Daily World of Magic: An Elf’s Immortal Life

Chapter 20: The Rabbit House Casino

When Leon awoke in his soft bed the next day, his entire body was exhausted and throbbed with soreness.

Not physical pain and exhaustion, mind you.

The discomfort was entirely mental.

Continuous healing spells through the night ensured that his physical condition was relatively fine… but the cat-girl was a fearsome opponent that refused to let up.

Serious doubts were filling his mind about whether he was simply too weak, or whether the girls in this world were too fierce. If it weren’t for healing spells, Leon would be completely unable to keep up with their pace.

Although the process was certainly enjoyable, Leon was already satisfied and wanted to stop after a couple of minutes. Meanwhile, the cat-girl was unsatisfied even after several hours. It was only with great reluctance that he managed to convince her to go to bed.

It can only be theorized that the enhanced physical fitness and sexual desire of beast-kin contributed to the situation. Leon doubted that an ordinary human could survive such an intensity.

Breathing softly, Leon looked down toward the naked cat-girl curled up next to him.

A pillow was tightly held between Skitty’s stomach as she curled up. Gentle breaths raised her breasts, her breathing was slow and rhythmic indicating a resting state.

The peaceful sleeping appearance of the cat-girl was extraordinarily beautiful. Her body was lightly covered by the sheets of the bed, and her right nipple was partially visible from this angle.

Leon admired the peaceful sleeping expression on Skitty’s face.

Her head rested limply against the bed, her soft thighs and tail were wrapped around the pillow. His eyes wandered across the beautiful curves of the cat-girl’s naked body, pausing on her nipples and hips.

Feeling his own body instinctively react to the sight, Leon was frightened into averting his gaze despite his appreciation and desire.

There was no way he could survive another session with the kitten.

Not daring to wake up the sleeping kitten, Leon began to study the simplified [mental mind] spell with the system’s assistance to enhance his mental defenses.  

A couple of hours later, Skitty’s body shifted slightly and fluffy cat-ears flicked to the side. A rustling noise was made as she slowly adjusted her position on the bed.

“Meow…” The cat-girl yawned, slowly opening her eyes. “Leon, you’re awake.”

Skitty paused to yawn and sleepily moved to an upright position, her eyes half-closed as she gently rubbed them.

The bedsheet merely rested upon her shoulders and failed to provide any coverage of her body.

The cat-girl completely stretched her arms above her head, causing the bedsheet to completely fall from her body.

Her curvy, beautiful breasts and the bareness of her red nipples were fully revealed.

The sleepy appearance of the cute cat-girl made him want to go back to resting.

“Well, I’m awake.” Leon nodded gently to the cat-girl, patting her head and stroking her fluffy ears.

“Meow…” Skitty meowed contently with a yawn, her eyes rested as her warm, fragrant body leaned against him.

The cat-girl’s ears flicked to the side under his touch and the softness of her body leaned into him.

Leon enjoyed the gentle sensations that the cute cat-girl brought to him.

“Hmmm…” Skitty’s arms wrapped around him and tiredly muttered in his ear, “I wanna continue…”

“Pfff…” Leon coughed repeatedly, completely caught by surprise by her. “Ahem? Aren’t you sleepy?”

“Mhmmm…” Skitty rubbed her cheeks against his shoulder. “-But I’m extremely horny. Your arousal magic seems to be messing with my body’s chemistry.”

“Sorry…”’ Leon sighed and stroked the back of her head.

“Don’t apologize, it’s actually quite pleasant.” Skitty muttered, rubbing her sleepy face against him and took a deep breath of his scent. “Mhmmm… I’ll bear a litter of kittens for you.”

“Ahem.”  Leon pushed away the horny cat-girl and awkwardly coughed. “I’m quite not ready to be a father…”

“It’s a bit late to be saying that now.” The cat-girl gently rubbed her palm on her lower abdomen above her womb and yawned. “I’m probably already carrying your kittens.”

“Elves have a very low chance of fertilization, especially with other species. So it’s extremely unlikely that you’ll get pregnant.” Leon awkwardly explained and told her. “Without external assistance, it usually takes years of constant effort for an elf to get anyone pregnant.”

“How annoying…” Skitty yawned and her palm rested on her abdomen. “I thought the reason my own heat cycle failed to subside was due to your arousal magic…”

“What?” Leon frowned. “Heat?”

“Most species of beast-kin will occasionally go into heat.”

“This typically occurs when a female beast-kin is extremely attracted to a mate and causes the female to become extremely fertile. During the state of extreme arousal, the physiological state of our bodies will change and dramatically increase the chances of getting pregnant.”

“One of the changes is a burning desire for seed in the womb like I’m feeling now, which only subsides after successful conception… or a sufficient period of time passes.”  Skitty stroked her fingers along her lower abdomen and yawned. “Typically, the state of heat ensures that beast-girls can get pregnant with a single sexual encounter.”

“I thought your arousal magic was affecting my body’s physiological calming mechanism.” Skitty stretched her arms to the side, “-but if elves have such a low fertility rate, it’s not surprising that my body remains in a state of burning desire. The calming mechanism triggers with successful fertilization.”

“It might take a couple more times to successfully conceive.” Skitty rolled onto her back and stretched forward, resting her head. “I’m confident in my body’s enhanced fertility during heat, if we try hard enough… we should be able to have kittens during this cycle.”

“Wait, so your intention is to get pregnant?” Leon looked at the cat-girl with a strange expression.

“Do you not want to have kittens with me?” Skitty looked up at him strangely and yawned, her tail swishing back-and-forth. “Isn’t that the purpose of sex to begin with?”

