Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 697 - Overeating

It is about fifty stars away from the Bright World, where the ‘Blood Banquet Lord’, who covers the sky and covers the earth, is sailing in the void with a huge swarm of insects. And just inside one of the most massive’lords’, in a blood pool at the top level, the mountain-like majestic figure of Aura is projected here, and opposite him, it is also projected in a spiritual way. The lord of evil here.

At this time, there was undisguised disgust in the eyes of these two people.

To the mighty Lord of Horror, all gods are his enemies, but to the Lord of Joy—Sex Sin, this one harbors a more extreme hostility.

Sexuality’s pursuit of sensory pleasure and hedonistic nature are in sharp opposition to the creed of destruction and the supremacy of blood, and in the mortal world, their respective followers also inherit the will of their masters. Fight each other continuously.

But the two sides have never been able to tell the victory or defeat. The believers of the evil are obsessed with killing, which is of course that the fear of abuse is willing to see; but the pleasure of the believers in the killing and destruction makes them unable to resist the influence of the evil.

Even the horror of abuse himself cannot escape the influence of desire and pleasure.

“I helped you this time. Will you be polite?”

Seinie put his hands on his chest, did not try to seduce the abuse, he knew it was ineffective.

“If it weren’t for the things I provided, your swarm is still struggling in the world that is about to be destroyed.”

“You are just helping yourself, the existence of rising in the light world undermined your plan. You need to use the power of my children!”

Terrorist furiously stared: “Stop talking nonsense, okay? Take out what I want. This is the first time we have joined forces in these ten thousand years, unless you want to face failure.”

Each of their words carries maliciousness, and they also have powerful laws and powers, causing the surrounding flesh and blood cells belonging to this ‘lord’ to collapse and disintegrate piece by piece.

Seine shrugged: “But I was hesitating. After all, this is personally making me a future competitor.”

“If we fail, there will be no competition between us. The destiny ruler, his power is rapidly growing.”

The Lord of Horror snorted, his expression and tone in no urgency: “You have no other choice, don’t you? Now only this little gadget that I let these cute bugs bring here can help you.”

Seinie looked at the scarlet statue holding a sickle in the blood pool, and then sighed: “You are right, so I decided to give up. Although it is a pity, there will be some trouble in the future, but I I don’t necessarily have to complete my plan.”

His tone was full of joking: “You can now let your bugs return. The world around here is more suitable for their goals.”

The fear of abuse changed his eyes and finally he let out a cold snort. With a wave of his hand, he caused the **** feast lord’s flesh wall to burst, and took out a scarlet, but slightly different statue from it, and threw it to Luna.

“I guessed it, this must be the idea that Nurgle gave you. The two **** kings who are close to the creation level are also guys who have been deprived of their happiness and desire by you. The maliciousness you hold against me really makes me not Standing in the cold.”

With a single finger, Seinie smashed the statue into dregs, causing a wave of huge destruction to be transmitted to all sides. If it were not for the spiritual body of the Lord of Horror to sit here, most of the Lords of the Blood Feast here would be directly shocked and killed.

After this, Luni threw a blood red spar into the blood pool next to him.

“This is my believer. The so-called’Sage’s Stone’ made in the Bright World has the souls and blood of 25 million people, and contains dozens of gods. It is enough to awaken your toy.”

At the same time, the spiritual body projected here by the Lord of Sins is also dissipating.

In fact, it had already left when it threw the’Sage’s Stone’.

But in the next instant, a big blood-red hand suddenly protruded from the blood pool, and it extended into the boundless void without destroying the surrounding fleshy wall. After just one breath, this big hand was retracted here. The evil spirit’s mental body was actually captured by it, but the Lord of Chaos didn’t have any resistance. Instead, he laughed out: “Are you sure you want to do this? The price is not small–“

However, before he finished speaking, a huge head protruded from the pool of blood, and he swallowed the evil in one bite.

The horror and abuser next to him looked at this scene indifferently, and his eyes showed joy and appreciation. But then this one frowned, suppressing the joy that was bred by lust.

And just after about three minutes, the figure in the blood pool finally condensed into shape. It is a sturdy and wild ox-like existence. Its face is covered with knife-like lines. It has a carapace peculiar to insects. The three pairs of arms and legs also resemble insect arthropods. The back stretches out. Two pairs of huge wings.

When it screamed, the swarm of insects inside the hundreds of thousands of Demon Insect Lords in this void boiled over it.

——They know that the king of this race has come!


