Why! If it isn't, lady jamia long time no see. But were is your guard dog yontin? Dragon eye asked with a grinn. Dragon eye! my brother and i are the last members of the wolfect bloodline. So I'm here to offer up my life to you, in exchange you leave Grasslands alone. No one else has to die jamia said with tear's in her eyes. Dragon eye started laughing then he crushed jamit's throat and dropped his lifeless body to the ground. Your right about one thing, they are two members of your family bloodline remaining.You! (He pointed his finger at her and slowly raise a second one and said) and your off spring. Jamia started to panic when dragon eye said that.But there's no need for you to worry. If you agree to become my concubine Then i promise you, no harm will come to you, are your son. So what do you say? Dragon eye said licking his lips. Jamia try to held herself back from crying. I....i..i agree to your. But before she could finish speaking. A werewolf with red fur appeared and attacked dragon eye and ripped his arm off knocking him back fifteen feet. You heartless demon, I will kill you. The red wolf said. Dragon eye peered over at his right shoulder, and saw that his arm was missing. So He instantly regenerated a new one. You filthy mut! Who are you calling a demon? Dragon aye Said with disdain. The red wolf then turned to face jamia and spoke. Mother i want you, to step back we shall handle this. Sorround him. The red wolf shouted. then all (1,600) members of the Combat Magic Core rushed out and sorrounded dragon eye. Jamia step forward and grabed the red wolf's paw like hand and spoke. Kenifon is that you? She asked with tears in her eyes Yes it's me, i don't know what happened, i just transformed in to this. Kenif said. Jamia started to cry. I see, this must mean that your father is.... But, Before jamia could finish speaking, dragon eye leped up in the sky and crashed back down with a shock wave killing all of the combat magic core members. You filthy mut! Your next. Dragon eye said then raise his hand and shouted. Abyss light blast!! A ball of energy shot out , from his hand heading for kenif.But before the blast could hit kenif, simon pushed him out of the way,and took it head on. You Idiot! Do you want to die? why f*ck you didn't move out of the way? For crying out loud. Simon said. Then He spat up a puddle of blood. Impossible, that should have turn you all in to dust. Dragon eye said with a look of shock. kenif was so enraged, that he Rush forward to attack dragon eye. But dragon eye attacked him first, hitting him with an Air Palm right in the chest. Kenif fell to the ground cofing up blood.Then he Fixed his gaze on Simon. Master of lightning, I know what you are thinking. Really? and what would that be. Simon asked with an expressionless face.That you should have killed me when you had the chance. Dragon eye said then he started laughing. Simon just looked at him with a condescending sneer and spoke. Oh, but To the Contrary I didn't kill you then but, i am going to kill you now. Simon said then he bused a dab. would like to see you try, you look like you can barely stand. This is pointless there's no way you can defeat me. Dragon eye Said then he started laughing again. However in an instant, simon rushed forward and broke one of dragon eyes arm's. But he didn't stop there he delivered thirty five powerful blows to dragon eyes body, and broke his second arm. Dragon eye immediately became afraid of simon, so much so that he ran away the first chance he got. He was so fast that he disappeared in an instant. Get back here you F**king coward let's finish this. Simon shouted then he fell to the ground unconscious

He awoke five days later, and saw Joss with Kenif standing at his bed side. But Before he could say anything someone started talking. That's Good that you are still alive. Simon looked around to see who was speaking. Then his eyes landed on a pail skin middle aged man, who was wearing a red robe. So he got up to greet him. Master bloodlan it's you, when did you get here. Simon asked. I only arrive three days ago but enough about me. I want to know, why didn't you, stop dragon eye when you had the chance? You had one job and you failed, and as a result of your careless action's so many people lost there lives. Bloodlan said as his red eyes flash with anger. That's not fair, it wasn't Simons fault Kenif tried to defend Simon, but bloodlan just glared at him. Knight of grasslands, it would be Wise for you to remain silent.

Now simon and joss, what do you have to say for yourselfs? Bloodlan, asked expressionlessly.

Why should I have to answer for his mistake. I didn't do anything. Joss said with astonishment. Bloodlan had an asomber expression. and that is just it, You did nothing. You are a magic position, are you not? Your primary objective is to provide Aid to the enforcers when they are injured, during battle anything else is just secondary duties. Master bloodlan i take full responsibility, for this so punish me and not joss. Simon said with a weary face. Very well then Simon good-heart, due to your failure to capture dragon eye Cronextis. Which led to the deaths of many. I, the high enforcer bloodlan here by expel you from the military of magic. Henceforth you are no longer a member, of high house. You are not permitted to interfere, with anything that has to do with the military of magic. If you are caught doing this, you will be arrested and prosecuted as the high council sees fit

Do you object to this. Bloodlan asked. No sir i do not. It has been an honor to work with you sir.

Simon said with tears in his eyes, then got up off his bed, and bowed to his master One last time. This may be the last time we see each other take care of yourself. My young apprentice.Bloodlan said with a smile then snaped his finger, and a red portal appear behind him. He turned and Walked in to it. Come along Joss it's time to return home. No i am staying here, with my brother, if he's not coming back, then neither am i. Joss said crossing her arms. Well if that is what you wish. Bloodlan said then he disappear.

Here ends chapter 7 no good deed goes on punish.I apologize for the long wait it took me longer to write that I expected 😅 😅 😅

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