Chapter 63: Kip and Slazer on the move!
Chapter 63 Kip and Slazer on the move!
Riding in the sunset on my black muscular steed, turning my head over to my right, galloping right next to me, my partner on this little expedition looks forward with a stupid psychopathic look on his face as always. the gleam of mischief in his eyes say with a burning passion I can't wait to tear some shit up. But for me while I'm looking straight head my mind is at ease, hoping for when we finally make it to this town and when we find this Diya kid it better be a smooth transaction to get him on our side! Gazing over at Kip with his bubble blue snake like eyes, scrunching up his face revealing his sharp pointy teeth, Slazer says with a wild tone, yo drunk face Kip! We almost to the town?!
Glancing back at the light brown wicked looking Slazer, Kip says in a tranquil and smooth tone, yeah I reckon will be there in a couple more miles! Gripping on to his reigns tight with anticipation, Slazer says, uh ok! Damn I just can't wait to see what the big deal is with this Diya brat is about! Looking back at him with an unsettling smile Kip says, well for now you'll just have to wait until we get there! After making his comment Slazer and Kip keep their stride as they keep on trekking it south.
End of Chapter 63