Destiny Dominates (Lord of Destiny)

v2 Chapter 696 - Odds of winning

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Until he started, Li Mochen’s head was dumbfounded. He didn’t expect to hear such secrets from Guang Chengzi’s mouth. The gods under him all looked at each other, and their eyes were confused, just because those words of Guangchengzi did not let them hear.

However, when the gods were arranged according to the predetermined plan, Li Mochen’s sanity still recovered, and his mind was focused on one, and he recruited another self from the long process not far in the future.

This ‘Li Mochen’ was not surprised at all, and his figure split into two directly. The difference from Li Mochen is that the weapon held in the other incarnation is the “hammer of judgment” that has been sacrificed instead of the “spear of the gods.”

This time Zhuan Xu did not sit and watch, he directly shot,’ice’,’slowness’,’death’,’weakness’,’suppression’ and the five truths and divine powers were simultaneously exerted on the figure and glide like a big bird on the boundless. On the huge star beast in the void.

This made the eyes of Hela among the gods bright, looking at this one carefully. The power she holds is similar to Zhuan Xu, but the latter is much stronger than her. The five divine powers are all of the truth level, and the ice among them has the power to change the law of the world.

“Timing, stop!”

Two Li Mochen raised their hands at the same time, and the ‘timing’ of truth from both sides enveloped the airspace. Then the star beast in the shape of a big bird burst into a huge blood hole at the same time.

Li Mochen’s ‘Gangnir’ Holy Spear’ pierced its body from left to right, and the magic hub on the chest and abdomen of this star beast was the most critical position.

At the same time, another Li Mochen’s “Judgement Hammer” swelled in the wind, swelling more than 10,000 times, and bombarded the star beast’s head with immeasurable lightning. The huge impact force smashed the bone armor of the star beast into a huge pit.

Followed by Zhuanxu’s Zhenwu Dangling Demon Sword, after the incomparable sword light blasted through the deep pit, it turned into countless water snakes scattered into the body of the star beast.

It wasn’t until this time that the star beast reacted.


With this scream, the body of the star beast instantly turned into the sun in the star field, emitting immense light and heat, as well as incomparable positive power.

In addition, the long time sequence was also disturbed, and Li Mochen’s time was frozen and could not be maintained. His face changed drastically, showing a sense of amazement.

It’s a creative level!

——In addition to the ‘light’ of truth and the ‘yang’ of truth, this star beast actually also holds the power of time sequence. And it’s a creative timing!

The star beast is ignorant, it does not use its own authority to change the world, but it has the power to actually change the law of the world.

But when Li Mochen showed cold sweat on his face, that Guangchengzi pointed a void, and suddenly caused a huge seal to press on the star beast. With a huge tide of spiritual power, the brilliance of this star beast dimmed a bit instantly.

“Fan Tianyin?”

Although only the incarnation showed the true meaning of the divine treasure, Li Mochen felt that his pressure was greatly reduced. With his double timing of truth, he barely managed to maintain his balance with this star beast. Although the time could no longer be frozen, it also offset the timing ability of the Star Beast.

And that creation-level suppression not only suppressed the temporal divine power of the star beast, but also had a tremendous suppressing effect on the many powerful magical powers of this body, as well as the physical qualities of the gods.

But the power and speed of this star beast, even after being suppressed by Guangchengzi, even after being weakened by Zhenwu Great’s numerous divine powers, were still exaggerated.

Its body only swayed, and it shook out the two Li Mochen who was driving the Gunganir Holy Spear. But this time, this powerful magic weapon only blasted a blood hole in the outer surface of the star beast.

But at this time, the power of the gods also swarmed. They used the magic circle forged by Anthony himself, and the thirteen chains connected to the circle.

Not only do they entangle the body of the star beast, they also impose dozens of divine powers and the negative states based on it on the star beast, and they are extracting the power of the star beast with a frenzy.

——From Ishtar’s “darkness” spiritual closure, from the weakening of Hercules’ power, from Loki’s false perception of “illusion” and “fraud”, from Fenrir’s drama Poison, “freedom” from Delfinia, “ice” from Hela, “weakness” and “slowness” and so on.

This not only made it impossible for the Star Beast to catch Li Mochen’s traces, but its magical powers and power were once again weakened.

In the center of the circle, there are three cyclops who turn upside down with Athena, Brontës representing Thunder, Stropes representing Lightning, and Argus representing Light.

