Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Last Day

"Well, Jud, what are your plans for today?"

"Don't you remember? It's the day the Mox are having a tryout to hire someone."

"Ah...that thing was today, huh? Jud, you really want to get into that mess. If you're asked by the Mox, you know it's going to be some kind of business...let's call it erotic. Do you really want to be in on that kind of thing?"

"It doesn't have to be. The Mox also have the BITCH clothing line. Maybe, maybe they need help to..."

"Jud, you know better than that. They're looking for people who know about tech and code. If I had to guess, for starters, they're going to ask you to edit BDs, for the time being, when the person they choose has enough experience, they'll probably order you to start making new BDs from Mox-doll memories and work exclusively with the Mox. In the meantime, you would stay in some basement making porn BDs. Your only friends and acquaintances would be the Dolls around. do you really want that?"

"..." When Judy heard what Sora said, she froze for a moment, immersed in thought, imagining the life Sora had described. This made Judy's skin crawl with goose bumps. Not knowing why, but feeling that this hypothetical future was probable.

When Judy finished imagining that grim future, she stared at Sora.

"How did you do that? Besides, you're a bit of a bastard, aren't you?!"

"Hahaha! Why do you say that?"

"Why do I say that? I've been excited all week about the idea of getting Eddis and finally being able to collaborate on our prototypes, until a second ago when you opened your mouth.... fuck I don't know how you did it, but I got goosebumps imagining it... but why do you think I would care about making porn BDs? I'm a lot tougher than you think."

"Hahaha, I don't doubt that. I know if you put your mind to it, you would be the best in the city. But knowing you like I know you now, I would say it would be difficult at first. Since ``erotic´´ things make you nervous. I speak from experience and that we did almost nothing....."

"Wha-what-what-what are you saying, you shameless! I-I wasn't nervous!".

"Yeah, sure, sure. Whatever you say. So, have you thought about what you're going to do?"

"I don't know. I'm at least going to go to the test. If it's like you said and it's just editing videos, I don't think I'll mind so much. Besides, I could get money this summer while I'm working from our apartment-!!! I mean, in YOUR apartment!."

Judy, realizing her little mistake, turned away in embarrassment, avoiding Sora's smile at her slip up with the apartment.

Sora, seeing Judy's reaction, his smile widened. He got up and hugged her from behind, finding an opening with which to mess with her.

"What-what are you doing in the middle of class, you pervert? Can't you see that everyone is watching us?"

"I don't care. You know that. Besides, I thought you were cute when you called it ``our apartment´´"

Said Sora whispering in Judy's ear who couldn't stand the stares from the rest of the students in the class along with Sora's whispers without turning her face totally red making her struggle in Sora's embrace out of embarrassment.

"Hahaah just this and you're already this nervous imagine how you'll be when you have to edit porn videos in front of all the Mox."

"That-that's different, bastard!, they're not you..." Said the nervous Judy, almost whispering the end.

"I know." said Sora releasing Judy from his embrace, but not before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Which when the rest of the students saw, some of the boys in the class whistled while others looked at him with eyes of complicity while the girls looked at Judy some with joy and interest in their eyes and others with envy.

Since the events with Ishii and his expulsion, Sora and Judy's classmates have had a drastic change in their school life for the better, coming to thank Sora for it and changing their perception of Sora.

Before these events, the other students only thought of Sora as an apathetic boy who didn't interact with almost anyone in the High school. Although it was known that Sora had been able to clean out the entire high school Kendo Club, the other students did not think that the lethargic boy who spent his classes staring out the window or only interacting with Judy was capable of such a thing.

Witnessing for themselves what happened and how Sora acted, going so far as to cut Ishii's hand off when he had warned/threatened him earlier that he would do so if he touched Judy.

For most of the guys, it was a shocking and awesome moment, as they themselves had seen or been a victim of Ishii's abuse, at some point in their high school life and had fantasized many times about going up against Ishii as Sora did. But they never dared to do it.

It was a really amazing moment, they had even talked about it with their friends from other classes, telling what really happened and how he did it. But those few conversations could not compare to the rumor-spreading power generated by the Mini-moxes.

But even so there was a change in Sora's classmates, who seemed to be more attentive to Sora, looking at him and if he was looking at them when they entered the class, greeting him, waiting for Sora to do the same greeting them back, some of them especially the younger ones than Sora, getting nervous when he looked at them.

This puzzled and amused Sora a lot during the few waking hours he spent at the high school.

Judy released from Sora's embrace, sat back in her seat, still a little embarrassed.

"Seriously, what are you going to do?" asked Sora.

"I don't know. I guess I'll have to decide after the test. If it's just editing videos, maybe I'll do it. But if it's something else... I don't know. I don't want to get into something I can't get out of, but I'm really looking forward to being able to get Eddis, I know it's kind of silly but....."

"I understand. Well, whatever you decide, I'll be here to support you, okay?"

"Yes, thank you. That means a lot to me" Judy said as a smile broke out on her face.

But that quickly erased as Judy changed her expression, wanting to tell Sora about the rumor she had heard around the High School, about what had happened with Ishii, just what Sora didn't want to happen. but Judy was hesitant. She didn't want to worry Sora, and in a way she liked the rumor better so neither Sora's name nor hers appeared anywhere, which made Judy feel better than in the version where only Sora was mentioned.

Sora, who saw Judy's expression as if she wanted to tell him something important, just waited patiently for her to get ready to tell him.

When Judy finally made up her mind and opened her mouth, determined to tell Sora, someone entered the classroom, calling Sora to talk to him. He interrupted Judy.

It was Caesar, the class supervisor.

"Sora, I need to talk to you outside for a moment," Caesar said with a smile.

