Direct Bullet

Chapter 300: Equivalent Exchange!

Chapter 300 Equivalent Exchange!

Random Island: Wink Vs Pengar

Both almost done after the explosion between their two powerful attacks imploded on one another, standing opposite of each other as Wink and Pengar struggle to stay up.

Having his gunergy still flickering a tad as he stares at his foe from a far, Wink states with indignation in his voice, I'm done with this bout. This shall be our final round.

With his gunergy aura still wafting on his visage a smidge, able to hear Wink's words, Pengar responds as he speeds at Wink, I'm in agreerance with you for once sinner. I tire of looking at a demon.

Following suit as he steps forward as well, stead fast as the two gunmen have reached their utmost annoyance of their fight. Halting at the exact same moment as the two forces of wills flash their guns.


Clenching the trigger to both their firearms in unison as the bang and blood shoots in the sky, breathing heavy as Wink is clasping his right arm that used to be a part of his body as it is on the ground detached beside him.

Dropping to his knees from losing a lot of blood at the moment and from his fatigue, Wink says as he looks at his downed foe before him with half his face blown off, equivalent exchange. You got my arm in the end, but I stole your life.

End of Chapter 300

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