Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Final Exams

"So what happened" Said a man with a sharp, aquiline face, with a square jaw and pronounced cheekbones. Almond eyes and dark skin, visible scars on face and tattooed neck, short dark hair, chrome limbs and cyberware marks across his face.

Creating an authoritative image that easily intimidated normal people who saw him, he was Shiro Shigeo, Ishii's father and one of the heads of the Tyger Claws.


When Ishii heard what his father said he remembered what had happened after he was knocked unconscious.

Against Sora's intentions and as Selena``Q´´ wanted from the Mini-Mox, who still thought it was a waste of an opportunity to fuck with the Tyger and before Sora's refusal to put them in the report, Selena came to the conclusion that it doesn't matter what an official report says if they themselves and the rest of the Minis could tell the story as they wanted.

And so they did, telling without Sora's knowledge, how a Mini-Mox had laughed in public at Ishii Shiro, leader of the Tygers Kuvx, and had ended up with him with his hand cut off, omitting Sora's name as well as Judy's, since at the end of the day they only wanted to fuck with the Tygers.

They got what they wanted, while Ishii and the other two witnesses to the incident on the Tygers' side did not hear the rumor of what had happened, as they were accompanying Ishii while he was being treated in the infirmary. They could not tell their version of events or deny the rumor, telling another version, so the Mini-Mox story spread quickly and reached the ears of other students and gangs in the high school.

That after hearing the rumor and learning that Ishii was actually in the infirmary unconscious while having his hand re-implanted, not only didn't help deny the rumor, but made it spread even faster.

Soon after, the rumor became the real story of what had happened for the rest of the high school students and gangs.

In addition, Ishii never gave his father's real information as a guardian and contact, so his father and leader of the Tyger Claws never received the official report from the high school. This meant that Ishii's father found out what happened through the younger members of the gang who had just graduated from high school and were now officially Claws, such as Brook, who still had contact with the rest of the Kuvx, especially with the seniors and was one of the first to learn of the story told by the Minis.

When Ishii woke up and found out what had happened while he was unconscious, he almost went crazy or just crazier than he already was. This made it so that every time he passed someone from the high school after leaving the infirmary, he would see them laughing at him, even though Ishii was the only one who saw it. This made him, relive the moment his hand was cut off, in his head, hearing the laughter of the whole class.

Although the laughter of the students and the cutting of Sora happened at different moments, in Ishii's crazed mind he could only remember it that way. This caused the laughter from that morning's event to keep echoing in his head, amplified every time he crossed paths with a student and imagined they were laughing at him.

Causing Ishii's mind to fill with hatred for Sora for Judy and for the laughter ringing in his head, and especially the Minis who had created and spread the rumor about what had happened.

For Ishii, revenge was an understatement, he didn't want to kill them.... Ishii wanted to hurt them, make them suffer, make them scream and cry as they regretted what they had done after tearing them apart and when it was over, kill them when there was nothing left.

Going so far as to use the laughter he heard in his sick mind as fuel for his twisted desire for revenge, making his disturbed mind ignite, determined to achieve his ``ambitions´´.

Making Ishii keep thinking about how he could achieve it, as he didn't just want Sora and Judy. No, Ishii wanted revenge on all those he considered guilty.

Ishii determined by his twisted desire for revenge realized that he could take advantage of this situation, he could use the rumor that Minis had spread and created, to get the Tyger's backing, which he would not have had if the real story had been made known or his father had received the official report from the Institute, about today's events.

It described how the student Sora Inazuka, the grandson of the man who so frightened Ishii's father, had been the one who had actually cut off his hand, making his father surely happy to learn that it was his son and not Red Demon's grandson who had been injured.

What Ishii, did not know is that his father Shigeo had met the Red Demon or the Red Oni of Arasaka, and being the only survivor, when he was young and his branch of the Tyger gang dared to sell Cyberware given by Arasaka, something that when Arasaka found out, he ordered to eliminate all the Tyger branch that had dared to disobey them.

Turning Musashi or Red Demon into something like Shigeo's personal Babayaga.

Ishii knew that to realize his revenge he would have to pay a price, which would be the punishment he would receive from his father, confirming the rumor spread by the Minis in front of him, stating how he had tarnished the name of the Tygers..... but if he survived the punishment, he would have the support of the gang for his revenge.

"You're really not going to say anything kid? You know normally I wouldn't give a damn what you do, but the story Brook told me, it bothers me, but I don't believe it, you know why? Because I know my son is not such an asshole as to FUCK!. With one of the only 2 rules I told you to have in high school, Don't FUCK with the Inazuka kid and second don't FUCK with Tygers name.

And that's why I couldn't believe the story that my son in a fit of rage against a mox whore, pulled out his firearm and it all ended with him getting kicked out of high school, having his hand cut off and becoming the FUCKING laughing stock of the high school.

Fucking with the Tyger name like I told you not to do."

"Quiet, huh?"

