Crimson Moon

Chapter 4: Waking Up


Luna shuffled a bit as she felt herself wake up and also thirsty… crap Revenants needed blood guess a hospital needs to be robbed.


“Hey Harry?” Luna asks, waking up in his lap.


“Uh, hey Luna.” Harry says with a yawn 


Luna snuggles into Harry’s lap.


“You’re comfy.” Luna responds with a smile looking into Harry’s eyes.


Harry flinches at the look into Luna’s blood red Eyes.


“Luna?” Harry asks


“Yes,” Luna responds 


“What did you do?” Harry asks


“Well, seeing as you are he who commands death. I figured becoming immune to that force of nature is pertinent.” Luna responds with a teasing smile lying with ease.


Harry looks down panicked.


“No, it’s not a Horcrux or soul jar, those barbaric things are banned for a reason.” Luna responds 


“Luna?” Harry asks


“It would be too difficult to explain however my head is telling me that the Heliopaths say you have already made moves against he who shall not be named. While also planning maneuvers against the scorned lover of dark lord grindelwald.” Luna states standing up pointing at Harry.


Still so thirsty, I need to rob that hospital sooner rather than later. Harry is about to ask questions I need to derail.


“Hey Harry?” Luna asks, tiling her head cutely.


“… Yes Luna?” Harry asks, staring at the girl pointedly.


“Since we slept together does that make us husband and wife?” Luna asks, trying to sound as innocent as possible.


“… yes yes it does my love.” Harry retaliates causing Luna to blush… that was until they felt something with their magic click.


“Uhh, I’m sorry.” Luna squeaks out her face, nearly going ginger. 


‘Why why why why! I don’t like guys!’  Luna thinks panicking internally.


Harry however responds by breaking out into laughter.


“That’s the first time this has ever happened,” Harry says, trying to stop laughing.


“How many?” Luna asks


“How many?” Harry asks with a slight smirk.


“I mean… is it a time loop or do you keep dying and going back?” Luna asks approaching him.


“Oh you could say it’s a time loop I guess. This is the 7th… although I must warn you my wife… I went a bit mad after I destroyed wizarding Britain and most of the world during my 5th .” Harry states his eyes reflecting a rather evil glow.


“If magic has bound us together then I shall help you destroy the world this time as well if you wish.” Luna answers full of resolve 


The two stare at each other awkwardly for a few minutes trying to figure out how it had come to this. 


Magic is a fickle thing and it deciding that this was necessary was weird.


“Good good, what do you know of the world ending in about 30 years? I can never figure out why.” Harry states


Luna looks back at him, her eyes clouded over. “I have a guess,” 


Harry motions for Luna to continue and the girl can’t help but oblige.


“In around a decade or two, the Olympian pantheon is going to experience their world-ending event with a demigod hero managing to stop the Titans. However, that whole mess awakens a much bigger beast sealed by Yahweh which will fight the infinite dragon god and the dragon god of dreams destroying our local multiverse as a by-product.” Luna states


“Huh? So if a devil were to have offered to reincarnate me why would such an attempt fail?” Harry asks in mild curiosity.


“Likely due to your master of death thing and you should be happy it failed, it’s a form is slavery,” Luna states 


Harry suddenly starts giggling some more. “Luna, the husband and wife thing may be rushing it but magic has spoken and I feel we are going to get along great.” The boy says, taking off his glasses and smiling at her with a roguish grin.


Luna physically feels her heartbeat as she blushes.


“O-of course husband… if you wish we could go to Japan this summer and I’ve got several things we could do,” Luna states 


Luna suddenly finds herself blushing even more as Harry who's a decent bit taller than her pat her head.


“Luna, how old are you?” Harry asks


“Physically or mentally?” Luna responds 


“There is a difference?” Harry asks with a slight grin.


“Of course there is a difference, you’re 13 but probably around 300.” Luna states pinching his side only to suddenly be pulled into a hug.