The common power of the three people is ‘extraction’. They are extracting everything about this star beast-power, blood, vitality, divine power, etc., with the help of magic circles and chains.

The combined forces of the thirteen **** kings and deputy **** kings made this formation seem like a giant anchor, holding the body of the star beast, making it impossible to escape from here.

So when’Li Mochen’ wielded the Hammer of Judgment again, he smashed a huge deep hole into the star beast again.

This made his mood slightly shaken, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes, knowing that this battle was already possible. As long as their strike ability exceeds the speed at which the star beast can recover from its injuries, then today this star beast will not want to escape from here.

However, their speed must be as fast as possible. At most three hours, his enemies will find that they have left the world of light. So before that, they have to fix this guy, otherwise they will fall short.

At the same time, Li Mochen also sensed dozens of hundreds of divine thoughts around him, projecting them here. That was the movement of their battle with this star beast, which attracted the attention of many powerful and powerful people in the surrounding world.

Li Mochen didn’t care. He was really worried about being profited by the fisherman before, so he finally picked up the bargain. But Guang Chengzi’s participation has already eliminated this worry for him.

As long as this star beast can be taken down without paying too much price, as long as it is not in the ranks of Guang Chengzi and Zhuan Xu. He doesn’t care about the existence of other godhead twenty.

What’s more, the creation-level fighting against each other is enough to form a shock to the vast majority of the surrounding gods. How many of these people have the courage to participate and grab food?


When the gods dragged their exhausted bodies back with Li Mochen, it was already two and a half hours later.

It didn’t take much time when they returned. Li Mochen’s truth sequence allowed them to shuttle hundreds of “star distances” within one second. Fortunately, everything is as usual in the Bright World, and Angela sits in the land of destiny and hides their enemies with her truth ‘dream’.

“Your Majesty, I have to spend some time to restore my divinity.”

Prometheus was the first to leave without even waiting for Li Mochen to distribute the spoils.

In order to ensure that the gods would not be injured by this battle, he drove the ‘prophet’ and ‘prophecy’ throughout the entire process—foretelling a star beast at the level of the gods, the difficulty of which can be imagined.

In less than two hours, Prometheus’ mental power has been drained. At this time, he can barely use the power of drugs to fight, but at this moment he must take a longer time to recover.

As for the spoils, there is nothing to distribute, most of the things on the star beasts are useless to the gods.

Among all the gods, only Ishtar, Loki and others are still in high spirits, and most of the others are exhausted and must be cultivated. These two and a half hours of battle were more tiring than ten days and ten nights fighting against a strong man of the same level.

“How is the harvest?”

Angela asked expectantly: “Seeing you are not depressed, it should be a success?”

“The Great Emperor Zhenwu invited a strong aid.”

Ishtar replied casually: “But it still took more than two hours. In fact, it is not difficult to solve the star beast. The key is that someone really hit our idea. Your Majesty fought with them and killed three people in a row. Only then did the situation stop.”

She also looked at Li Mochen: “What you brought back from that star beast, show it to everyone.”

After the death of the star beast, Li Mochen used the temporal divine power to skin and dismantle it in no time. The gods guarded him around him, shocking the unpredictable, and there was no time to look closely.

So Ishtar was still very curious, even though she knew that most of the things on the star beast were useless and harmful.

Li Mochen also raised his hand in a kind-hearted manner and took the star beast pronucleus into his hand.

“This is the biggest gain, the 12 million year old star beast pronucleus.”

When this thing appeared, it was swallowing the spiritual power of the entire Destiny God Realm, breathing in and out, making the magic power of the entire God Realm violently turbulent, and also making the angels and petitioners in the God Realm be astonished and rushing towards God. Looking at the magic tower in the center of the country.

“and then?”

Ishtar asked puzzledly: “Do you want to integrate it into the light world? Or exchange things? Will the Ten Thousand Realms Fair have to wait two years?”

She couldn’t see the significance of them taking such a big risk to kill this star beast. Although the pronucleus of this star beast was relatively old, it was only a middle-thousand world after its development. For the current bright world, there is actually not much benefit.

As for transactions, apart from the Ten Thousand Worlds Fair, they were afraid that they could not find a suitable buyer, and the distant water could not save the nearby fire.