Leon looked at her and tried to reasonably refute, “I thought-”

“You, me… kittens.” Skitty interrupted him and gestured to her womb with a tone of irrefutability.

“Ah?” Leon was caught off-guard and didn’t really know how to refute such forceful behavior.

“My body is in heat and I’m quite attracted to you, so take the next week off to create a litter full of kittens with me~” Skitty purred to him with a hint of seduction and sat upright, looking deep into his eyes.

“I’d prefer to get to know you better before having any children with you.” Leon could only forcefully state.

“-but I’m in heat now and really want to bear your kittens.” Skitty felt the burning desire in her body and looked at him with sad puppy-dog eyes with a pleading tone. “So have kittens with me… please?”

The cat-girl’s beautiful eyes watered with tears, she looked at him with helplessness and sadness.

The plea of the beautiful cat-girl to have children with him completely ruined his self-control.

The pleading eyes were too lethal.

Leon couldn’t bear to refuse.

“That… Okay.” Leon extremely hesitantly agreed to the forceful request of the cat-girl.

Technically, he was over 350 years old.

So having some kittens with this cat-girl isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

“No…” Leon woke up from the exoticness of the situation and regained bit of consciousness, ‘Why would I agree to that?’

Before he could correct himself, Skitty tackled him to the bed with a purr.


“Let’s have lots and lots of kittens together.” Skitty purred, the mock sadness on her face had directly vanished, she kissed his lips and continued where they left off from the previous night.



Days of endless fun with the cat-girl continued until Sunday.

Leon finally managed to escape from the cat-girl in heat due to his prior commitment to go gambling with his classmates.

Looking at his phone for directions, Leon approached the casino. 

Today, Leon had gone out of his way to take care of his appearance and combed his hair. Mainly because Skitty had insisted that the father of her kittens took care of his appearance.   

On Leon’s body was an extravagant black jacket with intricate red lines and seemed stylistically similar to a cape. Underneath the jacket, a black t-shirt and long black pants could be seen with a black belt.

The casino ‘Rabbit House’ that the black rabbit indicated for him to travel to was inside a luxurious towering building in the city center.

A sign at the door that indicated only adults could enter was displayed at the door.

Leon adjusted his jacket and stepped inside the casino.

The lights of the casinos were bright with a red tint.

A desk with female receptionists served guests and helped them exchange gambling chips behind a counter. The receptionists were rabbit beast-kin and wore revealing bunny-girl outfits.

The outfit included white cuffs around their wrists, black stockings covering their legs and thighs, and white necktie that wrapped around their neck with a black bowtie.

The bunny-girl outfit completely exposed their thighs, and the fancy black cloth on their torso barely covered their private areas as large portions of the bunny-suit had transparent stocking-like designs that revealed skin.

A pink-haired bunny-girl with a beautiful figure noticed his existence and began to stride over with her hips seductively swaying.

“Master Elf~” Pink-haired bunny-girl gracefully performed an elegant curtsy; her voice had a cute accent that portrayed an unfamiliarity with the language. “Are you interested in our establishment?”

The bunny-girl’s accent was similar to a French accent.

“You can call me, Leon.” Leonardo didn’t care for fancy etiquette like many other elves. “Theresa invited me.”

“You are- Ms. Theresa’s classmate?” The pink-haired rabbit girl asked with various pauses in her voice as if thinking of the correct words. The bunny-girl projected an illusionary screen in front of her and looked through some text.

“Yes.” Leon answered with brief words.

“I see- eh, my name is Losine.” The pink-haired rabbit girl slightly stumbled over her words and explained with a nod. “I will take you gambling.”

Losine walked gracefully toward a separate room, her beautiful buttocks swaying from side to side and her fluffy rabbit tail received his attention.

The side-room that the rabbit girl brought him had a small shrine.

“Young master, Leon… eh- there are some rules...”  The pink-haired rabbit-girl pulled out a clipboard from the side of the room. “-that I am required to inform you.”

“What rules?” Leon didn’t care about the accent of the bunny-girl and merely listened.

“First… You may enjoy and observe beautiful bunny-girls inside the casino.” Losine read from the clipboard with her strong accent. “-And particularly enthusiastic bunny-girls may tease you… but actively touching is forbidden without explicit verbal permission.”

“For example!” The pink-haired rabbit-girl anxiously pulled down a strip of cloth that covered her right breast and fully exposed her nipple. Losine leaned toward him in an unfamiliar manner, “If you wish, you are free to interact with my body~”

“Ahem… No, thanks.” Leon coughed and ignored his own arousal, awkwardly changed the subject whilst looking away. “Umm, I thought I was here to play with my classmates?”

Losine impolitely giggled at his obvious embarrassment and shyness, returning to her previous position.

“Standard rules of Rabbit House… Bunny-girls will naturally remain in room when playing with classmates.” Losine unfamiliarity with the common language was obvious from her choice of words. She kept her chest puffed out and crossed her arms behind her back. “As male elf, special treatment may be provided.”

“That’s completely unnecessary.” Leon tried to change the subject. “What are the other rules?”

“Second rule is prohibition of cheating, including any magic within casino or assisting others during notarized gambling games.” Losine skillfully explained, the bunny-girl was slowly reading from clipboard with a cute accent and made no actions to cover her exposed nipple. “If you do receive assistance of others besides employees during a notarized gambling game, you are required to report it to the rabbit-girl employee overseeing game... or it will be considered cheating if caught.”

“Understood.” Leon had a clear understanding of himself.