The war between the Alliance of Heaven and the Ten Thousand Beast Empire broke out abruptly less than two hours after Li Mochen led the gods back to the light world.

The parliaments and governments of all countries in the alliance quickly passed the declaration of war in just half an hour. No one tried to stop it. On the one hand, it is because the Destiny Church has become more powerful and has an overwhelming influence on public opinion. On the one hand, this is because the situation is really urgent. Except for the hidden believers, almost everyone feels the cut. Bone cold.

The preparations for war had already been completed before Li Mochen returned. With an order from the Chairman of the Military Committee of the U.S. Alliance, a total of 35,000 long-range and medium-range strategic nuclear missiles were launched for the first time in the next half an hour.

Just after this wave of missiles, a total of 12,000 tactical and strategic bombers of various types in all directions, carrying a large number of tactical nuclear missiles, flew towards the sky under the **** of a total of 37,000 fighter jets. Asa continent.

But this was only the first wave of offensive, and the intensity of the second wave of attacks from the Destiny Alliance was only 5% lower than the first wave.

This time, the Lord of Destiny did not have any mercy for the Asavans. For these aliens who wantonly murdered civilians in South America and caused various bloodsheds, even if he showed only a slight weakness, he was all under the banner of the Alliance of Destiny. The crime of all the people.

And the purpose of this war is to disarm the Ten Thousand Beast Empire to the greatest extent possible, so that they can wholeheartedly deal with the new opponent from the void in a few days.

The Destiny God System must do its best to condense the power to keep the chaos out of the world. Otherwise, the world destroyed by the hands of Chaos is a lesson for them.

The Ten Thousand Beast Empire was clearly prepared for it, so it set up a tight line of defense to intercept it all. However, the attack intensity of the Alliance of Destiny and the saturation of various missiles far exceeded their expectations.

Within three hours after the start of the war, countless mushroom clouds rose up on this continent covering an area of ​​more than 250 million square kilometers, and black and gray smoke and dust covered the entire southern space.

After hundreds of thousands of nuclear bombs have been washed the ground, there are 17 divisions of the Knights of the Wings, and powerful fighters equivalent to 22 divisions of the Wings of various countries. Accompanied by fifteen legions of divine will, as well as a large number of giants, dragons, phoenixes and other mythological creatures, as well as 2,100 powerful gods-among them, the main **** level dispatched from the major gods has reached Fifty-seventh place.

It is worth mentioning that many fairy gods from China have also joined this time. At the moment when the forces of chaos directly invade, this ancient eastern country can no longer be alone.

Their goal is not to occupy, but to hunt down all the powerful existences above the demigod of the Ten Thousand Beast Empire with the power of Mount Tai. The intention is that the Ten Thousand Beast Empire will not be able to use enough force to participate in the war in the next two hundred years.

The time was forty-eight hours, and within these forty-eight hours, the slaughter was done as much as possible.

There are also many godlike nineteen, and even godlike twenty, headed by Prometheus, the highest dragon **** Io, and even the existence of the twenty gods. They are desperate to prevent the gods of Asa and those gods.

However, the war went smoothly, even though Thor, the **** of thunder, was so angry that he kept showing his eyes in the sky, staring at the mortal world with murderous intent, and summoning billions of thunder. But in the end, he still didn’t show up directly to save his people in the world.

Li Mochen believes that Thor, the **** of thunder who has no lack of courage to fight and can devote himself to the darkness of the sea, has become involuntary and can no longer act according to his own will.

Forty-eight hours later, the Allied Forces of the Day began to withdraw from the continent of Asa. All cities on this continent have been reduced to rubble.

To Li Mochen’s surprise, he originally thought that after this slaughter, the evil force entangled in the’Shenxiao Spirit Fate Purple Golden Pagoda’ would definitely increase a lot. The extreme situation may even make it impossible to suppress the Purple Golden Pagoda of Spiritual Fortune of the Gods.

But the essence is that the black evil power that grows outside the tower body is only a single strand, but it is the power of merit, which has increased by 1.4 million strands. Although it is not much, Li Mochen is still very happy. There is no large-scale evil force in this battle, which means gain.

This also means that Li Mochen’s decision is very correct. In the near future, these alien races under the rule of the Asa **** system will indeed cause great harm to the world.

In the next twelve hours, the Alliance of Destiny began to adjust and deploy as much as possible.

Of all the 30 divisions of the Divine Wing Knights, 20 of them are deployed in the Outland Void. Together with the combat power of each country, the overall combat power can be equivalent to 57 Divine Wings subgroups.

