Demoness Reincarnation: Waking up in this new world, I shall live life without regrets with the Evil God watching over me!

Chapter 10: A Dream from the Past

Oh ho! I finally found it. The stairs to the next floor up; the safe spot where I can sleep in peace, without worrying about getting eaten alive by monsters.

I entered the stairway and climbed up the steps partway between the 87th floor and the 86th floor. Then, I came out of Dark Domain: Shadow Sneak and began making preparations to sleep without worries.

Dark Domain is unique skill that can never go out unless I say so, or if it's forced to go like how the rabbit did on the 89th floor. And the stairs here are very uncomfortable to sleep on. My entire body hurts the last time I slept on it.

Which is why, using the darkness from Dark Domain, I shall create a comfy bed for myself. One that would not result in my body hurting when I wake up.

Right, let's get to it then!

First, I build the bedframe out of the darkness, with the left side of the base being shorter than the right, to have it lie on horizontal angle on the diagonal stairs. Next, I create the mattress out of darkness as well, making it so that my body would only partially sink into it, as an attempt to replicate the soft springy feeling of an actual mattress. The same concept goes for creating the pillows; making it soft and squishy enough for my head to rest on. After that, I create some thin veils of darkness and installed them above the bed as bed curtains for the final touch.

Voila! My bed of pure utter darkness is done, and it looks quite similar to the bed in my previous life in terms of appearance.

But what about its comfiness? Is it the similar to that as well?

Only one way to find out.


I jumped on my bed and immediately rolled and pressed on it to feel its comfy level.

And the verdict says... it's not that good, but it isn't bad either. So-so I guess. Definitely not as good as an actual bed, but it's definitely better than the hard stone floor of the stairs.

Which is why, I shouldn't complain about this. In fact, I should be proud. I was able to build a second-rate bed out of pure darkness after all. And I doubt anyone else can do that unless they have a similar unique skill to mine.

So, I won't complain. Rather, I don't have any energy left to complain.

I'm tired. That is why, I shall close my eyes and go to sleep...


If there was one word to describe my previous life, that word would be "hell".

I was born in a rich family who did not care about me. My parents, who were perfectionists, did not love me for being a disappointment to them. Yet, they still expect me to be like them and raised me in a way that could be considered, torturous.

I had to always get perfect grades in school. I had to learn many things I didn't want to do. I had to study the manners and etiquettes of a lady, appropriate for the family.

I worked hard to do all of those things, and I did them perfectly to satisfy my parents. Going so far as to stay up all night to get them all right.

However, somewhere along the lines, my parents stopped caring about me, and focused their love and attention to my genius of a little brother instead. As a result, the skills which I was forced to learn throughout the years, had all been for naught, and by the time then, I was already about to graduate from middle school.

I still had to live with with my parents though, and was forced to maintain my perfect grades in school. But other than that, I was free to do whatever I want as long as it doesn't stain the family name.

And so, I started playing games, knowing that they would be useful for making friends, when my high school year starts.

However, just when I thought I was ready to turn my life around, I found out something crucial about myself.

I, Rei Hoshimiya, had no idea how to communicate with people.

I was raised by strict parents, and was secluded from society for the most part. Because of that, I have rarely ever talked to anyone, let alone my parents who would never listen to me. In addition to that, I have never cried nor smiled once, due to my harsh lifestyle. Resulting in me being unable to express my emotions freely, and had always kept a stoic look on my face since then.

Thus, my communication skills were off the charts... in term of negativity. And I wasn't able to make any friends in the end, despite knowing some of the stuffs they were talking about.

As a result, I was a complete loner by the time I died... and had many things which I wanted to do, left undone.

...Speaking of hell, this dungeon I woke up in, is just another form of it, huh?

But unlike my previous life, this time for sure I will turn my life around after escaping from this place. And when I do, maybe I'll try a little harder to make some friends...

Right, with that being said, let's hurry up and get stronger so I can get out of here. I got my beauty sleep already, and my body doesn't hurt after waking up.

Plus, I got this cute little fox to hug while asleep.

. . .

Wait a second... A fox?


Wha— Huh!? What the hell is a fox doing here!? Also, ain't this the same fox I saved earlier!? Why the hell can a monster be in a safe spot? Don't tell me it's some sort of an irregular monster that can enter the safe spots...?


Hold on. Let me check its stats while it is still asleep.

Name: (none)

Race: Lesser Fox Spirit

Lvl: 1

Physical Offense: 57

Physical Defense:33

Magical Offense: 363

Magical Defense: 219

Speed: 99

Eh? A spirit...? So it's not a monster? Well, why is a spirit here anyways!? This is a dungeon, you know! Definitely not the type of place for a spirit to be hanging out.

"Kyuu... Kyu?"

Oh, it's awake now.

"Kyuu... Kyuu...?"

"U-Umm... Good... morning?"





Ah, it disappeared...

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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