The enjoyment of gambling games was naturally about the randomness. Cheating ruined the fun for everyone involved. Leon would never cheat unless he could not afford to lose, and he would never agree to any bets that he could not afford to lose.

“The punishment of highest severity is being expelled from the casino and an automatic loss of current gambles.” The pink-haired rabbit-girl read and gave a playful wink. “-But young master Leon is an attractive elf, unless particularly serious violation, punishment is likely to be having fun time with many bunny-girls.”

The rabbit-girl removed the suit’s fabric covering her breast and fully exposed her breasts to him. She showcased herself to him with her arms crossed behind her back.

“Third rule prohibits betting anything in a notarized gambling game that cannot be legally collected by the casino.” Losine leaned toward him with a playful expression, “Common example of illegal bets are unowned assets, illegal substances, and illegal items like slaves.”

“Fourth rule is to completely fulfill the requirements any notarized gambling agreement within the casino that are not in violation of the law.” Losine explained with a serious tone and tapped piece of paper. “Any unfulfilled bets will be forcefully collected by the casino. It’s best to only gamble money.”

“Good.” Leon nodded.

“Before we enter the casino, there are a few final steps.” The rabbit-girl wiggled her fluffy ears and her body relaxed; she handed over the clipboard with the various rules for him to review. “Sign an acknowledgement of rules of the casino.”

Leon received the clipboard and saw the equivalent of a legal document with the previously mentioned rules were written down in an explicit manner. The rules describing cheating were more detailed, but the detailed rules were aimed at the higher prevention of external aid and assistance.

Using the [analysis system], Leon checked the rules for traps or problems.

[The contract is not magical]

[Rule 1 of the contract has extremely suspicious elements]

[Details: The prohibition “actively touching bunny-girl’s bodies without permission” is vague and is only restrictive toward guests.]

“The first rule is relatively vague.” Leon looked at the rabbit girl and asked, “What qualifies as actively touching their bodies? What if I accidentally touch a bunny-girl’s body?”

“We have magical artifacts to determine truth of a patron’s statement.” Losine clarified with her strong accent and stated. “Accidentally touching bunny-girl is naturally not violation.”

“Alright…” Leon signed the contract with some hesitation.

“Next, we have final step.” The bunny-girl accepted the clipboard back from him and asked. “Under the witness of the god of gambling, do you swear to that you intend to follow the previous acknowledged rules whilst within the Rabbit House and accept reasonable punishments for intentional violations?”

Losine playfully leaned toward him, and one of her fluffy rabbit-ears flipped to the side. Her beautiful breasts were fully displayed by her provocative movements.

Although the bunny-girl’s behavior was lighthearted, a contract witnessed by the gods was not a trivial act.

Although the gods do not care about the enforcing contracts, the karmic backlash from violating a contract witnessed by a powerful existence like a deity is enough to kill an ordinary person.

Furthermore, there is a possibility of getting a response if the witnessed contract is related to their divinity like the god of gambling.

A witnessed contract might be standard practice in gambling industries like casinos, but attracting the attention of the gods to witness a contract is extremely offensive act as it signifies a completely lack of trust. 

“I will not swear anything under witness of the gods.” Leon responded with clear unhappiness and didn’t intend to give the casino any face. “I have no intention of violating the casino’s rules, but if you cannot accept that I’ll simply leave.”

“No… no, I apologize.” Losine quickly panicked and waved her hands upon hearing his unhappiness, “I was following standard procedure. We trust that Mr. Leon will not violate any of the rules of the casino. I will reiterate that using magic of any kind with Rabbit House will be noticed by related artifacts and can be considered cheating, regardless of whether you are gambling.”

“Good.” Leon frowned but didn’t say anything else. He was only in the casino because the black-haired rabbit girl that was his classmate asked him to play with her.

Under no circumstances would Leon be willing to swear to the gods to simply play with his classmates.

The rabbit-girl removed the document from the clipboard and stored it away.

“Alright! There is still a period of time before Theresa’s group is ready, so let’s take you to the gambling tables to play for a bit.”  Losine jumped toward him, grasped his left arm and squeezed it between her bare breasts.

Leon felt the warmth of her breasts squeeze into his upper arm.

“What are you doing?” Leon pulled away his arm, the rabbit-girl was naturally young and beautiful.

The explicit nudity of the bunny-girl naturally caused some arousal, but Leon could manage it after being exhausted by Skitty over the previous week.

However, her gentle breasts squeezing into him caused the [lust crest] to intensify his arousal.

“Don’t make trouble, this is my job~” Losine was surprised by his escape and grasped his arm again. “If I do not serve distinguished guests properly, I’ll be in trouble.”

“Your distinguished guest is telling you to let him go.” Leon rolled his eyes and stared at her. “Does that amount to nothing?”

“It’s short walk to gambling table.” Losine pleaded with her eyes and squeezed her breasts into him.

“That…” Leon looked into her begging in her eyes and sighed in resignation. “Fine.”

“Thanks~” The rabbit-girl replied with a clear accent stood on her toes and lightly kissed the side of his cheek. The rabbit-girl walked by his side, pulling on his arm with her breasts squeezing into them.

Stepping through the door, the casino opened up to him.

Playful and joyous music filled the surroundings.

Fancy and unfamiliar gambling machines lined the walls, intricate games designed on them.

In the middle of the room, various gambling tables filled the surroundings, and some male patrons were gambling at the tables that were overseen by bunny-girls. The vast majority of people in the gambling hall were bunny-girls.

