Disciple of Immortal

Act 1: Chapter 32: 《Demon's Great Forest》

I managed to leave 《Cocytus》 safely by using the transfer magic circle that was protected by Satan on the 100th floor.

It seemed that the transfer magic circle was connected to the entrance of 《Cocytus》.

The entrance, which was located above ground, was more deteriorated than the inner part.

Its walls had long since collapsed, there were lines of broken pillars and statues.

Weeds grew from the cracks on the white stone’s floor.

That was the condition of the crumbled stone temple.

In the middle of the temple, there was a giant stone staircase. I knew right away that it was the proper entrance to 《Cocytus》.

There was a huge magic formation carved in the floor.

It seemed the transition from the 100th floor was connected by this magic formation.

It seemed that the above ground part simply served as the entrance to 《Cocytus》.

I passed the crumbling old gate and stepped outside of the temple.

As soon as I left the temple, I was surrounded by a sea of forest.

「…. I’ve no idea which way will lead me to human civilization.」

Thus I decided to walk straight ahead for the time being.

I had no information about the outside of Cocytus after all.

Nothing would change even if I was standing still at the entrance of 《Cocytus》 after all.

Since I was surrounded by a forest, I should be able to find one or two food ingredients.

Well, it was not like food was my biggest concern, I mean Lunaire gave me food ingredients too.

I walked straight ahead. It was better than doing nothing.

――Two days passed since I left 《Cocytus》.

It might be because I was outside of human civilization, I was still only able to see the forest no matter where I go, well it was not like I had a particular destination.

I kept walking straight ahead. Inside the forest was dark. It barely had any sunlight passing through since there were numerous tree branches that piled up on top of another.

I had no idea how much distance I’ve covered in the past two days since the path seemed to be crooked in a strange way.

My body was okay but I was mentally exhausted.

After my separation with Lunaire, I needed two days to get out of 《Cocytus》 and another two days walking in this seemingly never-ending winding road.

The only conversation partner I had in the span of four days was Satan, the last guardian of 《Cocytus》.

This feeling of loneliness made me miss Lunaire.

I even started to miss Noble Mimic.

At that time, I heard a rustling sound.

「Who’s there, show yourself?」

When I turned around, I saw a huge bear whose height was close to three meters.

Its three eyes were looking at me, drool was dripping from the gap between its huge fangs.

Its name was pretty simple, monster bear.


The monster bear rushed towards my direction.



When I ordered while glaring at it, the monster bear stopped in its tracks and sat down over there.

Its ominous claws trembled as it glared at me with a stupefied look on its face.

It seemed that the monster bear’s sharp instinct could feel the gigantic difference between our power.

Even the other monster bears escaped with its tail between its legs as soon as they saw me.

…. The other demons were trying to spring up at me even after I used a little bit of pressure on them.

「I said, SIT DOWN!」

The monster bear lowered its limbs and took a pose similar to an obedient dog sitting on the ground.

「Kuu, Kuun」

The monster bear was whining as if to curry favor with me.

Hearing its whine, I decided to spare that monster bear’s life and just continue on with my journey.

The level of monsters around this area was 150.

Although an even more powerful monster might come out since I was close to 《Cocytus》’s entrance, the highest level monster I met in these two days was a Level 200 monster.

The current me could defeat the monsters in this area even in the worst situation.

… Or rather, the difference between our power was so great that I could basically win even if I fought the monster with my eyes closed.

I was not that hungry nor did I need a tiny amount of experience from level 150 monsters.

It was better if I just spared that monster bear’s life rather than wasting my time.

I found out that I was seeing the same scenery even though I’ve been walking for a while.

This forest is too freaking huge.

I guess this place was an extremely secluded place since I couldn’t even see the shadow of humans.

I suddenly felt a killing intent when I was walking along a cliff.

Then I saw the figures of three humans inside the forest.

Though I managed to see another human, it was accompanied with an unpleasant sign.

I felt a strong killing intent emanating from their whole body.

I also saw the light of a magic circle.

A lump of Earth as big as a fist flew from the cliff.

I couldn’t avoid those projectiles.

— And yet, I somehow managed to dodge those projectiles.

The soil splashed up.

The power of that magic was negated by Lunaire’s handmade robe which nullified any damage from low-rank spells.

Was that… a warning shot?

I might’ve accidentally trespassed into their territory.

The three people walked towards me while I was pondering about the reason for them to attack me.

「It’s rare for you to miss from such a distance, Damia.」

The one who led them was a tall black-haired man.

Though he could be considered as a handsome youth, I can see the pale shadow below his eyes.

He wore a black robe and cross-like necklace.

Anyhow, he was a man with an eerie atmosphere.

「I’m ashamed of my incompetence, Lovis-sama…」

The plump man called Damia who was wearing something like a pair of goggles was bowing his head towards Lovis.

「Well it doesn’t matter…. Let’s kill him and be done with it.」

The third person was… a woman with kimono-like attire.

Or should I say, it was definitely a kimono rather than kimono-like outfit.

I was also extremely surprised as soon as I saw a long katana strapped on her waist.

「W-Who are you people? Robbers?」

Lovis just shrugged his shoulder when I asked that question.

「Don’t lump us together with those lowly bunch. We’re the《Black Reaper》, we love freedom and doing something interesting. Well, you might call us… self-proclaimed mercenaries.」

Lovis said so with his hand touching his chin.

「Well we were expecting you to be a famous man since you dared to loiter around inside this 《Demon’s Great Forest》 but, I’ve never expected you to not know about us. Shouldn’t you at least raise your vigilance? We just arrived in this area, hoping to find that Evil God Apostle Notes who was last seen in this forest. I mean, there’s nothing interesting in killing a pipsqueak like you.」

Lovis said those words with a bored look on his face.

…. Could it be that he mistook me for someone else?

Contrary to their appearance, it seemed that they’re not right in the head.

「T-Then, can I… Leave?」

「About that… Uhm. It depends on your luck.」

Lovis then took a coin, flipped it in the air, and pinned it onto the back of his hand with his other hand.

「Heads or tails, try to guess. I’ll let you keep your life if your guess is correct. Think carefully, since you’re going to experience a painful death if you guess it wrong. I’m an impatient person, so answer it within ten seconds.」

Lovis told me so with a creepy smile on his face.

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