Direct Bullet

Chapter 62: The Five Ranks!

Chapter 62 The Five Ranks!

On a Train to Dexica:

As the train speeds down the tracks, cutting through the air it makes a slight turn left, sitting in the middle of Pap and Rint, looking at Pap with a still face, opening his jaw to speak Ver says, sorry to burst your bubble kid but you can't reach the rank of an Sng gunman! eyes widening and with his mouth gaped open Pap says in a shocked tone, what! What do you mean I can't become an Sng gunman! Leaning forward in his seat putting up his right hand pointing his finger up, Rint says in a low speaking voice, it is as Ver has told you! And the reason why is that you have to be born as an Sng! Gazing at Pap putting up his left hand, Ver says, Rints right! there's no way you can work your way up to Sng! But hey since we have some time, I'll break down the rank classes to you!

1. A Rank Gunman

. Enhanced strength almost at the level of an SNG

. Has really good control of gunergy

2. B Rank Guman

. Equal to a A rank in strength

. Gunergy control is good but only by a little margin compared to a A rank

3. C Rank Gunman

. Just above a normal human in strength

. Gunergy not strong at all but still can be used just limited

4. SNG Rank Gunman: Supernatural gunman

. Born with exceptional gunergy

. Can achieve SSNG Gunman but must undergo a good life span of time doing extreme training to reach

5. Lastly SSNG Rank Gunman: Super supernatural gunman

. Almost reaching the levels of a deity.

And that's all you need to know about the Gunman power system!

End of Chapter 62

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