All of the bunny-girls walked around with their breasts completely exposed as if it was natural, their movements through the room had a harmonious feeling akin to an intricate dance. Some bunny-girls leaned over, serving food and drink to the gamblers.

Some of the serving bunny-girls were extremely close to male patrons and teased them, but some male patrons were left entirely ignored by bunny-girls.

However, the vast majority of bunny-girls were relaxing and playing various gambling games at the tables in bunny-suits.

The pink-haired bunny-girl attached to his arm directly led the way, and pulled him through the center of the room.

“We have various major gambling games at Rabbit House with unique spin~” Losine gestured to the various tables with a playful wink and proceeded to ask. “Have you gambled in past?”

“No.” Leon shook his head.

Losine brought him over to the gambling tables.

“This is “collect eleven”, each player is served two cards ranging from 0-5 points.” Losine introduced and gestured to the table, “First person to reach eleven points wins and collected bets of the active players. On turn, you draw a card and may discard one card.”

Some bunny-girls playing at the gambling table gave him playful winks and lifted their bare breasts toward him in a seductive manner. If it weren’t for the circumstances, Leon felt that the bunny-girls would’ve been more excessive.

The bunny-girl dealer that was serving cards was completely naked, except for stockings and white cuffs.

When the sensual bunny-girl dealer saw him approach, the bunny-girl dealer tilted her head and placed a card in the middle of her breasts in a teasing fashion. Then lifted the card to her lips and blew a gentle kiss.

The dealer’s actions were skillful and artistic in nature, allowing the advantages of the bunny-girl’s entire body to be displayed.

Everything from the fluffy white tail above her cute buttocks to her bountiful breasts were fully displayed to Leon without any sense of disharmony.

It was clear that the bunny-girl dealer was experienced at showcasing her natural advantages… which caused Leon to gulp.

“Collect eleven is a relatively standard gambling game, but the cards in our casino are magically enchanted to provide some additional entertainment for our patrons~” Losine squeezed her soft breasts into him, and gestured for one of the bunny-girls to show him the cards.

A few cards from an unused deck were brought over by a bunny-girl with brown-hair. She playfully leaned toward him with medium-sized breasts swaying from her movements and held out the cards.

Leon hesitantly picked up a card and observed it.

The card had a distinctive number [4] in the upper right position, the decorative design of the card was what caught his attention.


The card had two bunny-girls with their breasts exposed in a bunny-suit playfully winking at him.

Two bunny-girls sat on a gambling table with their thighs completely separated and inviting the viewer to observe their cameltoe. A gambling chip was in one of the bunny-girls’ hands, and their posture showcased their soft mountains with beautiful peaks.

The card wasn’t a static picture though, instead the two bunny-girls reacted to his observation.

One bunny-girl playfully covered her breasts, but leaned forward to showcase her cleavage and seductively separated her fingers to allow peeks of her nipples to show through.

The other bunny-girl placed a hand on her thigh and gestured with two fingers in an inviting mannerism, as if to invite him to have sex with her.


Leon gulped from the seductive nature of the cards, and subconsciously ordered the analysis system to stealthily analyze how it worked.

“As you can see, our cards are specially enchanted to provide additional entertainment to our patrons.” Losine’s fingers mischievously stroked down his arm and teased him with her breasts. “-and some bunny-girls especially like to provide special rewards to our male players.”

“Why don’t you play a round?” The brown-haired bunny-girl had a fiery ambition in her eyes and stroked her breasts in a seductive fashion, a nameplate engraved with ‘Tiva’ was sown into the fabric of her bunny-suit.

“If you want to try it, go ahead.” Losine gently breathed into his ear, the warmth of her breasts squeezed into him. “Men have complimentary tokens for playing at Rabbit House.”

 “That…” Leon’s body was extremely aroused, he forced himself to refuse. “I don’t have time; I’m going to be playing with my classmates soon.”

The bunny-girl called Tiva stepped forward, letting her squishy breasts compress into his chest. Her left arm wrapped behind his back and her lips approached his own but remained a few inches away from his face.

A feminine hand squeezed his erection through his pants, grasping his balls and playing with them.

Leon’s body was already in a state of arousal thanks to the [lust crest] and the bunny-girl playing with his erection further stimulated his desire.

“It seems like you’re badly in need of our special reward, though.” Tiva stroked up his erection and tenderly squeezed his balls. “We won’t keep you for too long, play a few rounds~”

“Yeah, why don’t you play for a bit~” Another bunny-girl with an intricate tattoo of a leaf on her beautiful mounds grasped his other arm and began to pull him toward the table.

Leon was led to the gambling table in a daze amidst erotic stimulation.

“Young master, Leon… you can stay in the capable hands of our resident bunny-girls. I’ll bring complimentary gambling chips~” Losine explained into his ear and released his arm, leaving him to the devices of the two predatory bunny-girls beside him. 

The seat where he was led had a comfortable cushion that was wide enough for the two bunny-girls to cuddle beside him.

Upon sitting, the two bunny-girls squeezed their soft mountains into him on both sides.

The bunny-girls’ entire bodies squeezed into him, seemingly attempting to leave their delicate fragrance across his entire body. Their feminine hands moved to squeeze his inner thighs and forced his legs to separate.

“So, young master Leon~” Tiva brushed her palm over his extremely hard erection and playfully squeezed it, letting her brown-hair flow over her breasts. “Do you have any specific requirements for our employees?”

“Or special sexual preferences like thighs, butts, or feet?” The bunny-girl with a leaf tattoo on his right-side snuck her hand underneath his clothing, her fingers stroked his stomach and touched the [lust crest].

