Digimon: The Child of Miracles

Chapter 48: -Chapter 48-


None of us were doctors, but we did our best to bandage Joe and Gomamon's wounds with Joe's own clothes. It wasn't the best, but at least I wanted to think it was a decent attempt at first aid.

None of us had any idea how to deal with the broken arm, so we decided to simply slow down the speed at which we were moving in an attempt not to make the injury worse.

This whole series of events transpired in tense silence and small mumbled words.

Izzy seemed to be a bit out of it, as if his mind was wandering between various things in order to forget for a brief moment about Joe and Gomamon's injuries. Matt, despite not having met him a few minutes ago, seemed to be more stoic and stiff than usual.

And me... well, the vomiting sensation had been getting bigger and bigger and I had no doubt that, if I'd had anything in my stomach, I would have thrown up while bandaging Joe.

'I definitely don't want to be a doctor...' I grimaced at the thought as we moved forward at a slow but steady pace, I was tempted to check the Digivice notifications, but I didn't want to get distracted being in the middle of the Etemon base.

I didn't want to be a prisoner of that lunatic again, of course, Nanomon was the one who basically ran almost the entire pyramid and its operation. Possibly it was his way of showing his "loyalty" to Etemon, as well as being able to gain enough time to find a way to finish off the monkey and his empire by way of revenge.

A way he didn't find, since Etemon was, apparently, totally indestructible with that nasty special ability of his. And if what Herissmon had told me, not even erasing his Data with Crimson Slash had been enough to cause him any noticeable damage.

In a way it was terrifying to think that there were Digimons capable of withstanding such an attack.

Even though it had been the hard way, I had come to realize that while the evolutionary stages of Digimons created a huge gap in the strength of Digimons, it also greatly influenced their attacks and innate abilities when ranking their danger levels.

It was no secret that Filmon was a highly offensive Digimon, Crimson Slash and were extremely dangerous attacks for any type of Digimon no matter what stage it was in, capable of wiping out the Data that built the entire Digital World. Not to mention its spikes, its above average speed and its limited control over electricity.

All of which made Filmon an extremely sharp, but extremely fragile knife.

Capable of cutting through mountains, but unable to block a blow.

'Ogremon had Life Shild and Etemon has Saru... If I can get Filmon to gain an ability similar to those two I would have greatly increased Filmon's strength.'

As I pondered my future plans, we all finally arrived at a completely empty room which had a small tunnel in one of its metal walls. Said tunnel did not look dug, but rather as if the earth and metal of the wall had been twisted to the point of forming a perfect tunnel.

Too perfect to be natural.

"So how do we do this?" asked Matt sharply as he jumped down from Garurumon. "Garurumon and Filmon are too big to fit through the tunnel. Not to mention we have to be able to transport Joe and Gomamon somehow through the tunnel."

I ran a hand around the tunnel, it was small, small enough for eleven year olds to get through without much trouble, but too small for a giant wolf and an adult sized hedgehog to get through. "You're right, it's too narrow for us to mobilize with speed and I don't think any of us like the idea of wasting any more time in this place."

Matt nodded at my comment as he folded his arms before looking at Izzy. "Izzy, can't you just widen the tunnel so we can all get through?"

"I could, but that would alert the Etemon troops to our location" Izzy shook his head as he rubbed his nose. "The only reason they don't know what there's a tunnel in the first place is that I opened a small breach in their security to create it... if I make it bigger..."

"Actually, that might work" I muttered to myself before meeting Matt and Izzy's eyes looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "I have an idea."



"That... worked better than I thought" Izzy muttered in a slight daze as I looked at the hologram of the pyramid in which you could see the figures of some Digimon entering the tunnel room only to come out confused as they found nothing unusual.

I let out a small laugh as I looked at the tunnel behind me with an air of smugness.

It was a simple trick indeed. Once Izzy widened the tunnel enough for all of us to pass through easily, he would just return the metal part of the to its original state and no one would notice that there was a tunnel just behind the wall. Even if any Digimon did notice, the metal walls of the pyramid were strong enough to withstand blows from Digimon Adults.

A simple plan, but an effective one.

"It's something I saw in a movie, besides Digimons aren't that smart on average" I replied with a shrug before looking at Filmon. "No offense."

Filmon simply shrugged. "Eh, fair enough"

"...Where..." Matt's muttering caught my attention, the blond seemed to be looking around the place searching for any trace of the others to no avail.

We were in some sort of rock formation a bit far from Etemon's pyramid, but despite the distance, the immensity of the structure was impressive now that I could calmly appreciate it.

"Where are the others? They should be here by now..."

"The plan is not to meet up once we have Noah, but to flee once Noah was safe and then meet the others with Piximon" "The others are either already at the with Piximon or should be on their way to Piximon shortly."

'Piximon?' I raised an eyebrow at the unfamiliar name, though it was obviously a Digimon.

Matt seemed to flinch before Izzy's words before frowning. "I have a bad feeling-...what are those things?"

Squinting towards the pyramid I felt bewilderment flash clearly across my face as I watched as thin black worm-like lines emerged from the desert floor rising into the air or crawling along the ground.

My confusion only grew greater and greater as my Digivice emitted a small beep as the screen flashed white and gold.

I pulled the Digivice out of my pocket and threw it a wary glance only to have a flash come out of the little device and hit me in the face directly. The next moment, I was no longer surrounded by the familiar desert heat.

It was as if everything around me went completely dark in the blink of an eye. And although I couldn't see, smell or touch anything, I could feel. And, consciously or unconsciously, that's what I did.

 The presence of purity, the presence of love and the presence of hope. Each accompanied by their destined guardians. Then a presence completely different from the previous ones appeared, one that, although shrouded in deep darkness, shone brighter than a star.

Instinctively I knew who it was: BlackGarurumon.

I felt the jet wolf's presence fade as a much larger and more twisted one enveloped it completely. It was like watching fire being extinguished by a strong breeze.

When the flash disappeared, a sense of urgency hit me like a truck making me swallow saliva nervously. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Filmon's quills bristle and generate small electric arcs between them as he looked around uneasily, clearly I hadn't been the only one who felt that.

"Noah?" Matt's distrustful voice snapped me out of my daze and I quickly refocused on the present.

"Th-Those are Etemon's wires!" I exclaimed uneasily as I pointed to the thin lines sticking out of the ground.

Izzy frowned before his eyebrows raised to the top. "That's the entrance to the pyramid! The others-"

Before Izzy could finish his sentence, Matt was already mounting Garurumon and cursing halfway through. "Matt what are you doing?! We have to get back to Piximon! Remember the plan!"

"What's the point of saving him if we lose the others?! I'm not losing TK again!" shouted Matt angrily before bolting off on Garurumon's back leaving a cloud of dust behind him.

I clicked my tongue loudly as a headache began to form on my forehead. Turning to look at a stunned Izzy, I waved my hand pointing at Tentomon and then the pyramid.

"Tentomon can Digievolve? and how fast can he move?!"


A/N: The university is kicking my ass, I don't know who came up with the stupid idea to make the final part of the semester last only one month instead of the usual two, but you can go straight to hell.

Anyway, thank you very much for reading!

...now how am I supposed to make a database if I've never touched php...



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