Direct Bullet

Chapter 322: Unexpected Threat!

Chapter 322 Unexpected Threat!

East:Ori Capital

Dodging not as swiftly at Ver's basic bullets, moving out of the way of the last one as the loquacious torpedo wielder shifts to the left.

Met abrupt right as he was about to motion his body forward, the torpedo wielder is visited by Ver front and center with a smile harmoniously expressed on his face.

Before even getting a single syllable in at his amazement at Ver's speed, feeling pain coursing through his abdomen as Ver's right fist is jammed in it, bringing his pistol close to the man's cheek as he looks into the man's shocked eyes, Ver states, I said I was going to end this quick.


Unable to make a peep, with blood splashing to the pavement and his lower jaw gone, the torpedo gunman is no more as his lifeless body is let go by Ver.

Not moving an inch from his position as he feels an actual strong presence that has just arrived, hopping in the air as a projectile hits the empty husk of the torpedo gunman and exploding it on impact, jumping high enough as Ver is on top of a light post, seeing a new challenger on top of a wrecked car, Ver says with his smile toned down, just from that one attack. I can tell your a threatening individual.

End of Chapter 322

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