Li Mochen’s explanation made the gods Yunshan mist cover: “In recent years, the magic tower arrays in all our cities have undergone large-scale reconstruction and building. The designers of these arrays are all magicians under my command.”

Isn’t Ishtar thinking this for granted? The cities of the Alliance of Destiny build magic tower arrays, of course, to invite magicians of the same camp.

But in the past few years, they have indeed put a lot of effort and capital in urban defense. With state subsidies and the city’s own investment, the defense capability has been improved several levels compared to before the War of the Gods.

“So these magic tower arrays now have magic channels connected to the kingdom of God.”

Anthony said with anticipation: “And eight years ago. I worked hard to study the star beast crystal core that Andre hadn’t traded out at the time. Then, according to his order, I recently designed a An annihilation reactor with the’Star Beast Pronuclear’ as the core.”

This meal made the gods curious, thinking that Li Mochen took such a big risk and mentioned the matter so solemnly, that would be an extraordinary thing.

“Everyone, follow me!”

Li Mochen wrapped around the gods and came to the 47th floor of the Magic Tower in the Land of Destiny.

No one had set foot here before, except for a few others such as Angela. So when the scene at this level came into their eyes, almost everyone uttered a soft voice.

I saw that the layout here is not essentially different from the other floors of the magic tower, with eight energy pools distributed in eight directions. Since there is no separate area and room, the place they see is empty. The most striking thing is the giant annihilation reactor that is full of science fiction and magic style at the same time in the most central location.

It is a design of one master and eight assistants, all kinds of pipes are combined with the furnace body, covering an area of ​​at least 750,000 square meters. However, since the construction of the forty-eighth floor of the Magic Tower in the Land of Destiny, the internal space has continued to expand. From an area of ​​less than 3,000 square meters on the first floor, to more than 8.2 million square meters on the first floor, it is enough to accommodate a small city.

This’annihilation reactor’, covering at least 750,000 square meters, occupies less than 10% of the 47 floors.

“We call it the’Eternal Furnace’. As we all know, the’annihilation reactor’ has two difficulties. One is the high temperature generated during the annihilation reaction, and the other is the production and extraction of antiparticles, and these are ultimately limited by materials. .”

Anthony explained: “Recently, small and micro antimatter energy stoves have become popular because of mythological materials. In fact, their technical standards have not been substantially improved. An antimatter energy stove the size of a basketball or washing machine does not require much material. Is it? The research and development of medium and large antimatter energy furnaces with an installed capacity of more than 250GW has reached a deadlock. We cannot use mythical alloys on a large scale. The price is beyond our ability. But now, this star beast pronuclear can be perfect. To solve the problem.”

While talking, he manipulated and put the star beast pronucleus into a device inside the “Forge of Eternity”. Then after consulting Li Mochen, the reactor was started.

“The star beast pronucleus can absorb all energy, with an incredible capacity, and can solve all heat dissipation problems, so even if the amount of antimatter involved in the annihilation reaction exceeds the design index several times, it is no problem. And the special array structure of the’eternal furnace’, In addition to converting the heat and radiant energy produced by annihilation into electrical energy, it can also extract the tides of magic energy spit out by the pronucleus of star beasts.”

“The extraction of antimatter is not a problem. The’eternal melting pot’ can be self-sustained. It can extract 6,000 tons of antimatter a year. So there is no need to maintain. In addition, the pure magic energy spit out after the star beast pronucleus absorbs energy can be used by us. All the materials in the furnace are naturally strengthened until it becomes a myth. It will become more and more powerful. And the highest power in the future can be increased by more than ten times.”

Anthony watched the devices in this ‘Eternal Furnace’ running smoothly under the control of the intelligent system. The temperature inside the main furnace and the eight auxiliary furnaces gradually increased, and the annihilation reaction started smoothly. His eyes glowed, and the corners of his lips overflowed with a smile full of pride and accomplishment.

“Attention everyone, the installed capacity of this’Eternal Furnace’ is 300 billion GW.”

At first, Athena thought she had heard it wrong. After all, the total installed capacity of all the power plants in the entire America should only be about 130,000 GW.

But when thinking of the star beast pronucleus in the “Forge of Eternity”, Athena can accept it again.

However, 300 billion GW, equivalent to 2.3 million times the current generation capacity of Amerika, still made Athena feel dizzy.

But at the same time, joy was growing in her heart, and the pressure on Athena from the Blood Banquet Demon Insect eased a lot in an instant. She did not expect that her own king would also prepare such a method.

