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Chapter 317: Rowdy Welcome!

Chapter 317 Rowdy Welcome!

East: Ori Capital

Arriving at a large mass of land as Ver and his squad have been sailing the seas for quite some time since beating another 8 Deadly.

Slow drifting to a port field with other docked vessels varying in different sizes and colors, relieved of now actually being stationary as Ver looks out from the poop deck at the widespread utopia of a capital with different buildings towering high.

Opening his mouth because he always has something to say, Ver states, I was starting to wonder, will we ever see land again.

Already heading down the plank as Excela, Rint, Pap, and Wink are eager to find some place to rest without the swaying of the ocean, looking down at them with an expression of contentedness', Ver voices, aren't you guys going to take in the scenery a bit?

Reaching the wooden surface of the docks as all four of them gaze up at Ver still posted up on the ship, blunt like he normally is, Rint expresses, we can enjoy the place when we find lodgings. Now get your stupid ass down here.

Right as Ver is about to walk over to the docked plank.

A thuggish voice calls out and says, hey foreigners! Who told you, you can dock here!

Having his back turned to the voices, Ver states as a smirk appears on his face, seems we might get a rowdy welcome.

End of Chapter 317

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