Ishii, knowing that nothing good would happen when he started talking doubted for a moment of sanity, about his plan, but.... only after that second of silence in his head, in doubt of what he was going to say, laughter rang out again, inside Ishii's head, that they practically made the decision for him.

"It's true father, what you heard, from Brook, next to me carrying a gun to class and ending up.... with my hand cut off. It's all true," Ishii said, knowing that what awaited him would not be good, but all he cared about now was silencing the laughter in his head and he knew how, replacing it with screaming.

Shigeo was surprised to hear his son and see his state, he didn't seem like the usual overbearing and violent one Shigeo remembered, Ishii seemed more mature and determined with a violent flame inside him that burned him. Shigeo knowing what that flame was, could only smile inside knowing how his son's desire for revenge was such that it seemed to be burning inside him

"I see .... and the reason you were carrying a firearm was to be prepared in case of need right? " Shigeo for the first time felt something akin to affection for his son seeing the change, but still his son had managed to tarnish the Tygers name and that is something no one could do without punishment or without paying for it.

" Yes."

"I see ...." With that sentence open, Shigeo got up from the desk chair and stood in front of his son when he was close enough he took his sword and slashed Ishii's arm from the elbow down the same arm that Sora had slashed that very morning.

"AAAHMMMMMMMMMMMM" shii screamed again in pain from the cut on his amputated arm for the second time today, screaming less than the first time, possibly already used to this level of pain.

"Since you are so comfortable with a gun on you now you will always carry one, go see the RipperDoc of the gang tell him to put something powerful on your arm, it's on me, and Ishii, you have a week to heal, when you finish.... you will have only one chance to clear the name of the Tygers, you will have the support of the first year Claws..... don't fuck it up.... Son."

With a sickly smile even as his arm was cut off as he listened to his father, "T-thank you father I swear I will clear the Tygers name" Ishii said as he grabbed for the second time that day the end of his stump on his arm as it bled and headed towards the Tygers RipperDoc.

Ishii still hated his father and didn't forget his plan to steal everything he has but, it's not time yet and for Ishii his father was still useful.


-One week later

Thursday, June 25, the last day of the school year.

In a classroom on the fourth floor where the end-of-year exams were being held.

"zZzzzzZzz" someone was sleeping.

"Okay time, stop touching your screens, and send me your exam answers" said the Class Supervisor when the exam time was over.

"zzZZzzz" While the rest of the students were rushing to finish answering the final exam questions they were typing on their desk screens.... someone was still asleep


"No..... I don't want... to... train..... anymore leave me ....alone you old ....creeps!"

"Sora, damn it, wake up already!" said Judy trying to wake up Sora.

"Eh!? it's you, is the exam over already?"

"Of course it's me!, have you answered any questions on the exam? come on wake up already and send whatever it is you had time to put in before you fell asleep, what is wrong with you this week, you've been falling asleep almost every hour of class!"

"Just so you know, I finished answering all the questions before I fell don't know the torture I live in!....." Sora said holding a hand to his forehead dramatically before plopping back down in front of his desk without energy as if it were a puppet whose strings had been cut.

It had to be known that his uncle and grandfather had been forcing him to do Spartan training every day this week, even on the weekend, which was even harder. Taking Sora out of the city to camp in the Badlans so that he could train in an open and quiet environment.

It was also the first time Sora had left the city, although he didn't say it and made a bad face at his uncle, saying things like ``I'm sure it's still part of your sick revenge, uncle" the truth was that Sora liked the experience very much.

Why was all this training, along with the Badlans camp around the city that Sora and Hiroyuki did by themselves?

There were two reasons, one for Sora and the other for Hiroruki, Sora's reason was due to what happened the first time the three of them trained together, making Hiroyuki surprised by Sora's physical abilities that made Hiroyruki nervous several times during the training and especially Sora's martial skill with the sword.

But all that surprise disappeared when in the training he passed to the use of firearms and combat training instead of martial duels .... where Hiroyuki began to demonstrate his mastery and his true form of combat that unintentionally impressed and won the respect of Sora.

Unlike his older brother, Hiroyuki's combat form was fluid, changing weapons according to the situation, even when he was still using his mantis as his main weapon he used his firearm to interpose, stall and cut the charges that Sora and Musashi made with their swords. with rubber training bullets

It showed a huge difference to Musahi's way of combat which, while it is true that he used other weapons alongside his sword, but he didn't use them as efficiently and fluidly as his younger brother, having too much confidence in the use of the sword alone.

When Hiroyuki saw Sora's stance, speed and accuracy with firearms, he felt a bit disappointed and angry, not with Sora who had done exceptionally well for someone of his age, but it paled in comparison to the skills Sora had demonstrated with the sword.

But what infuriated and disappointed Hiroyuki was that he was beginning to see the same mannerisms and bad habits that his brother had with his overuse of the sword and his lack of fluency when it came to mixing the two. Sword and firearms.