An unrestrained ecstasy flooded his body from the [lust crest].

When her fingers touched the [lust crest], they triggered the advanced feature to bring complete erotic bliss to the individual instilled with the crest.

“Stop!” Leon gasped, and instinctively grasped the wrist of the bunny-girl that was touching the [lust crest].

“Have you forgotten the rules? You aren’t allowed to actively touch the bodies of any bunny-girls without our explicit verbal permission~” The bunny-girl with a leaf tattoo playfully whispered in his ear, whilst her delicate hand directly grasped the underside of his erection. “That includes touching us to prevent proper physical communication, so I suggest you let go, otherwise I’ll judge that you are intentionally breaking the rules~”

In a state of constant ecstasy from the [lust crest], the two bunny-girls continued to tease his erection and Leon was rather helpless.

“Don’t worry, we have a sense of propriety.” The bunny-girl with a leaf reassured him, whilst beginning to playfully pump his erection.

Waves of pleasure and desire washed over him as the bunny-girl sexually teased him.

The burning pleasure of the [lust crest] paralyzed his thoughts and actions.

In the mists of this, the brown-haired bunny-girl continued to tease his inner thighs and squeezed his balls through his pants.

Leon shuttered due to lust.

“Young master, Leon… Here are your complimentary chips~” Losine bent over with a plate of gambling chips of different colors. “The Rabbit House is willing to sponsor you with chips worth $1,000 dollars for each visit to our casino. After obtaining the sponsored gambled chips, if you wish to cash out, we have a requirement that guests must spend at least two hours inside the casino and the sponsored chips themselves cannot be checked out.”

The brown-haired bunny-girl exclaimed whilst caressing his balls. “Wow, you’re quite the valuable man~”

“Since you have free money to gamble, stay and play with us for a few rounds?” The bunny-girl with a leaf tattoo stopped pumping and instead grasped his erection with a devilish temptation whispering into his ear. Her soft breasts squeezed against his shoulder. “We’ll ensure you’re properly entertained~” 

Leon’s hands grasped the soft seat beneath him, the unbridled ecstasy flooded from the [lust crest] and constantly humming through his body as the bunny-girl’s wrist touched it.

“Young master, Leon… are you having any difficulties?” Losine’s body bent over, and a mischievous smile appeared on her lips as her breasts nearly touched his face.

“Can you order these bunny-girls to stop-” Leon wanted to further explain his request for assistance, but both bunny-girls began to play with his erection and his words turned into a grunt. “Mhmm~”

“Young master Leon, the actions of the bunny-girls are within the rules of the casino. All bunny-girls may interact with guests entirely based on their own preferences and patrons have no right to refuse.” Losine moved behind him and squeezed her breasts into his head, proceeding to massage his stiff shoulders. “The first rule of Rabbit House is a clear statement that the patron is surrendering their right to resist the seduction of interested bunny-girls~”

“Patrons are not allowed to actively touch bunny-girls without their permission.”

“This rule prevents perverted guys from harassing us and also prevent handsome boys from resisting our seduction, it’s a win-win.”

The bunny-girl with a leaf tattoo on her beautiful breasts began to pump his erection at an increased pace.

“-but I do hope you break the rules by actively resisting…” The bunny-girl with leaf tattoo whispered into his ear, “… I’m extremely eager to let you experience some of the more erotic punishments that cute boys can experience after breaking our rules~”

The bunny-girls on each side of him seemed to have taken on their own tasks.

Tiva gently squeezed and teased his testicles through his pants, whilst caressing his inner thighs.

The other bunny-girl kept her soft feminine hands around his erection and constantly pumped to provide pleasure.

Leon’s hands clenched, thighs separated, and his body reached the absolute edge of blissful release.

Unfortunately, the bunny-girls had no intention of allowing him to waste his semen by releasing at the moment. Both of the bunny-girl simultaneously released his erection and left him in a state of infinite desire.

Their hands to erotically travelling to other parts of his body, like his buttocks and stomach.

“You…” Leon’s voice was filled with strong resentment and glared at the bunny-girls.

How could you stop when you reach the edge of orgasm? Leon’s body was left in a state of absolute desire and demand.

At this point, he just wanted it to be over and done with.

“How about it~” Tiva’s palms rubbed along his inner thigh and she let her soft mounds tenderly squeezed into his body. “Do you want a special reward~”

“Whether I refuse or agree, you are going to continue teasing me…” Leon looked at the girls with resentment.

“Why don’t you bet the smallest chip of 5$ to get started.” Losine caressed his shoulders and squished her soft mountains into the back of his head. “The other players will follow your lead.”

The bunny-girl dealer had plopped her exposed butt on the gambling table, her cute buttocks were on display and her subtle movements provided a comprehensive view of her beautiful backside with a fluffy white tail.

“The game is about to start~” The bunny-girl dealer playfully leaned toward him. The delicate white skin of the beautiful girl displayed before his eyes. “Do you want to play?”

“Fine… Only one round, then I really have to go.” Leon swallowed his saliva, his eyes following the bunny-girl’s gracious curves and paused on her beautiful red nipples. The bunny-girls were clearly unwilling to let him leave, so he could only accept it to an extent.

A red gambling chip worth $100 was picked up from the pile of chips and placed on the betting location of the gambling table. Leon had no intention of spending a lot of time in the gambling hall, so it was better to run out of chips early.

A strong desire to breed with the surrounding bunny-girls had been cultivated by them, but Leon tried to remain calm.