“Exaggerated, isn’t it? This’eternal melting pot’ is only so big.”

Anthony smiled triumphantly: “Actually, there are some tricks. If it weren’t installed in your majesty’s magic tower, its volume would have expanded at least a thousand times, and it was very unsafe. This magic tower can directly be used as a natural reactor. .”

“and so–“

Ishtar finally understood: “Our magic tower defense array in each city will be very strong? If there is a war, at least the city’s safety can be guaranteed, right?”

“Yes, although the long-distance transmission of electric energy will consume a lot of energy, the power generation of this’eternal melting furnace’ can supply the entire world without any problem. After all, it is 2.3 million times the power generation of the entire America. It is expected. As long as each city has four or more four-story magic towers, it can generate a defense system that can resist the main **** level. We have sufficient energy supply, even if the blood feast monster enters this world, it can ensure the safety of mortal society and civilized order .EMM~This is also your gospel to Your Majesty Io. All the masters of thunder and light can borrow power from your Majesty.”

“So in the kingdom of God?”

Athena asked profoundly, “I noticed that your Majesty has some peculiar arrangements inside the kingdom of God.”

“His Royal Highness Garcia Phelan predicts that if a large-scale blood feast comes, the main battlefield will soon take place in the Kingdom of Destiny. There are sufficient supplies here, and the suppression of the realm is relatively smaller than that of the main material realm.”

Anthony looked at her: “If they dare to come, then this is their hell.”


Ten minutes later, the gods left contentedly. The existence of the “Eternal Furnace” greatly increased their confidence. Before that, although these ancient gods and gods had no fear of the “Blood Banquet Demon”, they did not have the slightest certainty that they could guard the lambs that were governed by the destiny. , Nor is it sure to protect the roots of the world from damage.

But the existence of the “Eternal Forge” can greatly reduce their defense pressure.

Their king is always like this. First of all, he will be invincible, and this time he will face the crisis of the “Blood Banquet Demon”.

And at this time on the 47th floor of the Magic Tower in the Land of Destiny, Anthony, Ishtar, Loki, and Athena were all left by Li Mochen, and he additionally invited Apollo, who guarded the Northland, to this place.

The last four were a little puzzled, but when a familiar figure appeared in the magic tower, their eyes were condensed. Just because this one came is the Glory Mother Isis.

Of course, it could not be the true body of Isis, not even the incarnation, it was just a trace of the spirit of this glorious Virgin.

——In the current situation, if this Virgin really dared to come by herself, then the gods at home and abroad will definitely kill her at any cost.

Their **** king has carved the fine character of ‘reputation’ into the bones and divinity, but these gods are not restricted by morality and divinity.

“His Majesty!”

Isis saluted Li Mochen: “Your followers, they seem to want to swallow me raw, making me feel scared.”

“It’s just such a little bit of mind, even if it is swallowed, it’s not a big deal, right?”

Li Mochen joked: “Don’t worry, I will abide by my promise and protect your safety in my God’s country.”

Isis smiled and said: “I am very grateful, then, my Majesty, what do you want to talk about when you come to me? If it is for the battle between you and the two Chaos Lords a few days later, please forgive us for our inability to participate. Although Protecting the peace of this world is also a responsibility that our mother and son cannot shirk, but I believe your Majesty, you should be able to feel it too?”

“I feel it, your beloved son, not only is fighting against Ahura, but the battle with the King of the Hidden Moon Wolf seems to be fierce.”

Li Mochen nodded slightly: “Speaking of this, I regret it a little bit now. You occupy at least 50% of the power of the Purple Golden Pagoda of Spiritual Fortune of the Gods.”

If it hadn’t been for the recent increase in his power and the large sum of merit, which made the’Zhenxiao Lingyun Purple Golden Pagoda’ further repaired and strengthened, he would not be able to maintain his subordinates’ wishing technique.

“But you get more in this transaction.”

Isis’s eyes flickered. Before the previous transaction was concluded, she had never expected that Li Mochen would obtain root authority at such a speed.

This is also the reason why the Lord of Radiance is in trouble. When they are completely expelled from the root cause and are at a disadvantage in the battle for the Supreme God, the great prince of the Terra Empire put down all his scruples and began to reclaim his important one. Avatar.

