Direct Bullet

Chapter 299: Go Meet the Big Man!

Chapter 299 Go Meet the Big Man!

Random Island: Wink Vs Pengar

Pounding one last time as his fist collides with Pengar's stupid face, horrendous as his face is all bloody and slightly bruised.

Letting go of Pengar's arm as Wink is tired from beating him, stumbling from taking the brutal beat down as Pengar is partially wobbly, but still conscious. Missing a couple of teeth as Pengar opens his mouth, he then states, how vile of you for striking a ward of God. I still have blessings to keep going, even after your assault on me.

Keen as his eyes are as he stares at Pengar, knowing that this battle won't be over unless one is dead, bouncing slightly up and down as Wink comments back, I know you still have some juice left. And I also know this fight will never end unless one of us meets the big man in the sky.

Mustering up the last bit of energy as he fires a powered-up bullet of dark and light energy, Pengar states with his face crooked and deranged and says, you'll never see God you Devil!! Now be banished to hell!

Composed at seeing the massive ball of gunergy blitzing his way, raising his gun immediately as he pulls the trigger, Wink says with so much resolve, Champion of the World! Zipping out the barrel of his firearm as a medium sized bullet with a good amount of gunergy envelopes it, as it heads straight for Pengar's attack.

Growing in that quick moment right as it nears to collide with Pengar's powerful move.


With gunergy upon gunergy finally meeting as the two Monstrous blast, fight it out to outdo the other, melding together as the two can push no further on any fronts. Expanding as the energy is too much, the ball of power releases and causes an explosion which spreads to a good degree.

Done as the flash of light has dissipated, leaving a huge crater in the soil, not expecting for the outcome like this as Wink was blown back into the harden earth, ripping himself out from being buried by dirt as he is on his feet now, done in the same manner as he too was violently flung and covered, Pengar comes out of the rough new land scape.

Torn to shreds as both men's clothes are barely hanging on their frames, tired but both still fueled to win, glaring intently at one another as no words are said, thinking to himself as Wink struggles a bit to get in a battle stance, he states, was not expecting that explosion. And I'm almost out of gunergy, but he should be the same. I have to finish this here.

Getting in a respectable stance as well to show he is still in this, internally pondering as well, Pengar laments, people protected by the Devil's evil are quite durable. Standing as I am, I won't be laid to rest until I have cast you down.

End of Chapter 299

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