Sora nodded and got up, but before following Cesar out of class, he turned to Judy "I'll be right back and you tell me whatever is on your mind, okay?" to which Judy nodded her head still somewhat annoyed by Cesar's interruption.

Sora walked out of class following Cesar, while Judy remained sitting in her seat and a person approached her, shortly after Sora left.

"Well, Cesar, what do you want to talk about?" asked Sora.

"How are your exams going? I figured you and Judy would have no problems, but this week you seemed tired and fell asleep shortly after the exams started. Is everything going well, Sora?", asked Cesar trying to open a banal conversation.

"Yes, yes, everything is fine. But seriously, what is it you wanted to talk to me about, Cesar?", asked Sora.

"Do you have plans for this afternoon?", asked Cesar.

"What!", asked Sora, surprised. "I'm sorry, Caesar, I'm a little disgusted and flattered by your proposal, but I'm only interested in women."

"HEH?! NO! Wait, that's-", Caesar started to say, Nervously, in case someone had heard Sora's joke!

"Hahaha! It's a joke, man! Don't get mad! What's wrong? What, for a fireman, do they turn off your sense of humor or what?"

"You fucking bastard, you know that kind of jokes aren't funny to a School Supervisor?"

"Well, neither does saying things like ``what are your plans for this afternoon'' to a student" Said Sora imitating Cesar's tone.

Caesar, somewhat exasperated by Sora's continuous teasing, began to lose patience and regret asking about some of Sora's time.

"Well, are you free or not?" asked Caesar.

"Hahaha, yeah, yeah, I'm free." Sora said, since it's really kind of sad butSora, he didn't have any plans for the end of school afternoon.

His grandfather had been nervous yesterday, because of a supposed meeting with someone important who wouldn't tell Sora who it was. His uncle Hiroyuki also had work at the Netwacht offices in Nc, and Judy had her test with the Mox, to which left Sora with his grandmother Aoi and Eco waiting for him at home.

"But since you're the one asking me out, how about we go to Tom's Dinner? You buy me some sweets, like real pedo would do, and we complete the plan. I'm hungry, I don't know why, but I'm eating more lately, I think it's because I'm growing up, I would love some pancakes, come on man these things have to come from you, not from your chosen target, you have a lot to learn, if you want to be a good predator, phfff,"

"Grrrhh!" Growled Caesar who by now had lost the will to even speak, exasperated and regretful of his decision to talk to Sora.

"it was another joke, man. Don't get mad, hahahahah....,"

While Sora was still joking with Cesar the rest of the students had finished packing up their things to leave the high school for the last time before their summer break. Among the students who left the class, there was Judy together with Selena ``Q'' and the rest of the Mini-Mox of the class.

They seemed to have prepared to leave together to go to the place where the Mox tryout was going to be held.

Sora kept looking at Judy searching, if she still had the same expression, wanting to tell him something important, but to Sora's surprise, it was no longer there, instead Judy seemed to have an almost guilty expression, as if someone had convinced her to keep quiet, whatever she was going to say.

"Oi. Jud all right?" Sora asked, disturbed by the change.

"Eh? YES all good... Sora." Judy replied, almost with a guilty tone in her voice.

"Sure? didn't you want to tell me something-" asked Sora again, not convinced by Judy's answer.

"Hey didn't you hear her, she already told you she was fine, stop stalking her." Interrupted Selena, the head of the Mini-Mox.

"Stalking? First of all, did I address to you Selena? No, right? so shut up!" Sora replied, annoyed by Selena's foolish accusation, not realizing why but knowing that the sudden change in Judy was due to this woman and that bothered him


"Sora! There's really nothing wrong with me, it was nothing important really, well we're leaving now, we don't have time, I'll call you when I'm done, ok?"


With those words Judy took away, pushing a pissed off Selene who was still looking at Sora intensely.

A Sora who a was still upset about what had happened, so much so that he contacted his best pal.


(Meanwhile at Sora's house)

Aoi, was happily and calmly sitting on the couch in the Living room, enjoying her well-deserved alone time, after the hard week that she had to endure, with her house full of noises and with the smell of sweat everywhere, because of the damn training that the 2 troglodytes they were living with were doing and if that wasn't enough they had invited one more, that, invaded her beautiful house, even sleeping on the couch, during the week they were training Sora....

"Ahmmm why couldn't Hanako-Sama have a Girl, instead of the troglodyte I live with" Aoi said out loud, while drinking her special tea, that she hid at home so that no one would spend it apart from her, it was a Japanese made major tea one of the greatest treasures Aoi had and that she liked to enjoy to calm herself down when she was alone.

When Aoi was finally relaxing, all of a sudden!


She heard a loud noise from Sora's room upstairs, a few seconds later a noisy and almost crazed Eco quickly went down the stairs moving his paws too much, because of the lack of friction they were generating by moving so fast, because of his euphoric state, when he went down the stairs he kept running in a straight line towards the exit of the apartment without caring about what was in between, which would be the sofa, the table with Aoi's beloved tea set and the Aoi herself.

Eco just ran out and jumped over the sofa and Aoi, but landed on the table, which made her tremble and with it throwing all the tea set that Aoi had prepared and was perplexed by what was happening.

Eco after jumping did not stop there he went to the door and stared at the electric lock as if it was sending him information, to which soon the door of the house opened and Eco who had managed to open the door into the hallway of the building where he went running to the stairs and began to go down them at full speed, as if someone had sent him a goal and was not willing to stop.

Leaving an Aoi "What the hell happened, when Sora comes I hope he has an explanation or else I'll hold him responsible for all of this-... My Te..... that-that THAT FUCKING DOG!"

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