Although the power of the Lord of Radiance is no less inferior to his body, the clone is after all a clone. When Horus invested him in the world of light, he had already made a relatively complete one in the soul of the Lord of Radiance. Preventive measures.

Li Mochen laughed and said: “I don’t deny it, but I invite you to come here this time. In fact, I want to mediate between the Lord of Radiance and the Lord of Shadowmoon Wolf, and ask them to shake hands for a while.”

“Let them shake hands and make peace?”

Isis looked incredible, and she couldn’t understand: “You mean, you want to convey this idea to them through me? I think your Majesty, you are completely whimsical. I think it might be more appropriate for you to talk to them directly. “

“They are not in a state where they can talk to me well, so please convey it. I will give them a chance to be godly, but if they are the Lord of brilliance in their current state, or alone Shadow Moon Cang Wolf, they can’t succeed.”

Li Mochen’s words clearly made Isis’s pupils slightly open, and her eyes became even more puzzled: “Then your majesty means that you want to use the extra source of the light world now to let us help you? “

“No, the next supreme **** in the light world, I have promised to others. His Royal Highness Lucifer has given me a lot of assistance during my chill and helped me defeat many gods. This reward is what he deserves. “

Ishtar’s eyes lit up and he looked at Li Mochen with gratitude and appreciation. This was the first time the latter had made a formal promise to her. In addition to the envy of the several **** kings present, their eyes were bright.

This majesty did keep his promise, and he was very generous, very generous.

Li Mochen continued to smile and said: “So, the two majesty can only fight for this opportunity.”

“Are you sure you are not teasing me?” Isis frowned, “Will there be a third Supreme God in this world?”

Li Mochen solemnly replied: “The light world is temporarily impossible, your hope lies in the dark world. I guarantee with my credibility, you can tell them, if they are interested, you can come and have a look, like you That’s fine. The so-called seeing is believing, I think it’s better to let you see it with your own eyes, no matter how the sky is over.”

Isis squinted, and then the whole person fell into a state of silence, like a wooden man.

All the gods knew that this person was supposed to be in contact with the two one-piece **** kings, and just after a while, two light clusters lit up in front of their eyes.

One of them is very familiar to them, and it is the shining master of this world; the other is holding the completely opposite power, but it is somewhat similar to the aura of the shining master.

The aura of divine power exuded was extra terrifying, even surpassing the Glory Dominator, but was obviously rejected by the laws of the world, and the pressure on them was not as good as the latter.

“Thank you for your trust!”

Li Mochen nodded slightly, and the space they were in suddenly changed. But it dropped one floor from the 47th floor of the Magic Tower, and came to the 46th floor.

“Look, this is a complete creation-level star beast corpse. It holds the truth-level light and also has the truth-level sun, which represents all the sun faces of the world.”

It is these two divine powers that have caused the destiny gods headed by him to suffer.

“Can you guess what I want to do? Three?”

The two light groups didn’t respond, and Isis’ brows narrowed slightly: “Your Majesty, please explain directly. I can’t imagine what this star beast corpse can do. It is useless, and it is very poisonous. Well–“

It seemed that I had realized that, Isis gave a soft cry and fell into thought.

“I want to use it to make a sun. As you can see, it still has a lot of hydrogen and helium in its body. The divine power of this star beast allows it to extract these from the star field. And Anthony’s nuclear fusion Technology can make its corpse the largest piece of fuel in history, and it is not expected to be exhausted within three thousand years.”

A smile appeared in the corner of Li Mochen’s eyes; “I will divide its corpse into two parts after the arrival of the blood feast monster, and throw it into the dark world after fusion stabilizes, becoming the sun and moon of that world.”

In the light world, there is actually no physical sun. The sun that people see is only a collection of masculine star power, so both the shining Lord of this world and the sun **** can influence it.

But in the dark world, because of the two overpowering existences in the Dark Nie Hai, they couldn’t generate the law of light.

The method Li Mochen thought of was to intervene with the man-made entity ‘sun’ to shape the light, sun and moon step by step in the dark world. In addition to the corpse of the star beast, it also requires the power of the Lord of Radiance to be catalyzed.

“It seems that several of you are very interested.”

Li Mochen noticed the fluctuations in the spirit of the two light groups, and he didn’t accidentally raise the corners of his lips: “Then let’s talk now, as the price of not leaving any back-hands, what do you have to pay?”