“Seems you’re quite confident, welcome to the gambling table~” The bunny-girl dealer picked up two cards from the deck and sensually patted the face-side of the cards to her breasts.

His cards were used to flick her nipples in a teasing fashion.

When Leon picked the cards, the gambling cards were slightly warm from her body temperature and covered in a feminine fragrance. His thighs awkwardly shifted due to extreme arousal.

Both of the cards had a prominent number [2] in the upper-right corner.


The intricate design of the card had a beautiful rabbit-girl, the rabbit-girl wore a bunny-suit with the fabric pulled down to perfectly showcase her nipples and breasts.

The viewer’s perspective was from above, the bunny-girl lay stretched across a lover’s bed with fancy red decorations and hearts with her bright-red hair scattered across the bed.

The bunny-girl exhibited her charm with subtle actions of rubbing her thighs together with a hint of desire.

Her fluffy red bunny-ears focused on the viewer.

Like a dancer showing her body, the bunny-girl’s arms stretched above her head, showcasing her perfect curves and modest breasts with red nipples.

The beautiful bunny-girl inside the two cards tilted her hips to the side to showcase her beautiful butt, allowing her red fluffy tail to seductively wiggle to attract his attention.

Inside the card, the bunny-girl blew him a naughty kiss toward the viewer, an animated red heart flew from her lips toward the camera and hit it.


When the animated heart flew into the camera, Leon sighed at the beautiful decorations of the cards.

The bunny-girls trio were constantly fawning over him, allowing their soft breasts and nipples to squeeze into his body from all angles.

On the left, Tiva seductively massaged his knees and caressed his inner thighs. Her soft mountains squeezed into the left side of his chest as her playful eyes carefully observed his reactions.

On his right, the bunny-girl with the leaf tattoo mischievously rubbed her breasts along his right arm holding the cards.

Losine behind him skillfully massaged his shoulders with her hands, her mature face peered over his left shoulder and fluffy pink rabbit ears twitched toward him. The pink-haired bunny-girl squished her mountains against him whilst leaning forward to observe his cards.

The obvious sensations of three women playing with his body caused him to gulp.

The bunny-girl dealer began distributing the next round of cards. The other players received their cards without delay.

When collecting Leon’s card, the bunny-girl dealer teasingly inclined her body toward him and squeezed her exposed soft breasts together with her upper arm. At the same time, the dealer playfully moved the card along her upper thigh before placing it in front of him.

Leon picked up the face-down card and discovered that the card was number [1]. When combined with the previous cards of [2] and [2], his total points had increased to [5].  


The beautiful picture on this card was a bunny-girl in a tightly fitting prisoner uniform.

Viewpoint was upward from directly behind the buttocks of the bunny-girl, she appeared to be inside a jail cell with metal bars. At the bottom of the screen, black stockings that wrapped around her beautiful upper thighs were visible.

Her plump round buttocks wrapped in the pristine prison uniform could be seen in extreme detail in a close-up perspective. Further upward, her white fluffy tail could be seen wiggling as her hips shifted.

At the top of the card, a metal chain could barely be seen wrapped around her wrists that trapped her in place.

The design of the bunny-girl was picturesque, drawing sympathy and arousal from the viewer.

Her cute buttocks lifted slightly, smushing against an invisible panel in the viewer’s direction and the cameltoe of her vagina pressed against the cards.


Leon’s fingers that were touching the frontal side of the card experienced the tactile sensation of her soft buttocks through some magical means.

The bunny-girl in the card had an obvious indentation on her buttock where his thumb remained as if his thumb was pressed against it.

His thumb instinctively moved across the card and felt the strange sensation of stroking her buttock. His finger moved across the cameltoe of the bunny-girl on the card, every fold in the fabric of the prison uniform that touched the invisible panel had complete tactile perception.

The bunny-girl in the card reacted to his every touch, jolting forward momentarily as his thumb touched her visible cameltoe.

“You may choose to discard a card during your turn, simply by placing it in front of you.” Losine whispered to him.

“Got it.” Leon indicated to the dealer to continue.

Leon thoughts began to focus on the game.

“The designs on the cards are beautiful, right~” Tiva stated with slight dissatisfaction, and her feminine palm applied pressure across his erection. “-but instead of playing with a fake bunny-girl’s butt and vagina on your cards, you should be interacting with mine~”

Tiva tightly grasped his balls and gently pumped upward through the fabric to send him waves of pleasure.

Her gentle feminine hands playfully squeezed his erection and rewarded him.

“Stop!” Leon grasped at the cushion beneath him and leaned forward, a puddle of precum could be felt in his underwear.

“Not until I feel your hand on my butt~” Tiva mischievously giggled and applied a gentle pumping force on his erection.

Leon hesitated, but ultimately complied with her wishes and groped her buttocks with his left hand.

The softness of her buttocks and the silky fabric of the bunny-suit could be felt beneath his fingers and palm. The erotic experience of groping a girl’s buttocks was quite attractive, but Leon tried to retain his sanity.

“Good boy~” Tiva mounted his left thigh, wiggled her buttocks and leaned into his chest. “It’s better to inflict your desires on actual girls than fake cards~”  

The bunny-girl did indeed follow her end of the bargain and release his erection.

-but Leon began to regret agreeing to come play with his classmates.

He hadn’t even seen a shadow of his classmates and Leon was caught between the three bunny-girls, forced to grope a bunny-girl’s buttocks. Under normal circumstances, Leon would simply use magic like [Crosso’s Mysterious Mirage] to escape but the rules of the casino prohibit all magical spells.

