Crimson Moon

Chapter 5: Goblins


“So, pound for your thoughts?” Harry asked, glancing at Luna as the goblin warned them to hold on tight.


The cart began to lurch forward, quickly picking up speed as it sped through the dark, twisting passages of Gringotts. Harry braced himself, the wind whipping through his hair, while Luna seemed to be deep in thought.


“I thought I was going to use my sight to have fun and mess with everyone while I made millions on the stock market,” Luna stated rather blandly, her voice steady despite the wild ride. “Instead, we are married, and now Dumbledore is aware of us.”


Harry chuckled, though his grip on the cart's sides remained tight. “Life does have a way of taking unexpected turns, doesn’t it? Although it is a lot more fun like this.”


Luna sighed, her golden eyes reflecting the faint glow of the runes on the cart. “It’s more than that, Harry. There are so many things I’ve wanted to do and I wanted to relax for the first decade or two be a kid and all ya know? But now here we are.” 


The cart took a sharp turn, and Harry felt his stomach lurch. “Yeah, I get that. It’s a lot to take in. But I trust you, Luna. We’ll figure this out together.”


Luna smiled a rare, genuine smile that lit up her face. “Thank you, Harry. Your trust means alot to me.” 


An so they sat in silence contemplating. 


After what felt like an eternity, the cart began to slow, emerging into a vast underground cavern. The ceiling was lost in shadows, and the platform they arrived at was illuminated by torches with flickering blue flames.


“Please, follow me,” the goblin said, stepping off the cart.


As they followed the goblin, Harry couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer scale of Gringotts. “Why do we need to come so deep into Gringotts?” he asked.


“The deeper we go, the older the family vaults and since we are bring up some legacy families 


They approached a massive, ornately carved door set into the cavern wall. The goblin produced a large, intricate key and inserted it into the lock. The door swung open silently, revealing a grand room filled with desks and various goblins busy with paperwork.


“Wait here while I fetch the account managers,” the goblin instructed before scurrying off.


Harry glanced around the room, marveling at the sheer size and opulence. “This place is incredible,” he murmured.


“Princess, Mr. Peverell.” the lead goblin said with a bow, “I am SharpClaw,  and we have gathered all of the goblins here which manage your many accounts so that we may met out a deal.”


“Right first things first Harry needs his magic blocks taken off.” Luna states


“I did that already Luna.” Harry responds


“Huh? You did? Weird my sight usually isn’t wrong.” Luna mutters 


“You know what just check me anyways.” Harry says looking at the goblins.


Luna nodded, her demeanor calm and composed. “Thank you, SharpClaw. Let's begin with removing Harry's magic blocks. It’s crucial for our future.”


SharpClaw gestured to another goblin who stepped forward, carrying a small, ornate box. “Mr. Peverell, please place your hand on this artifact. It will scan for any residual magic blocks.”


Harry did as instructed, feeling a faint hum of magic as the artifact began its work. The goblins watched intently as runes glowed softly on the artifact’s surface.


“There are indeed a few remaining blocks,” the goblin said after a moment. “We will proceed with the removal ritual.”


“Princess would you like some blood while we await for the ritual to be set up?” A goblin asks as the entire party is led over to a ritual room on the same floor. 


Luna flinches slightly “Stop calling me princess and yes dragon blood preferably.” 



SharpClaw led them to a circular area in the center of the room, marked with intricate runes and symbols. “Stand in the circle, Mr. Peverell. The ritual will require both your and Miss Peverell’s magic to be channeled together.”


Luna suddenly looked up from her cup of blood, the green-colored blood still on her lips. “My magic as well?”


“Yes, seeing as you are both betrothed, it is what would be best for dear Hadrian,” SharpClaw stated.


“You need not explain further then,” she said, as Harry and she stepped into the circle, facing each other.


“Place your hands together,” SharpClaw instructed.


Harry and Luna clasped hands, feeling a surge of magic flow between them. It was then that a goblin wearing robes began to chant. The light intensified, forming a cocoon around them. Harry could feel the blocks dissolving, the restrictions on his magic lifting one by one.


As the final block was removed, the light faded, and the chant ceased. Harry felt a newfound sense of freedom, his magic flowing more freely than ever before.


“It is done,” SharpClaw said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. “Your magic is now unblocked, Mr. Peverell.”


“Wow… That took a lot,” Luna said, looking rather faint.


Harry immediately steadied her, concern etched on his face. “Are you alright, Luna?”


“I’m fine, just a bit… drained,” Luna replied, her voice soft. “Sharing magic like that is something else.”


SharpClaw nodded. “It is to be expected. The unblocking ritual requires a significant amount of magical energy, especially from those who are bonded as you two are. Although it is usually rumored to be extremely pleasurable for those who were drained of magic.”