“So what do you want?”

Isis’s eyes were extremely sharp, and Li Mochen’s proposal made her heart fascinated.

If the law of light can be generated in the dark world, then the two Horus becoming the supreme gods is indeed a sure thing, and it is expected to be within this hundred years.

“I suggest that you don’t ask too much. If we do what you want, we must fight Thor and the two great beings behind him.”

“The problem is that none of you can refuse.”

Li Mochen said nonchalantly: “My requirements are not harsh, my angel king Apollo, he will be the lord of the dawn of the two worlds; and Ishtar, she is the night goddess of the two worlds; Artemis Si, she is the goddess of the moon in the light world. This will be agreed with the most stringent contract to ensure that you will not violate their priesthood. It must be stated that I will not allow any bargaining. If you refuse, then please go away.”

Li Mochen didn’t worry about the three opposing people’s refusal, just because he had the ability to create obstacles inside the star beast corpse, which could delay the time for Horus to reach the highest **** by 200 to 300 years. At that time, who knows what changes will happen in this world?

Li Mochen actually wanted to gain merit from this matter, the faster the time the better, but this was unknown to the other party.

Isis and the two light groups fell into silence again. They communicated for about half an hour before the Glory Mother sighed: “Mr. Andre, you are really a demon. We can agree to your request, but accordingly, You and your **** system must also use the most demanding contract to ensure that Horus will not block all actions related to the law of light in the dark world.”

“Of course!”

Li Mochen simply agreed: “How about we sign the contract now? I don’t have a suitable contract carrier, but I believe you must have it.”

Of course there is Horus. Whether he is the Lord of Glory or the prince of the Terra Empire, his background is far beyond Li Mochen.

When the contract was signed, both parties were very simple, without any ink marks.

Isis was the goddess of wisdom in Egypt, and Athena’s wisdom reached the realm of truth; the Lord of Radiance possessed the ultimate’truth’, and Loki was the king of fraud; so both sides knew that they could not be on this contract By any means, the willingness to cooperate with each other is very strong.

Only three minutes later, Isis and both Horus left at the same time.

Li Mochen also retracted a scroll full of divine power into his sleeve.

“Congratulations, Your Majesty!”

Athena looked at Li Mochen with admiration: “You have won a great chance for our **** system. I guess this must be something our enemy could not think of.”

This is a real conspiracy, Isis and the two Horus will not miss this opportunity, the glorious Vatican and the hidden moon wolf army will also go all out for this.

“A great man in the East said that when dealing with the enemy, we must unite all the forces that can be united.”

Li Mochen then looked at Apollo apologetically: “I’m sorry, Apollo, this has sacrificed your interests.”

“Do not!”

Apollo not only did not complain, but also thanked Li Mochen with a gratitude: “You have won something beyond my imagination for our and this is what I couldn’t do in the Olympus God System anyway. Obtained. As for the glorious authority, it is actually beyond the reach of me now. I personally realize this deeply–“

He already knew that Li Mochen had summoned him here just to allow him to observe the negotiation throughout.

Apollo did not have any dissatisfaction, the Lord of Destiny took care of his emotions. And Li Mochen did obtain good conditions for them, especially his sister Artemis. Since the Lord of Radiance completed his hegemony in the Middle Ages, the priesthood of the “Moon” was forcibly taken away as part of Radiance.

And the “morning light” of the two worlds is enough to make Apollo launch an impact to a higher level in the future.

“You can understand, it’s really a blessing for the Destiny God System.”

Li Mochen then looked at the corpse of the star beast in front of him: “Then let’s get started, we must complete this within a day. Although Anthony is already prepared, it still takes a lot of time.”

This is the reason why he let Anthony, Loki, and Athena be present. This is not just to prevent Horus from cheating.

Needless to say, Anthony’s ability is naturally higher. His forging ability combined with modern technology has been steadily increasing. Under the influence of Li Mochen’s wishing technique, he has entered the stage of ‘false truth’.

In fact, Athena is also proficient in forging, and the three cyclops she brought are even more expert in forging. As for Loki—the Gungnir’s Holy Spear and Thor’s Thor’s Hammer in his hand were not only created by Loki and Lord, but he also recruited many frost giants who mastered the power of fire. It was Odin’s elder brother, and Loki did not master the priesthood of forging.

But this flame of truth and ultimate forging still had the ability not inferior to Lord.

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