Chapter 318: Unforeseen Guide!
Chapter 318 Unforeseen Guide!
East: Ori Capital: Docking Station
Hopping down off the ship as Ver joins his crew in a standoff against some wanna be out laws confronting them at the docks.
Seeming to be the leader of the twelve rowdy bunch as a man steps up with messy black and yellow hair with his left eye missing and says in an obnoxious tone, you wild west fuckers can't dock here!
Getting agitated at the man's sheer ignorance, converting his gold hand into a pistol, Rint says with a composed caged beast tone, what grounds do you have on us not being here?
Pointing over to Ver with no hesitation in his moves, the black and yellow haired high strung man yells, it's because that guy is with you!
Briskly moving up to the front of his pack, feeling no type of way at all, Ver responds and states, me. And what is the problem with me?
Coming quick with another response, the yellow and black-haired man conveys, we know of you! You wanted murderer! With the big bounty on your head!
Just as Ver was about to plead his cause on his behalf, a voice calm like a fresh breeze rolling in says, easy on just calling people out and causing a scene.
Shifting their heads to the left of them as a middle-aged woman with short pink hair with a straw hat placed on top, slowly walking over to the two parties with such authority in her blue jeans that compliment her shapely waist. Paused right in between the two squads before things could have gotten ugly, the middle-aged lady laments, let's not start any trouble in our fine capital.
Moving her head in Ver's direction, she continues and says, don't mind these frantic nim rods sir Ver, allow me to be your guide in our wonderful capital of Ori.
End of Chapter 318