In addition, the gods also mobilized a large number of selected warriors and angels, and in addition to the many original legions of the gods, they also convened twelve temporary legions.

However, this time, the Destiny God System had always had advantages in weapons and technology, but this time it could not be demonstrated.

The number of warships they can use in Outland is still only one hundred and twenty-four. The remaining 300 ships are still on the slipway, and after the Blood Banquet Swarm was monitored, although the Destiny Church and other countries have added many orders for starships, most of them have not yet begun preparations.

Li Mochen’s military staff suggested building a large number of floating cannons that cannot move quickly. Their construction period is usually very short. As long as the two types of particle beam cannons can keep up, then only One can be completed in ten days and a half month.

But this still takes time, and distant water cannot save a near fire.

In addition, all the Winged Legions cannot be equipped with modern thermal weapons. This is because gunpowder weapons cannot function in the outer space, and only heat-ray-type firearms can be used in the star field.

At present, there are several types of particle beam guns produced by Amerika and China, and even the Knights of the Wings are not fully equipped. Therefore, the soldiers of the Shenyi Legion can only fight with cold weapons made from souls.

“This time we were really caught off guard. Although we had already tilted all resources to Outland before, we had no idea that enemies from Outland would come so quickly.”

In the last military meeting before the battle with the blood feast worms, Guderian said very distressed: “I personally suggest that we give up the idea of ​​completely blocking these worms from entering the light world. Once we really can’t do it. , This is unrealistic. Secondly, if the strategic purpose is too clear, it is easy to be targeted by the opponent. According to the research of the biological god, the upper layer of these monsters has high wisdom, right? .”

Athena also agreed with his opinion: “This is a very insightful view. Everyone, although the pollution of chaos is very dangerous, the current situation is not something we can stop if we want. So my opinion is that we formulated Several of the plans in the country can be discarded, and the strategy of grasping the big and letting go of the small will be adopted in the next war.”

“Grasp the big and let go of the small?” Li Mochen thought to himself that the opinions of these two people really coincided with him.

“Do your best to stop the demigods and above, and even the powerful individuals who focus on them. As for the demigods, if you can stop them, do your best, and if you can’t, just let them go.”

Athena bowed slightly towards Li Mochen: “Your Majesty, this is a war that concerns the entire world. Our gods will work hard to save this world, but mortals can’t stay out of it. Resistance to chaos is common to all creatures in the light world. Responsibilities and obligations.”

Rommel cautiously suggested: “Your Majesty, considering the lack of military power, we can consider making adjustments on the line of defense. The East and the West are our roots, and there can be no chaos. However, in the Middle East, they have not shouldered the burden. Responsibility. There is also the Arctic Ocean. Considering that our three large permanent fortresses have been completed, the strength can be slightly relaxed. I heard that believers of evil and fear can not coexist?”

When Li Mochen heard this, he was persuading him to lead the disaster away.

In this regard, he has no psychological barriers and will not be held back by his own divinity, but Li Mochen did not immediately agree.

However, the next few people either agreed with Guderian’s suggestion, or implicitly asked Li Mochen to shift the defensive force to the east and the west.

So Li Mochen could no longer remain indifferent. : “What did Ahura and Zeus say? Still no reply?”


This is Diana, the goddess of magic, and she snorted: “After all, they are all gods from the outer realm. Even if this world is destroyed, what does it have to do with them?”

At this time, only the Lord of Radiance took out the seven angel legions to participate in the war against chaos. She Diana also took out three magic temple legions to use in this war that affects the survival of the entire world.

However, the Olympus Theological System and the Church of Truth are completely out of the question.

In fact, it can’t be said that they are staying aside, these two obviously have the opportunity to wait and prepare to attack behind the League of Heaven’s Mandate.

This also contained a considerable part of the power of the Alliance of Destiny, and had to use the ten sub-groups of the Knights of the Wings for the interior of the world of light.

“Then it is decided.”

While Li Mochen sighed in his heart, his face was extremely indifferent: “Next, based on the ideas of His Royal Highness Guderian and His Royal Highness Athena, we will re-formulate the plan, as fast as possible, leaving us less and less time. Up.”


Just five hours later, the outpost of the Blood Banquet Demon began to contact the destiny alliance’s defense line.

The tens of thousands of monsters quickly broke through the sparse artillery network of the alliance, fighting their knights and angels.