Subtle spells like analysis with countless features that relied entirely upon data analysis are fine. His analysis system had various anti-detection and anti-divination spells included to hide its existence… The stealth capabilities of the [analysis system] is top class, as long as it is purely limited to data analysis.

-but ordinary spell with obvious effects like intangibility are impossible to utilize in this situation.

A prominent casino like this could easily invite a team of tier 2 professionals to catch those that dared to break the rules.

It is important to keep in mind that any industries that are rich and powerful like casinos are typically owned by or have connections to extremely powerful tier 3 professionals. It can be said that any tier 3 individual could easily kill him.

Of course, they wouldn’t kill him due to his background and it was impossible for a tier 3 individual would be called out for such a trivial matter… but elves wouldn’t care if a team of tier 2 individuals caught him and inflicted an erotic punishment on him.

As long as there was no permanent damage, the elves wouldn’t care and might even applaud them if someone got pregnant.

Therefore, Leon was frightened by the erotic punishment mentioned by the bunny-girl.

Leon planned to leave directly after this gambling match as he realized that this place was really too dangerous for him.

When his turn arrived, the bunny-girl dealer bent over toward him to ensure that the entirety of her breasts could be seen by him with extreme detail and playfully removed a card from the deck.

The bunny-girl dealer skillfully brought the card to her breasts and used it as a shield to hide her left nipple. The act of covering one of her nipples with the card did little to hide the charm of the bunny-girl dealer, the picturesque sight of her completely naked body remained fully within his sight.

When his attention was drawn to her breasts, the bunny-girl dealer skillfully flicked the card over her nipple in a teasing fashion that showcased her hardened nipples.

The red areola remained in view as the card traveled back and forth over her nipple.

Eventually, the bunny-girl dealer blew him a playful kiss and slid the card over to him on the table.

When Leon eventually picked up the card, the card retained the warmth of the bunny-girl dealer’s breasts and was covered with a feminine fragrance.

The card had the number [1] with the previous image with the bunny-girl in prison on the decoration, which was quickly placed with the rest of his cards.


A strange resonance occurred between the cards when placed together and the image on the card slightly changed.

Large scratches vanished parts of the prison uniform and bright red marks appeared on the white skin of the bunny-girl, similar to whip marks.

Holes from the scratches on the orange prison uniform of the bunny-girl with her wrists wrapped up above her head instinctively attracted sympathy.

Her plentiful white skin underneath the fabric was fully displayed with red-marks of soreness, the whip marks covered her buttocks and backside.

The bunny-girl prisoner’s beautiful backside and buttocks were displayed with extreme detail as she helplessly struggled with her arms tied to the ceiling above her.

Only after multiple escape attempts did the bunny-girl seem to give up.

The captured bunny-girl’s buttocks, which were covered in red-marks after being hit with an object similar to a whip, squished against the illusionary camera that portrayed the viewer.

The bunny-girl’s pussy was particularly conspicuous and squeezed against the invisible panel due to the partial destruction of the prison uniform.


The card presented the image of the bunny-girl’s bare pussy against the fourth wall and Leon’s thumb instinctively rubbed across it.

The simulation of sensory feedback from the card was quite complete, his thumb could feel the edge of her labia underneath it and the card itself perfectly replicated everything. His fingers were able to spread her pussy apart and could feel the inside of her.

The bunny-girl prisoner within the card fidgeted from his touch, her arousal becoming more readily apparent as her vagina began to moisten and bloom.

No! This is clearly a trap.

Fearing that the horny bunny-girls that rubbed against him would be dissatisfied if he continued, Leon quickly managed to regain his senses and diverted his attention to the game.

He saw that his cards added together to exactly [6] points. Specifically made up of the cards [2], [2], [1], and [1]

The goal was to acquire exactly 11 points.

According to the bunny-girl, the numbers on the cards ranged from [0] points to [5] points… so [6] points was a rather optimal number.

Leon would obtain victory if a [5] card was obtained.

There was something that needed to be clarified before continuing.

“Do the cards with higher point values have a lower probability of appearing in the deck?” Leon asked the bunny-girls that surrounded him.

“Of course, otherwise the game would not have any risk-reward mechanism.” The bunny-girl with a leaf tattoo on her breasts acknowledged his statement.

Leon caught notice of her nameplate.

According to the nameplate, the bunny-girl with a leaf tattoo on her breasts was named ‘Anna’.

“There’s about a 30% chance to draw [0] points.” Anna leaned into him, letting her beautiful breasts attract his attention.  

“25% chance to draw [1] point.”

“20% chance to draw [2] points, 15% chance to draw [3] points, and etc…”

The bunny-girl didn’t continue to explain the specifics, Anna teasingly caressed his biceps with her fingers and squeezed her bare breasts into him.

Leon nodded and tried to return his mind to the game.

However, his thoughts inadvertently caused him to observe the brown-haired bunny-girl that sat on his left thigh. The subtle movements of her soft buttocks against his palm caused Leon’s hand to instinctively squeeze her butt and pull her toward him.

The brown-haired bunny-girl leaned deeper into him; Tiva’s face was slightly flushed, and her breathing was slightly heavy.

The beautiful curves of her body rested against him, her hands resting in a paw pose on his chest.

The soft mountains of the bunny-girl gently pressed into his chest.

The sweet feminine fragrance of her body tickled his nose.

Her delicate attractive face had a youthful demeanor.

Her gentle lips opened slightly, seemingly demanding to be kissed.

The fair white skin of her cleavage that squeezed into him sparked desire in his heart. An uncontrollable thought began to take root in his mind and spread though him like a virus.