“Right and you?” Harry asks


“Physically I’m 12 mentally older… much much older.” Luna responds accepting said hug


“Have you killed before?” Harry asks


“I have the deaths of thousands on my hands. They died due to an…”


Harry looks down to see Luna had fallen asleep in his hug… which was weird cause they both just woke up.

The boy could only smirk to himself as he lifts up Luna’s lip to see vampire-like fangs.


“This is gonna be an interesting go around, I was planning on just relaxing before trying again on the next loop but with this lovely little faerie here I just might have an idea.” Harry mutters to himself, suddenly hugging the girl even harder. 




The two ended up missing classes by the time that Luna woke back up.


“ Harry, we need to get in front of this. I have a crazy plan take my hand. We need to go.”


“ can’t apparate inside of Hogwarts Luna” Harry responds 


“ course not I just know a place in the forbidden for us that will help” Luna answers




Dumbledore was having a mild panic… the wards had alerted him to a vampire in the castle and even worse is that it was likely a true ancestor.


And suddenly it was gone.


Fawkes trilled sadly diverting his attention to a board.


“Harry Potter had left hogwarts!” Dumbledore shouts worried the true ancestor had come for him. 


“Quickly Fawkes we need to get to the forbidden forest!” Dumbledore shouts as Fawkes flames them away.




Harry was wondering what in the world was going on as luna led them down the path. 


“Right we should be coming up on it.” Luna says as Harry just lets the blond guide them her night vision without a doubt better than his. 


Suddenly Luna stopped and Harry was staring at the stone wall in front of them the mysterious stone polished to the point that it was mirror like however even then there was a white glowing thing in the center of it. 


“Do you see it?” Luna suddenly asks pulling Harry from his thoughts 


“What is that white glowing light?” Harry asks


”That is ancient magic.” Luna answers only for a whooshing sound to come in behind the pair.


Both spin around to see Albus Dumbledore there with Fawkes on his shoulder. 


“Harry put your hand on the stone now!” Luna shouts as she grabs on to his other arm, and like that the two are pulled through the stone tumbling to the ground in front of a single goblin sleeping while sitting at a podium.


“So I guess we are going through try six again.” Harry states getting off the ground dusting himself off. 


“Straight to the goblins?” Luna asks Harry turns around to look at the girl, at some point her eyes had become golden. 


Harry can only watch in shock as Luna walks up to the single podium at the weird private entrance and coughs at the sleeping goblin.


Said goblin startled awake before looking at the blonde.


”WHO HOW DI- Oh, why hello Princess Luna.” The goblin states 


Luna frowns in response, “Hello Goblin. My Husband and I are in need of Grengotss services.” Luna states


The goblin looks between Luna and Harry before looking back pointedly at Luna, “Is your sister aware that you had married?”


”Sister?  I don’t have a sister.”  Luna reponds


”Right Right, well let us go to the pain branch and grab your account managers miss Potter?” The goblin states hopping down off of his stool 


“Peverell,” Luna states flatly in response causing the Goblin to pause. 


“Yes, you might wish to grab the Black, Gryffindor, and Slytherin account manager along with the Potter and Peverell.” Harry states speaking to the goblin for the first time. 


“Right and which families am I grabbing the account managers for?” The goblin also asks looking at Luna this time. 


“Get the Cruze and Ravenclaw family managers while you are at it.” Luna states


”Not the Faust one? Rockwood?” The goblin asks


”I don’t know what Faust is but I’ll address that later. An no need to get the Rockwood family manager, we don't have the key to vault no12.”  Luna states 


“Okay then, right this way.”  The goblin answers as he takes the two towards the vault railway. 



Dumbledore was staring in shock at the stone wall in front of him. That girl Lovegood led Harry here and the two just disappeared. 


“Fawkes what just happened?” Dumbledore asks 


Said man inspects the wall with his spectacles.


Fawkes trilled softly, and Dumbledore stroked his phoenix thoughtfully. "Ancient magic," he murmured. "It seems Luna Lovegood knows more than we anticipated."

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