Digimon: The Child of Miracles

Chapter 47: -Chapter 47-



BlackGarurumon lunged at Etemon launching a bluish flare directly at the monkey's face. Etemon smirked as with a casual wave of his hand he brushed BlackGarurumon's attack aside before leaping to the side narrowly managing to avoid the jet wolf's bite.

Letting out a mocking laugh, Etemon spun around to directly face BlackGarurumon's hard stare. "If this is all-"

"Wolf Cry!"

Before Etemon could even finish speaking; BlackGarurumon let out a mighty roar that raised a considerable cloud of dust and sand as he pushed Etemon back a few feet as the monkey himself struggled not to fly away.

"Looks like your new owner taught you some new tricks!" Despite nearly being arrested by the wolf's sonic attack, Etemon was relentless as he withstood the attack with ease. "But I think I could teach you better things! Like unconditional respect for me!"

Ignoring Etemon's usual taunt and taking advantage of the dust cloud, BlackGarurumon ducked into it, blending in with the sand somehow as he searched for his prey like a true hunter. In his mind there was no longer anything but him and Etemon, the wolf and his prey.

Said prey was quickly found in the form of a slightly arrogant monkey standing in the middle of the cloud doing nothing else, surely to give some sort of dramatic effect to the fight.

It was that very arrogance that opened up a raw golden opportunity that BlackGarurumon did not squander.

The jet wolf appeared right behind Etemon and before the monkey could react-.

"Red Claw!"

BlackGarurumon's claws flashed with a crimson glow as he remorselessly slashed Etemon's back leaving him with a large gash from shoulder to stomach. Etemon let out a scream of pain into the air as he turned around in what seemed like a split second before delivering a devastating blow to BlackGarurumon's snout that not only sent him flying across the desert, but completely cleared the dust cloud around him and formed a light tornado around him.

Gritting his teeth in indignation at being beaten so ridiculously, his only relief was that he was not broadcasting the fight live.

With a snort Etemon let his skill, Saru, heal his wound to teach a lesson to the disrespectful, pretentious little dog that had managed to hurt him.

Only, Saru refused to heal that wound.

Etemon's eyes widened as wide as saucers and he took a quick glance at his back to see that, indeed, the wound refused to heal. The wound did not appear to be anything Etemon had ever seen before, from the wound no Data could be seen coming out of his body, but he could see some sort of red lines that were superimposed on what appeared to be a strange layer of completely black skin.

Etemon looked at the effect of the wound in complete shock without understanding what was happening.

'How did he manage to damage me! Saru not only regenerates my body, but also makes me almost completely invulnerable to any attack thrown at me, even attacks capable of erasing Data would only leave a small cut that would heal quickly!' Etemon's mind 'So how?! How did a pathetic Adult manage to do this to me?'

"Y-You stupid dog!" Etemon's anger condensed into an angry scream as he smashed his own microphone with his hand into a fist. He turned around to face the insolent Digimon who dared to inflict such an injury on him. "What the fuck did you do?!"

BlackGarurumon, despite the terrible pain coursing through his entire body, staggered off the ground with a clear wild laugh coming out of his mouth as he sensed the nervousness in Etemon's voice.

Red Claw, BlackGarurumon's trump card. A somewhat special cut that he could achieve through his claws which left a unique effect on the Digimon that was cut by the attack.

The reason why BlackGarurumon doesn't use this attack much is because of how complicated and situational it is to use. Unlike many other attacks, Red Claw was just a cut and nothing more, once the cut was performed, even if it didn't manage to cut anyone, the attack would disappear severely wearing down the wolf every time it was used because besides being difficult to use, it was expensive.

This meant that, if you wanted to use this move, you had to be absolutely certain of hitting the target.

Even with all the risks involved in performing this attack, the effect it left on the victim was worth it.


Unlike Filmon's Data Eraser which had an instantaneous effect on the victim literally erasing them from existence. Bleeding left a constant mark of damage that weakened the affected Digimon for a considerable period of time, but also disabled the victim's regenerative and defensive abilities.

In other words, for a short period of time, Saru could not be used.

And during this period of time, Etemon could be damaged by Sacred attacks.

Such as the "Heaven's Knuckle!

"Heaven's Knuckle!"

A gigantic heavenly fist shot out from Angemon's fist heading in less than a second towards Etemon's exposed back and taking Etemon by complete surprise.

The sudden sensation of danger that ran across Etemon's skin was something he had never felt before, it was as if the world slowed down completely, though in truth it only happened for a small fraction of seconds for everyone else.


Moving faster than he thought possible, Etemon barely managed to dodge part of Angemon's blow.

Said angel, he gritted his teeth hard as he prepared another attack, but-.

"Damn it!" growled Angemon wearily as he descended from the sky to kneel on one of his knees. That attack had expended a good amount of the winged Digimon's energy, but in return it would have been completely lethal to Etemon.

As Etemon himself demonstrates.

Although the self-proclaimed King of the Digimon's managed to partially dodge the blow, Etemon was clearly injured from Angemon's blow. From his shoulder, where a small part of BlackGarurumon's cut began, to his palm it seemed to have been completely burned if the nasty color and texture were anything to go by.

Etemon for his part looked at his almost completely incinerated arm with a blank expression. Never in his entire existence had he felt anything like it, pain from the burned limb beating him like a drum.

But despite the extreme pain that coursed through every line of code and every bit of Data in his body, none of it mattered to Etemon.

He had felt fear.

Fear of dying.

Fear of his empire being destroyed by stupid children who didn't know when to give up.


The King of the Digimon, had feared for his life.

"You were lucky" Those words made Etemon turn his gaze to the jet wolf who smirked at him. "Next time I'll make sure you die so no one can remember a scum like you- Blugh!"

Moving as fast as a missile, Etemon appeared right underneath BlackGarurumon before delivering a single punch to the wolf's muzzle forcing him to shut his mouth and silencing him from any taunts.

"You don't understand the real difference between us do you?" muttered Etemon in a cold voice.

Disappearing and reappearing on top of the wolf, Etemon landed with a brutal kick that connected with BlackGarurumon's skull; driving the latter straight to the ground and creating a crater around him.

Letting out a snort Etemon looked at the Chosen Children who had begun to mobilize their Digimons to help BlackGarurumon.

"None of you understand right?!" Trembling with anger and indignation, Etemon raised both hands in the air before abruptly closing them. "Then let me show you!!!"

From the desert floor hundreds of black wires emerged out of nowhere soaring skyward as if they possessed a life of their own. With a sudden movement of his hands, Etemon extremely quickly manipulated all the wires at the same time managing to trap all the Children along with their Digimons in the blink of an eye.

"Well, well! Now that the audience is in their seats-" Etemon muttered releasing an abysmal amount of killing intent that paralyzed all the Digimon for miles.

Turning around slowly while adjusting his cracked sunglasses, Etemon landed on the collapsed, battered and paralyzed wolf before grabbing one of its large paws and spinning it around until-.


"I'm going to give you a show... that none of you will forget!"



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