Disciple of Immortal

Act 1: Chapter 33: 《Black Reaper》

Lovis was looking at me with a smile on his face.

The goggle-wearing fat man, Damia was heading towards me. He was also wearing gloves.

It was as if he’d attack me with magic if I did something.

The kimono wearing katana-girl just heaved a sigh as if to give up.

So their attack from before was truly nothing more than playing.

It was 3 against 1… in addition, they had overwhelming antipersonnel combat experience.

I couldn’t win against them if I chose frontal combat.

Though I cannot make a mistake in choosing which side of the coin… I don’t even know what kind of coin was tossed by Lovis just now.

Meaning that I’ve no idea which side was the head and which was the tail.

「C’mon, give me your answer already? It’s boring if you’re running out of time. You know, we really hate unamusing thing.」

Lovis told me that while squinting his eyes.

… I didn’t think they’d be willing to hear me out if things reached this point.

I guess I wouldn’t have a choice but to give him my answer while I prepared to escape from this place.

In the worst case, I guess I would have to release a few devils from the 《Distorted World’s Cursed Mirror》 to hold them back and gain a little bit of time to escape from this place…. Here goes nothing…

「I choose you, HEADS….」

Novis nodded with a satisfied look on his face upon hearing my answer, he then checked the coin on his hand.

And then he clapped his hands after tucking it back into his pocket.

「Congratulation, it seems that god is smiling on you.」

「D-does that mean….」

「God of Death, that is. Damia, cut him from limb to limb.」

Lovis stretched his arm, giving a signal to Damia.


They didn’t want to make my death easier either.

I set my stance with my sword and switched my consciousness to battle mode.

「Let’s start from your feet…」

Damia deployed his magic circle.

I got a bad feeling when I looked at the deployed magic circle.

Because this magic was…

「Earth Magic, 4th Rank; 《Clod Mine》」

The clod’s bullets that were fired by Damia made a beeline towards me.

It fell on my feet and then exploded.

When the cloud of dust cleared up, Damia was looking at me with a dumbfounded look on his face.

… Just what in the hell was this Damia guy trying to do with such weak magic?

「D-Did I miss?」

「I don’t think so. Look closely, there is not even dirt on his clothes. There was no way it missed from this close of a range.」

Lovis interrupted Damia.

「Did you just… try to scare me with such low-rank magic just now?」


Damia lost his cool.

It seemed he didn’t realize it yet.

「Amusing, so that means you can dodge all magic below 4th rank.」

Lovis was smiling ear to ear.

「Interesting, It seems you’ve single-handedly reached this far into the 《Demon’s Great Forest》. I thought you’re just a sideshow but, it seems you found a rare item. I guess I can enjoy the fight with someone who has such an item.」

「…. Damia, he has the worst compatibility with you.」

The kimono woman squinted her eyes and went forward as her hand touched the scabbard on her hips.

Though she was expressionless until just a while ago, her expression was already dead serious before I noticed it.

Lovis raised his hands to prevent the woman from advancing forward.

「Damia, Yozakura, leave him to me. It’s been a while since my blood has been boiling so much like this.」

Lovis went forward instead of them.

「Time-Space Magic, 8th Rank; 《Dimension Pocket》」

A magic circle deployed in front of Lovis.

He stretched his hand into the magic circle and took out a giant scythe as tall as him.

「Though I might be getting a little bit carried away to the point of taking out this Outlaw’s King, it was better to be safe than sorry when facing the unknown from the front. You might not know of our name but, you must’ve heard about this 《Moonlight Scythe; Jehuty》, the scythe that reaped thousands of heads.」

The blade part of the scythe was similar to a crescent moon.

There was a tiny grey colored ivy-like pattern on its dark blade.

But… he was asking for the impossible, I mean, this was the first time I’ve ever heard about that weapon.

And I just arrived to this world less than two months ago.

「W-What a beautiful scythe.」[Monotone]

「It’s been a while since my blood has been boiling like this after all… let’s start with a warm up. Do your best to not die with this, okay?」

Lovis leaped at me.

「Let’s see how you’re going to fight this. Time-Space Magic, 4th Rank;《Short Gate》」

Lovis’s figure vanished and reappeared right behind me.

I received his attack, that came from my blindspot, with my sword.

「Good job in stopping that one. You’ve passed the 1st stage. It seems you have got a method to counter this combat style.」

Eh, his blow was… too light?

「I’M NOT DONE YET! 《Short Gate》!」

Lovis attacked again from another direction.

He was basically smiling ear to ear as I blocked his second attack.

「Hou, you blocked this one too.」

Did he go easy on me? I mean, he didn’t seem to have gone all out just yet….

「《Short Gate》! 《Short Gate》!」

When I realized that he vanished, he already appeared in my blindspot, vanished again, and then appeared in my blind spot again.

「Though It’s been a while since I’ve seen this, I see that Lovis-sama’s combat style has evolved in the realm of art.」

Damia said so with a deeply moved voice.

「… Don’t you think that there’s something wrong with this situation?」

Yozakura squinted her eyes. She noticed that something was amiss.

「To me it seems like he’s enjoying the battle against that person. I mean, it’s someone who doesn’t even know about us.」

…. Lovis’ first strike asides, how could he be so confident when the speed of his magic deployment might as well be as slow as a turtle for me.

Could it be that he was actually pretty weak?

Or else, he pretended to be weak to bait me to attack him, and then using that moment to launch a deadly counterattack?

Let’s test his power with light attack then.


I swung my sword horizontally, flicking the scythe that was swung down on me.

The scythe fell from Lovis’s hands, spun in mid-air, fell, and was now stuck in the ground.

By the way, Lovis’ body was also blown away to the side, following the direction of my slash at a terrifying speed, and only stopped after his body struck a tree.

The tree’s trunk broke as a result of the collision and collapsed along with Lovis.

As I thought… too light.

T-This was…. even less than Level 1000.

Then what the hell was with his bragging before we fought?

Damia and Yozakura looked at me and Lovis with a pale face.

「W-What was just… happened? Is this my…. blood?」

Lovis saw his own blood staining the soil beneath him.

Lovis face cramped up when he saw me approaching him.

「D-Don’t come here! Sink under your own weight! Time-Space Magic, 7th Rank; 《Gravity》!」

A huge magic circle deployed beneath my feet.

Following that, the ground around me sunk as if pressed with a huge cube.

It was magic to apply gravitational power in a certain area.

But I kept walking toward Lovis on the sunken ground since this magic didn’t affect me.

「Low rank magic like that can’t stop me you know.」

…. And most of all, the difference between our level was the biggest reason for this.

「N-Not even 7th rank magic… works on you? Y-You monster, that kind of item… shouldn’t exist.」

Lovis was looking at me with a dumbfounded face and yet he was screaming like a little girl when he saw me approach him.

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