:The day had finally arrived in grasslands, Dragon eye  had arrived and he brought with him. Ten thousand goblins,  one hundred dragons, fifty Ogres and one thousand knights from Novelist. In all his forces stand at eleven thousand, one hundred and fifty, they completely outnumbered grasslands. However they didn't attack, instead they just stood there at the edge of the kingdom, and didn't move any further perhaps it as because of the barrier around the kingdom .Then suddenly, Dragon eye appeared wearing red gold armor and he started shouting. KAIMANY! COME OUT AND FACE ME. DO SO AND YOUR KINGDOM SHALL BE SPEARED. I'm here Dragon eye. King kaimany said from ten feet away he was also wearing red gold armor. Why are you doing this? last time i check we were  allies. kaimany said. Dragon eye just looked at him and started laughing. Why ,you ask. It's because I'm old, i have been alive for so long and I just want it to end. I have seen the rise and fall of the countless, but never before has three kingdoms conspire against me. Dragon eye said with a scoffed. Kaimany Just looked at him in confusion, what are you talking about? Who conspired against you. Dragon eye started laughing again. I guess you wouldn't know, because you were not there, and That's why your still alive for now, and your next decision should be and easy one. It will determine if you stay in the world of the living .The kingdom of Wolfect, the kingdom of blast and the kingdom of beast kind were all planning, to attack me. But i got to them first, kill your enemy's before they kill you is what i always say. Dragon eye said with a proud smile. Now as i said your next decision, should be and easy one. Hand over to me the offspring of  the king Jamtoe Wolfect. I already know that they are here hiding,   so don't you dear say they are not, and i don't feel like talking anymore, so hand  them over this instant, are you shall die.Dragon eye said expressionlessly. No i can't do that, once they stepped foot in my kingdom they became my people. King kaimany said fearlessly. Well then prepare to die. Dragon eye said he then drew, his sword and  in a flash he was in front of kaimany, and his sword was in his chest. Your probably wandering, how i was able to break through your barrier. Well i am wearing anti-magic armor just like you.  Also there something you should know, that barrier ring on your finger is mine. I don't know how you got it ,and i don't care i am taking it back. Dragon eye said but before he could take back the ring, he was kicked away by Simon.HEY! WHAT ARE YOU IDIOTS DOING? HURRY UP AND GET OVER TO JOSS SO SHE CAN HEAL HIM UP. Simon Shouted at the Platinum knights. So Then the king's bodyguards grabbed  him and started running. As for you dragon eye, you are in violation of the laws of magic and by order of high house, i am to place you under arrest. Resistance is futile so come quietly. Simon said with lightning emanating from his body. I was wondering, when you were going to come after me for using black magic. Dragon eye said with a sneer. Simon just glared at him. I shall end this fight now. I would like to see you try dragon eye said. then he started laughing. So simon rush forward in quick succession, he delivered several powerful blows to dragon eyes body, destroying his Armor in the process. Without your Armor and sword, you shouldn't be causing any more problems. Simon said then he started to levitate, in a flash he was in  front of dragon eyes Army. Then he spoke to them. They shall be no war today, now go back to your homes, are you will all face my wrath. Simon said then he shot his lightning toward the sky and It instantly turned black. Then a massive blue dragon made entirely of lightning appeared. It's body covered half the sky, it stared down at dragon eyes Army with it's  dark red eyes, and then let out a roar that shook the Earth. In and instant all of dragon eyes forces had ran away. Dragon eye saw this and Shouted. COWARDS ALL OF YOU.. AFRAID OF A LITTLE LIGHTNING!!. It's over dragon eye you have lost, if you haven't noticed,that is a divine spirit animal of lightning. Kenyo said.(Side Note): Divine spirit animal.

A spirit animal, are divine spirit. Is the manifestation of a magic user's inner power.When a magic user has fully mastered. there magic they gain the ability to sommon, there own Divine spirit animal, and which they are then considered to be granmasters of magic. they are also known as divine magic users, and It is said that Divine magic users can live for thousands of years.

I haven't lost, just  slightly inconvenienced is all. Dragon eye said. then he raised his hand and his sword return to it. Did you for get i could used black magic, never underestimate your opponent. Dragon eye said with a sneer. Surround him don't give him chance to recover. Kenyo said. But before they could do anything, Dragon eye stomped his foot on the ground and leaped forward killing everyone that stood in his path. How f*cking foolish was that, to stand in my way . Dragon eye said laughing to himself.  Did you see that, he just killed all of the Platinum knights. One of the nobles said his name was palon wenco. Since it has come to this, we can only begg dragon eye to spare our lives. In exchange we could serve him. Pentoe said. All The rest of the nobles agreed, with pentoes foolish idea. So they all ran over to dragon eye. Oh great and powerful dragon eye we ca. they didn't get to Finnish what they were going to say because dragon eye killed them all. I hate nobles like you, who would abandon there kingdom in it's time of need, so you could live. I find that to be disgusting.  Dragon eye said then he spat at there lifeless bodys. OFFSPRING OF JAMTOE WOLFECT COME OUT AND FACE THE SINS OF YOUR FATHER! DO SO AND I SHALL , SPEAR WHAT'S IS LEFT OF THIS KINGDOM.Dragon eye Shouted. No response i guess that you're, cowards just like your father. THATS IT GET HIM BOYS.  Prince Jamit Shouted at his bodyguards. Then They rushed at dragoneye, but were cut down in and blink of and eye. I shall not allow you, to insult my father. I will kill you. Prince jamit said. But before he could do anything.  Dragon eye rushed forward and grabbed him by the throat now you die. Dragon eye said. STOP! came a voice in the distance it was princess jamia

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