Chapter 323: Cyborg on a mission!
Chapter 323 Cyborg on a mission!
East: Ori Capital
Involved now as a new potential foe has made himself known, eyeing the bald silver and red skinned tall robotic looking man with a 27 imprinted on his forehead.
Pulling out his second pistol because he can already feel the vibes of this situation, Ver states, clearly your here for me. Who are you working for tall boy?
Glinting as his left light green eye flashes with the number two embedded in it, responding but not to the question the cyborg man says, target scanned and confirmed as Ver.
Blasting off the ruined car he has been standing on for the past few minutes, having fire coming out of his feet as he zooms at Ver.
Letting out his gunergy as the new threat is darting his way, wasting no movement, pointing both his pistols, Ver states as he fires off a good couple rounds of regular bullets, let's test your reflexes to see if I need to let loose or not.
Coming at him with his face void of any emotion, maneuvering so clean like he's in slow motion as he passes every bullet, stopped in Ver's space as he eyes the confident gunman with his eyes unmoved, towering over Ver with his 6 foot 10 stature, the cyborg man laments, if you don't get serious off the bat, the probability of you expiring is 90%.
End of Chapter 323