In the first wave alone, the number of monsters reached hundreds of millions, and less than half an hour later, the main force of the blood feast monsters arrived. Tens of billions of monsters swarmed out, showing an overwhelming advantage.

They didn’t play the game of temptation, nor did they add to the layers, they directly pressed all the power over, and the momentum was unstoppable.

Fortunately, the combat power of these monsters will generally be reduced by two to three ranks after entering the outer domain of the light world.

The world roots under Li Mochen’s control gave them the greatest degree of rejection. Therefore, although the Alliance of Heaven and the Fate are at a disadvantage in terms of quantity and quality, their overall combat power is not inferior to that of the Blood Banquet Demon. The entire front seems to be precarious, but in fact it is still stable.

What makes people troublesome is that these insects are not in love with war, and their primary goal is to break into the light world.

At this time, the foresight of Guderian and the others was revealed. It is indeed impossible to completely defend against such a huge worm tide.

In the case of insufficient strength, I want to hold everything, and the final result may be that no goal can be achieved.

The key defensive methods adopted by the Alliance of Heaven have allowed them to at least protect North and South America, Australia, China, and most of the Old World without becoming the first landing place for the Blood Banquet Demon.

In the light world, the Alliance of Destiny has entered a state of full mobilization. Including China, which was previously independent from the system, they not only have a standing army of 80 million people, and 30 million have been mobilized in reserve, but they can also increase the number of troops to 300 million within a month at most.

They can’t fight in the outer domain, but they can suppress and eliminate the blood feast worms in the light world.

“His Royal Highness Guderian is right. It can be seen that their plan is the same as ours.”

On the forty-sixth floor of the Magic Tower in the Land of Destiny, Angela stared slightly, watching the fierce battle appearing in the projection light curtain.

“If it is a comprehensive defense, we will definitely lose a lot.”

She saw that the blood feast worms on the opposite side had also concentrated their most elite forces, intending to focus on the core combat power of the Alliance of Destiny.

At this time, both sides hid their strongest power behind the battle line, waiting for opportunities. There were several brief encounters during this period, but they all retreated after a close battle.

——It was the blood feast demon worms who had retired, and they obviously did not plan to fight at this time. This also reduced a certain amount of defensive pressure for the Alliance of Destiny, and the entire defensive surface surrounding the periphery of the world of light was fairly solid.

“They have great wisdom.”

Li Mochen’s eyes were cold and stern: “Reinhardt, what happened to the body poison side?”

“The preparations of the Church of Asa and the Sinister Church have been completed. They can start the blood sacrifice at any time and summon Thor and the gods to descend.”

The’Secret Angel’ Reinhard Heydrich leaned forward slightly: “Of course, our manpower is also ready, ready to go into battle at any time. It is worth mentioning that two more people came from the poison side. Lord God.”

“So have you found the place where they will prepare the blood sacrifice?”

“Ashamed!” Reinhardt pressed his hand in shame: “The other party’s covering power is too strong, I can only find three of them. This will not help, once those gods with a godhead of 19 or more Even if only half of the evil comes, it is enough to cause a large-scale devastation and death in the Poison Continent. Only one million deaths are enough to make a **** evil fully manifest in the world.”

Li Mochen glanced in the direction of the Poisonous Subcontinent. The blood sacrifice there hadn’t started yet, but he had already smelled a strong smell of blood. Li Mochen frowned and looked in front of him again.

The sun they drove out of star beast corpses has begun to fuse and emits a high temperature of billions of degrees. This makes this layer of magic tower become extremely moxibustion hot, and is filled with dazzling white light.

If it weren’t for the ‘moon’ that exists here, the inside of the magic tower may have begun to melt. The latter was concealed in the radiance of the sun, becoming a hiding place for feminine and shadow power, and drastically dropping the surrounding temperature.

“Anthony, how long will it take?”

“Don’t worry, Your Majesty, please give me another fifteen minutes.”

Anthony said calmly: “I have to check again to ensure that there will be no problems after throwing it out. This is not only based on the spirit of the contract, but also to ensure that His Royal Highness Horus will follow your baton. If In the end, they can’t achieve the effect we want. Neither the Glory Lord nor the Hidden Moon Gray Wolf will jump into the pit–“

Li Mochen frowned, but finally endured it.

Anthony was right, even if he couldn’t bear it, he couldn’t be impatient at this time. Before throwing out this assassin that determines the outcome, you must ensure that there will be no accidents.

It is said that this is also affected by his own divinity. The world’s perception of the Lord of Destiny affects his divinity and further interferes with his judgment and decision on all things.