“I see.. Thank you, SharpClaw,” Harry said. “What’s next?” Hoping to avoid the topic as he grabbed hold of the wobbly Luna. 


“Another cuppa dragon blood would be nice,” Luna says aloud. 


“It is being got as we speak.” Sharpclaw states


“Why are you all so nice to us?” Harry asks


All of the goblins look to Luna who looks back at them confused.


“Because your family is an ally of the goblin nation.” SharpClaw answers. 


SharpClaw gestured for them to sit at a nearby table where the account managers had gathered. “Now, we shall review your assets and holdings. Each manager will provide a detailed overview of the respective family’s accounts.”


The Potter account manager stepped foward, Introduced himself as Goldfang, and abrubtly began, “The Potter vaults contain a significant amount of gold, rare artifacts, and several properties across the wizarding world. Among these are estates in Godric’s Hollow, a manor in Devon, and a coastal retreat in Cornwall. A home in both norway and france aswell although the conditions of those properties are unknown. Additionally, there are investments in various magical businesses, including a considerable stake in the Daily Prophet and several potion and apothecary businesses.”


Harry nodded, taking in the information. “We’ll need access to the properties for safe houses and meetings. Ensure the manor in Devon is ready for immediate use.”


Next, the Peverell account manager stepped foward, an elderly goblin named Ironclaw, spoke. “The Peverell vaults hold powerful magical artifacts, and stasis charmed potions and other relics. There is also a collection of ancient tomes on dark magic and Necromancy. These tomes are particularly valuable, due to rumors that they contain knowledge that has been lost to time.”


Luna’s eyes looked forward with disgust. “Necromancy What a vile Arte. We need to ensure they are protected and accessible only to us we can not have humans getting their hands on those, they might be best off destroyed.”


All of the goblins look to Luna in shock for a brief moment before returning to their professional demeanor. 


The Black family account manager, a stern goblin named Steelhand, detailed their assets next. “The Black vaults are extensive, with considerable wealth, dark artifacts, and numerous properties, including Grimmauld Place. There are also several businesses under the Black family’s control, including a chain of high-end wizarding boutiques and a publishing house. Although there have been several recent with draws not from you so we will have to investigate that.” The blood thirsty grin on the goblins face would terrify anyone. 


Harry made a mental note. “Grimmauld Place will serve as a central base in London. Ensure it’s fully secured and warded. Find those who stole from us and get our money back… For a fee of course.”


All goblins in the room genuinely smiled at that. 


The Gryffindor and Slytherin account managers, both goblins of impressive stature named Goldtooth and Silvereye, respectively, Gryffindor reported similar wealth and artifacts. The Gryffindor vaults included legendary relics such as Godric Gryffindor’s sword and armor, while the Slytherin vaults were empty and derelict. 

SharpClaw then stepped forward with a final revelation. “There is one more matter of great importance. Ravenclaw family vaults are not here at hogwarts however since You two married are a total of 3 of the 4 founding families now own Hogwarts Castle itself. This means you should have significant influence over the school and its operations.”


Harry and Luna exchanged a look of astonishment. “We own Hogwarts?” Harry asked, incredulous.


“Yes,” SharpClaw confirmed. “This ownership grants you the authority to make decisions regarding the school’s administration, curriculum, and defenses.


“Right, lets claim our lord and ladyships and call it done then.” Harry states getting off of the couch suprising the goblins. 


“What?” Sharpclaw asks


“You did bring the rings did you not? I am confident my husband an myself are more than capable of being recognized by our family magics.” Luna states 



Dumbledore couldn’t find the pair. He didn’t know what to do but having two students go missing at the start of the year wasn’t good… although there was still 4 hours till sunrise so hopefully they would be back soon.


Harry and Luna both managed to make the long-distance apparition to Hogsmeade.


“Yes, I understand that you told me, so I am just wondering how that man managed to get more locks on my magic?” Harry said.


“I mean, if you did it in the castle, he has watch on the entire place via the ghosts and the paintings,” Luna stated.


“Ah, yes, that would make sense… So he’s gonna know that we got back?” Harry asked quietly as the two walked into the main entrance.


“Of course he is. He is Albus Dumbledore. He knows everything,” Luna stated both dramatically yet with a sarcastic twist to it.


“Huh, never thought of that,” Harry stated.


Dumbledore had finally made it to the entrance hall. The wards had told him that the true ancestor and Harry were back, so now he just had to ambush them.


That was the moment in which Luna stood on her toes and kissed Harry on the cheek.


“I must go get ready for breakfast, my dear Oberon. I shall see you then,” Luna said a little louder than normal talking volume as suddenly white glowing wings appeared on her back and she vanished, reappearing on Hogwarts grounds.



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