When Hiroyuki realized this, he seriously turned to his brother in anger and said;

"Musashi what the hell have you been teaching this kid besides martial arts and swordsmanship...for crying out loud! If he keeps going down that path, he's going to turn into a fool like you, who only uses his sword, committing recklessness because of it, going so far as to do crazy things like running towards an enemy who is gunning for you blindly relying on your sword skills instead of simply drawing your firearm and neutralizing the threat. Remind me brother, what happens to people who fight like this?".

With some embarrassment for the rhetorical question asked by his younger brother while scolding him for instilling too much the use of the sword to Sora when there are times when it is more prudent and wise to change weapons, to always have the one that best suits the situation and not take unnecessary risks as happened to Musashi.... when he lost the Eye.

"They end up... wounded" Musashi said in a low voice, surprising and amusing Sora by the unseen semi-childish attitude of his grandfather.

"I didn't hear you Musashi!"Hiroyuki said in a loud tone almost sounding like the older brother and Musashi the little.... of a couple of kids.

"I said you can GET HURT! Fucking happy?"

"Yeah better, Sora you have a natural talent for combat you have great reflexes, reaction time and a body that can follow them, but with your current combat level you're on a precipice kid..... Ahmm if you continue on your current path.... you will become, I'm sure, the next one after my brother to carry the title of the best with the sword when you grow up, I'm not saying that's bad, but it will also make you too focused on your sword, and you could end up doing crazy things like your grandfather did and that made him lose his eye."

"Hooo! Grandpa so that's why you lost your eye?" asked Sora interested, in knowing how his grandfather lost his eye, even though Sora had asked several times he had never been told.

"Tch boy it's not that easy but Hiroyuki is right, it was when I was in my prime and maybe too drunk on myself because of how people considered me the best sword user, I also wanted to prove that the sword was universal that in any combat situation even against snipers the sword was all I needed, if instead of filling my head with nonsense I had been a little less stubborn now I would have two eyes, I still remember that Russian bastard obsessed with revolvers, who shot me in the eye...."

"Besides you have the potential to inherit Musashi's title, without inheriting his flaws, but you have to act now, kid." Hiroyuki said before continuing to speak.

"That's why I say you're on a precipice kid, from what I've heard.... you've been in a combat situation before, and as I imagine you've already realized, in such a dangerous situation, the only thing left in your mind from all your training, is what you have the most mastery in, but what you should be doing is mixing all the skills you know creating a unique and personal form of combat of your own, Kid" When Hiroyruki finished explaining. Sora was silent while thinking about the advice Hiroyuki, his uncle, had told him, that Sora would agree 100% if it wasn't for everything he thought about dying a virgin again.

Musashi seeing, his brother and grandson together, made him remember when Hiroyuki did the same with his sons, causing Musashi to feel saddened knowing how his younger brother had not gotten over Ishida's death and was still haunted by the events of that tragic day.

Coming to the second reason why Sora and Hiroyuki's camping trip to the Badlands for the weekend was organized, Musashi hoped that his little brother could gradually forgive himself for what had happened with Ishida by spending time and getting to know his nephew.

For Hiroyuki to realize as Musashi and Aoi did when they raised Sora, that life goes on whether we want it to or not, and it is our choices to move forward as long as we live or stay stuck in the past reliving what was lost.

After that weekend of training almost 24 hours a day, Sora had greatly increased his skill with the use of firearms, making Hiroyuki surprised with the speed with which Sora learned, being able to steal or copy Hiroyuki's moves when they did combat only with fists and guns.

Making Sora in the last Sunday afternoons in his last duel with his uncle, only with firearms and martial arts, was able to tie with his uncle for the first time, creating his own style of hand to hand combat with weapons and improving his aim, speed and posture to a level that can follow the rest of his skills now.

That when he got home and Musashi saw Sora's personal armed martial art created by his brother and grandson, he felt envious of what they had created and had not participated, but seeing the more relaxed change in his brother he could only smile and get excited.

He also wanted to collaborate in Sora's training. Almost repeating the process that Sora went through with his uncle of mixed weapon and martial art duels, but now with him.

Enthusiasm and not wanting his little brother to take all the credit, this led to long nights of training for Sora with Musahsi and Hiroyuki who started talking and discussing about different ideas and discrepancies on certain weapon martial art moves that Sora was creating, which led to the two of them starting to train Sora together polishing and improving anything they saw or came up with from the vast experience they both had on combat.

Creating something that even they could only describe as ``really dangerous´´.

That not realizing that, Sora to learn it had to go through long and hard training even going late into the night on weekdays, the week when Sora had the final exams, but Sora didn't care or complain he was too immersed in the training to complain or notice small things.

He was too focused on taking advantage of this opportunity to be trained by 2 of the most experienced and powerful people he knew.

What Sora didn't know was that Musahi and Hiroyuki, could be considered as 2 of the 10 strongest Humans of the time and Sora did the right thing in taking advantage and valuing the time with the two.

And all that was leading to Sora's current tired state all week of exams, even today the last day of the Course.

"Well Jud what are your plans today?"

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