——This is the price of God of Law and God of Belief. These two paths allow him to approach the apex of power as quickly as possible, but correspondingly, he has to be coerced by the people.

Although Li Mochen tried his best to guard against and listed extremely strict and almost dogmatic provisions in the religious texts, he was still affected by this.

In this case, he can only weaken it to a certain extent until he has also promoted the ancient **** godhead to the same level.

And it can only be weakened, not eliminated, otherwise, the Lord of Radiance will not be trapped by his divinity.

At this moment, Li Mochen’s expression moved slightly, and he turned his attention to the battlefield outside the territory.

The blood feast worms have begun to apply their god-level combat power to the battlefield, which has suddenly increased the fighting intensity of both sides by several times!

At this time, the wizards of the Alliance of Destiny had difficulty completing their spells on the battlefield, just because at this time, only the successive spiritual explosions had given both sides huge damage.

In this situation, the vast majority of wizards under the demigods are powerless. The chaotic and violent spirit wave created a huge challenge to their ability to cast spells.

This does not mean that they are useless. At this moment, there is the easiest way to instill their magic. Further expand this spiritual tide, and enshroud more enemies.

“I really don’t know how they hatched so many gods.”

Prometheus couldn’t understand and couldn’t think of it: “We have already hit them to that point before.”

According to his calculations, the Blood Banquet Demon Worm has invested more than 9,000 gods in this wave of offensive. Among them, the main **** and false **** kings have reached more than 400, which directly offset the local advantage of the Destiny Alliance.

Although Li Mochen is in charge of Root Cause, it has always been influencing Root Root will and law snare. But such a large number of people on the other side still makes them feel pressured.

The opponent’s strategy is extremely clever, these monsters are either focused on breaking into the main material realm, or they use their speed to stare at the Divine Wing Knights and Divine Will Legion to hunt. Especially those with outstanding talents are their key goals.

This makes the gods of the Alliance of Destiny exhausted. In terms of single combat power, they are undoubtedly stronger, and even in terms of speed, they win some because of the will of the world.

But just as an adult would be helpless with ten children running around, they would also have a headache for these blood feast worms running around on the battlefield.

Fortunately, Guderian had foreseen early and designed a joint defense system. Instead of letting them chase like headless flies, they were responsible for each area. Then a strong reserve team was prepared for emergency response.

But what is even more worrying is that such a large-scale investment by the Blood Banquet Demon also means that the Asa **** system has reached the critical point of activation.

Prometheus didn’t have much anxiety, but he couldn’t bear it. He knew that as long as the artificial sun and moon were thrown into the dark world, the situation could be reversed, and the time available would determine the lives of tens of millions of people.

His divinity determines that he cannot be indifferent to the fate of these people, even if they are not his followers. And this is the reason why Prometheus finally chose to move closer to the Lord of Destiny.

“Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Apollo said that the Arctic ice cap has changed.”

Reinhardt also spoke at this moment: “The spirit and flesh of the primitive gods and the Chaos Giants are being quickly filled. Chaos Kaos has also come on top of the ice sheet, and Apollo has ordered three fortresses to go to Kaos. Launch a shelling. He will try to delay, but he can only fight Kaos for five minutes at most.”

Li Mochen had already expected: “Angela! Go help Apollo brothers and sisters, Yu Dou is the master, I need you to delay the resurrection of the primitive gods.”

“Then Kaos, he will belong to me temporarily.” Angela revealed another’Li Mochen’ directly in front of Li Mochen.

At the same time, Li Mochen also recruited the’Zhenxiao Lingyun Purple Golden Pagoda’ in front of him.

“In the name of the ruler of destiny, my wife Angela’s pseudo-truth to create divine power will be temporarily elevated to the level of truth in all subsequent battles.”

The merits on the tower quickly dissipated, and a full 2 ​​billion strands of merit were squandered by Li Mochen.

Angela’s eyes lit up, knowing that Li Mochen did this not only to respond to the enemy, but also to let her experience the truth-level ‘creation’ in the battle.

And just as the ‘Li Mochen’ that Angela’s fantasy manifested and departed across the sky, the war in the outer space of the starry sky intensified.

Both sides began to throw the main **** level into war, and then it only took less than a minute. Ishtar and Loki, Niederhogg, and other gods like King, had to join in.

Just because at this time, those blood feast worms already had six-headed worm queens with twenty gods, and appeared on the battlefield in Outland.