…It wouldn’t be that bad to have sex with her, right?

The thought caused Leon to shudder and shook his head, trying to clear his mind. Leon looked toward the dealer and awaited the dealing of the next round.

The bunny-girl dealer slid over the next card.

A card with the number [1] appeared in the top right corner, showcasing the bunny-girl prisoner in chains.

As the [1] card resonated with the other cards in his hand, all the clothing on the bunny-girl in the [1] card(s) disappeared and the bunny-girl’s lower body was drooling liquid that flowed down her thighs.

Leon stacked the cards together and fell into thought.

The current total was [7] points.

The higher point cards had a distinctively lower chance of appearing; thus it makes some sense to continue drawing without discarding.

After a moment’s thought, Leon decided to keep the card and waited for his next turn.

Attempting to ignore the bunny-girl dealer’s seductive curves and body as she dealt with the cards, Leon picked up his card.

The card displayed a number [4] and two bunny-girls sitting on the gambling table with their breasts exposed and a mischievous expression.

With the new cards, Leon’s total points were [11].

“Does that mean that I won?” Leon placed the card in his hand, and asked the bunny-girls surrounding him.

When the cards were placed together in his hand, the different cards resonated together and released a small jingle with illusion magic.

A mini-firework emerged from the card and shot throughout the surroundings, celebrating victory.

“It is indeed your victory…” Tiva whispered into his ear, letting her brown-hair flow over his body and stroked his chest. “Congratulations on winning~”

“Time for your special reward~” Anna moved around to his back, and Losine moved out of the way.

“No- wait…” Leon tried to stand upright, but the brown-haired bunny-girl sitting on his thigh prevented him from escaping.

Anna’s soft breasts teasingly squeezed into his backside and her lips seductively nibbled on his right ear.

Instinctively, Leon pulled his head away from the bunny-girl that was nibbling on his ear. He removed his hand from the buttocks of the other bunny-girl to gain more leverage whilst escaping.

Anna wrapped her hands around his stomach and teasingly played with him.

She playfully unraveled his belt to build his anticipation.  

“I don’t want any special reward.” Leon protested, but his attempts to escape were for naught. He could only prevent her from playing with him by holding down his pants with both of his hands.

“Really? Because I don’t believe you~” Anna whispered into his ear, gently licking his ear and forcibly moving her right palm down his stomach.

Her fingers gently slid underneath his hands that blocked his underwear and mischievously touched the [lust crest].

Paralyzing bliss overcame his body.

His limbs felt weak and lost all strength for resistance.

Leon’s body felt like jelly and melted into her body.

Anna easily removed his hands that were blocking her assault and slid her hands into his underwear.

“If you aren’t happy, why not resist?” Anna whispered, wrapping her fingers around his erection.

Pleasure filled his mind as she pumped.

“I’d love to punish you for resisting~” Anna’s voice was full of teasing as she easily controlled his erection, bringing waves of joyful electricity through his body.

Her fingers moved across his erection like playing with a toy.

Anna moved her fingers to grasp his balls and played with them, the playful squeezes resulted in hormones flooding his body and accelerating the generation of sperm.  

Leon leaned forward as one of her hands milked his erection and brought endless pleasure.

The two bunny-girls easily played with him and stroked his erection.

Their actions were extremely pleasurable and constantly brought him toward climax with subtle actions in the progress.

Anna behind him was gently breathing into his ear that was wet with her saliva and squeezing her breasts into his back.

Meanwhile, Tiva brought him into a soft kiss with her lips constantly pecking at him and mischievously playing with his buttocks. Her soft breasts continued to squeeze into his chest and her fragrance filled his nostrils.

The entire time, Anna was pumping his erection.

“Mhmm…” Leon instinctively curled his toes, separated his thighs, and clenched his hands.

Leon was unable to escape from the pleasure and bliss that constantly flowed through his mind.

Slowly… the resistance faded.

Leon’s eyes closed in enjoyment of the wonderous sensations of the two bunny-girls.

The subtle reactions of Leon’s body changed as he accepted their assault. He leaned back into the soft breasts of the bunny-girl behind him, completely spreading his thighs apart and subtly thrusting in response to her pumping movement.

“That’s right, just relax and receive your special reward~” Anna whispered into his ear.

The pleasure intensified as Anna began to speed up her milking movements. The intensive ecstasy flooding through Leon’s brain caused his thighs to shift, muscles to tighten and lock in place.

The pleasure brought him to the edge of climax easily.

“It’s time to release~” Anna playfully tightened her grip on his erection and slowed her movements with her tightened grip, replicating the feeling of female orgasm whilst having sex.

Her feminine fingers pumped to the base of his erection.

Pleasurable orgasm overflooded through his body.

The seeds of life spurted from within him, landing on his stomach and clothes soaking them in the liquid.

Leon was unable to control himself and his body was completely under the control of the bunny-girls around him during the process.

“There are plenty more special rewards if you want to keep gambling?” Anna behind him whispered into his ear, playfully stroking her fingers along his [lust crest].

“Mhmmm…” Leon’s mind was filled with blissful ecstasy through her coquettish operation, but barely managed to refuse. “No… No, I’m leaving.”

“Then we’ll help you get cleaned up before you go~” Anna removed her fingers from his [lust crest] and grasped his arm.

“No, I’m fine.” Leon quickly tried to pull away his arm, but the two bunny-girl surrounding him giggled and pulled him along.

“Relax, we’re professionals~”

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about~”

The two bunny-girl led him away from the gambling table, deeper and deeper into the casino.

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