Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 11: Follower

How long has it been already? What time is it now? Is it day right now, or is it night?

The answer to all of them is... I don't know.

But what I do know, is that a cutesy little fox spirit is hiding behind the rock over there as if I hadn't noticed it was there.


It peeked its head out of the rock. I try not to look in its general direction, however, as it would hide again should I do so.

I have no idea how to approach it, and I rather it approach me instead. However, I doubt that would happen anytime soon as it seems to be wary of me, despite sleeping with me that one time.

Besides, just as with people, I have no idea how to talk to animals, let alone spirits. And I'm afraid it will never appear before me again, if I were to scare it off when approaching it.

Which is why, I shall ignore it for now and focus on the task at hand.

Dark Domain.

I call upon my unique skill which deploys a field of darkness with me in the center. It allows me to manipulate the darkness from the domain in any way I want, which was how I was able to kill the monsters in the dungeon, despite the level difference. However, I have only been using it in ways that are primarily intended for assassination. Namely, Dark Domain: Shadow Sneak and Dark Domain: Slaughter. Other than that, I have only been using the darkness for cutting and skinning the wolf corpses for meat.

Well, there was that one time where I did some complex stuff with the darkness to trap the rabbit. But that ultimately failed when it dispelled Dark Domain away with its light.

But in any case, I can't always rely on assassination to kill my enemies, as I may encounter a situation in the future, where I cannot escape and is forced to fight. If that happens, Slaughter and Shadow Sneak won't be enough. In other words, I need to broaden the ways of how I use Dark Domain, instead of using it for a single purpose.

With that being said, let's create some new moves, shall we?

I begin controlling the darkness, making it do everything that I could think of. I made it slice the air, I made it form a barrier of sort, I made it coat all over my body like some sort of latex bodysuit, I even made it create a humanoid figure of darkness and had it dance around foolishly.

Overall, I spent a lot of time creating new moves. Each of them with its own intended purposes such as attacking, defending, countering, immobilising, and so on.

After I was done with that, I had to test them all out to see its practicality. Of course, the only way to do that is to engage in a real life fight, since I have no training partner whatsoever.

Alright then, time to go find a lone wolf monster to test my new moves on!


It was watching the young demon girl from a distance; observing the one who had saved its life from danger.

The young demon girl dropped into the darkness she had conjured, and went off into the area where the dangerous monsters are. It ran after her, using its Short Range Teleportation skill to blink from one spot to another as it barely catches up to her.

One day, it had found itself in the dungeon. Lost and afraid as to where it was exactly, it wandered around for awhile, only to find itself being attacked by a Poison-Scaled Python. On instinct, it had casted a barrier to protect itself from danger. However, as the python wrapped its body around the barrier and continuously attacked it, the young fox spirit knew it was a matter of time until the barrier was broken.

So, it cried for help.

"Kyuu~!! Kyuu~!!"

It was afraid. Its body was shivering. It cried and cried and cried, but somewhat knew that no help was coming.

The python was about to break the barrier. Seeing the cracks formed on its defense, it knew it was doomed.

...Or so it thought.

As the python struck the barrier once more, a sudden lance of darkness appeared from above and pierced through the python's head as well as the barrier where it was weak.

The lance did not hit its body, but it was shocked to see such a thing appearing all of a sudden. However, it knew just then... either help had come, or another threat had appeared.

It reinforced the barrier out of caution, as it looked up where the lance had appeared from. Then, a figure dropped down from above.

There it saw, a young beautiful girl of the True Demon race, with silky long black hair and eyes as red as blood.

Her proud horns, stoic expressions, and the way she stood in a nobly fashion gave off a presence of superiority to the young fox spirit. Yet, it wasn't intimidated by her. Rather, it was in complete entranced by her looks and presence alone.

It was then it knew, that girl was its saviour. Despite knowing that, however, it could only stare at her in awe, forgetting to remove the barrier it had casted to go and express its thanks to her.

Because of that, the girl simply left after saving its life, taking the python's corpse with her.

After seeing the girl leave, it ran after her, wishing to serve her by forming a contract with her, in which it can become her spirit; a spirit of a True Demon.

But then, a question came to mind.

Is it even worthy to be her spirit?

The girl is a True Demon, a race once known to be the pinnacle of all lifeforms; said to be extinct now in the present age however.

In comparison to itself, the young fox spirit was but a Lesser Spirit; the weakest type of spirit among all spirits. And while it already knows a few skills at birth, its powers is but a fraction to what a Greater Spirit can do.

With that thought in its head, it became afraid... Afraid that the girl might not accept its weak existence, let alone its servitude.

In addition to that, the girl had saved its life, who had only been crying for help. And while that prompted the young fox spirit in wishing to serve her, it believed she must've thought of it as pathetic, which was why she left after saving it.

Thus, the young fox spirit has decided to secretly follow her first, hoping that it could find a way to prove its usefulness to her, before becoming her spirit.

It had approached her once, thinking it would be fine since she was asleep. But it then got caught after falling asleep on the strangely soft and comfy bed of darkness, the girl had made. Upon realising its rudeness when it woke up, the young fox spirit ran; teleporting away from the girl quickly, as it went to hide from her sight.

Since then, it continued to follow her, waiting for the opportunity for it to prove its worth to the girl.

And now, hoping to prove its worthiness soon, it watched as the girl engages in a battle with a Silverfang Wolf she'd found.

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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