The opponent’s attempt to initiate a decisive battle was extremely resolute, and the Fate Alliance’s response was also extremely strong. There is no concern about the possible mutations that may occur on the body poison, and there is no reserve for the original protoss of the Arctic ice cap. The three gods he has directly invested in it, and a real **** king with more combat power was added. The’Divine Power Angel’ Hercules is not bad.

“I can probably guess that this is the help provided to them by sex.”

Li Mochen’s eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and he felt surprised, “I still don’t understand, where did this guy get so many resources?”

Moreover, the incubation of the queen and the god-level blood feast demon worm also takes a lot of time.

“I can answer you this question.”

This voice belongs to the Great Emperor Zhuanxu, and this figure then stepped in from the Outer Space of the Void: “Just three hundred and seventy stars away, there is a world controlled by the evil man. Everyone there has been taken by the evil man. In control, they live in desire and pleasure every day, providing a steady stream of power for the Lord of the evil. Directly five years ago, the evil used them.”

“Is it sacrificed?”

Athena condensed her eyebrows for a while, creating a sense of horror.

She has also fought the demons and demons in the abyss of hell, but compared with the Lord of Chaos, these demons are simply pediatrics.

Emperor Zhuanxu said in a flat voice: “The whole world was sacrificed in a very short time. Everyone died in happiness. They were willing to get happiness in death.”

Li Mochen couldn’t help but draw the corners of his lips, and he felt a pain in his liver: “Is it five years ago? Not long after the Alaska War? If this were the case, there would not be so many gods and queens.”

“The common sense is true, so most of these worm queens and god-level blood feast worms have defects. They are matured by the power of evil and fear.”

Zhuan Xu nodded slightly: “But you have to pay attention to their king! That is one of the strongest fighters under the fear of abuse, the king of gluttony, and the lord of death sickle Belek.”

“Belek, King of Glutton?”

Li Mochen frowned: “I have heard of him from the mage under his command. It is said that he is a famous evil god. How can he become the king of the blood feast?”

This is a powerful **** king who holds the divine power of ‘swallow’. He can increase his strength and recover various injuries by devouring all matter, mana, and even the laws of heaven and earth, which is very powerful and terrifying.

Li Mochen couldn’t help thinking divergently about the so-called “seven sins”-arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, lust, etc. Sure enough, each of them is very powerful, but the demons and devils have not yet been able to It was promoted to the extreme. Like Lucifer, who is in charge of ‘arrogance’, he has not exerted any strength on this path.

No, there is still one, the ‘slacker’ demon Belial. Every time Li Mochen approached the most powerful subordinate of Lucifer, he became very lazy and couldn’t help but want to be lazy.

He predicted that this ‘laziness’ theocratic power is probably close to the rank of truth. But if Belial was not so lazy, he might have already been a member of the King of Gods.

With this talent, he can learn everything very quickly, provided that he is willing to make ordinary efforts.

“He has made a big mistake, so he was deprived of his body by the Lord of Horror and confined to a statue. Look, a contaminated king is so sad. Such a statue, at least There are thirty.”

Zhuan Xu sighed: “And now, it is resurrected with the life form of the Blood Banquet Demon Insect. If I guess it is correct, this person’s body must be made of the sage stone provided by the sage. This means that , The world’s rejection of him is relatively small.”

Li Mochen frowned and asked, “I want to know what kind of abilities does this king of gluttony have?”

“He holds a large number of divine powers of truth, such as the swallowing of truth, the bloodthirsty of truth, the cutting of truth, the power of truth, the war of truth, the battle of truth, the eternal life of truth, the space of false truth-precisely because of mastering these many powers, he was once in divine nature. Under the influence of self-inflation, launched a rebellion against the master of horror. That’s all I know.”

Zhuan Xu looked at the void: “Besides, the fear of abuse will definitely give him a more powerful ability temporarily, otherwise he will never be your opponent in the light world. Nuo—he is here. !”

Li Mochen had already discovered the breath of stepping into the battlefield. This person had to do so because Ishtar and others were about to kill one of the six insect queens.

——It is true that all God Kings with the Godhead Twenty are good, but five of them are only flawed, and the divine power is not complete. In the outer domain of the Bright World, their combat effectiveness was further reduced under Li Mochen’s suppression.

At this time, if Belek did not take action, sooner or later these six worm queens would be hunted down one by one by Ishtar and others.

Li Mochen didn’t hesitate, his subject had already flashed away and stepped into the void.

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