go?’

But soon he shook his head.

‘If I go, I might die of contagion for no reason.’

That was the most worrisome.

Concern of contagion.

As a human being, it was a worry that had no choice but to be raised.

‘I don’t have to deal with all the infectious diseases in the world.’

Moreover, it was a very important time for the Penin Treatment Center.

The influx of aristocratic patients had to be established as clear customers.

‘·…But maybe it’s not an epidemic that needs to be eradicated.’

Raymond bit his lips.

This was the problem.

If it’s an epidemic that doesn’t need to be wiped out.

It was like only unfair lives were killed for no reason.

It’s not just one or two, but hundreds of hundreds of units.

Damn it.

It was the moment when he clenched his fist that Lindon appeared.

“Master, a letter has arrived!”

“A letter?”

“Yes, it’s a request for a visit!”

Raymond had surprised eyes.

Call for a visit!

Local lords request treatment from high-level healers.

It was a request only accepted by healers with recognized reputation and skills, so it could be said that people were finally starting to recognize Raymond’s skills.

‘Whose visit request is this?’

Raymond was surprised to open the letter.

First of all, the commission fee was huge.

<Request fee: 30,000 penas.>

‘Wow. 30,000 penas? Not 3,000? Is this for real?’

Raymond was wondering if he saw it wrong, but it wasn’t. There were as many as four zeros written.

‘What kind of disease is it?’

Raymond’s face hardened as he read the contents of the letter.

<Request fee: 30,000 pena.>

– Client: Lord Lenton.

-Request: A terrible epidemic has occurred in the territory.

Currently, the kingdom has issued an eradication order, so please solve the epidemic before all the territory’s residents are burned to death.

Please, please. I beg of you.

Other than the Baron, there is no one who can save us.

-From Lord Lenton

Raymond shut up for a moment.

<Other than the Baron, there is no one who can save us.>

The sentence struck home.

As if on cue, a message has popped into his mind.

[Save The Territory on the Brink of Extinction!]

(Medicine Quest)

Medical Rating: Two Scalpel

Difficulty level: Medium

Quest Desription: A plague outbreak put a small estate in danger of being wiped out by fire. This is not the right solution. Come up with the best solution!

Clear condition: Correct resolution.

Reward: Bonus level up x2, 40 additional skill points

Bonus: Fame. the respect of the people of Lenton’s estate

That wasn’t the end.

An additional message came.

[Considering the characteristics of the instrument, you will be given a “special favor”]

[Now that you have surpassed level 80, you will be able to use the item market!]

‘Item market?’

An explanation came to his mind.

[Item Market: You can purchase supplementary items using skill points]

[Caution: Only available under special conditions]

Since then, a list of available items has popped up.

[List of available items]

– Temporarily increase skill proficiency

: Select a skill and temporarily increase your proficiency to C, B, or A grades.

: Can be maintained for 24 hours.

: The consumption points vary depending on the application skill and grade!

There was a temporary skill proficiency item that was given as a bonus several times in the past,

– Extension of skill retention time

: Select a skill to extend the retention time.

: You can choose between 24 hours and 48 hours.

: Consumption points vary depending on the application skill and retention time!

There were also items that could extend the skill time.


Looking blankly at the list, Raymond suddenly realized how.

‘Wait. Can I use the Shield skill to dramatically lower my risk of infectious diseases?’


All infectious diseases are eventually infected by pathogens entering the body through some kind of route.

Therefore, you can escape the risk of infection while using shield magic.

‘The problem is retention time. If you use extended retention items, I can also solve that problem!’

It was a perfect solution!

Now that this happened, there was nothing to worry about.

Fate was leading the way to solve the epidemic.

‘I don’t have to be scared if I do this. I’ll fix the plague. So I’ll get thirty thousand pennas, and I’ll make a name for the whole kingdom!’

So Raymond decided to go to Lenton’s estate.

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