Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v2 Chapter 16 - Heroic epic

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Ellendo is also thinking. This time he dragged the thief magician Vir. He was almost killed by Vir. The wind wolf after his transformation was still lacking something. In addition to taking the advantage of speed to the extreme, To find a way to deal a fatal blow to the enemy, otherwise you can only target. This taste of being a magician’s target, Elendo didn’t want to try again. Fortunately, they now have “sharp claws”, which greatly increases the attack power of Ellendo.

Faster speed, more fierce blow, this is the goal of Ellendo.

There is a great sense of crisis in the hearts of Ryan and Ellendo. Everyone is thinking about their gains and losses in this turmoil in Giethoorn. In order to improve their strength, Ryan and Ellendo first returned to their previous residence The campsite that I passed. Everything is as usual there, obviously there is no new owner in this short time.

Ryan and Ellendo lived here again, training themselves every day, and also cooperated many times together to cultivate a tacit understanding. If you can increase your strength a little more, you will have one more chance of winning when facing unknown dangers.

The morning sun cares for Ryan and Ellendo. Although it is only morning, it also makes people feel hot. Today is Victory Day. Ryan and Ellendo decide to take a day off and go shopping in the city.

Alfa City is immersed in a joyful atmosphere, and Ryan and Ellendo can clearly see that many shops on both sides of the street have been carefully decorated.

Although it was in the morning, the mercenary guild was full of people. In the past few days of the Victory Day celebration, merchants from all over the empire gathered Alfa, and the demand naturally increased, and various mercenary missions were released. Many people will use this time to do more tasks and earn a little hard money.

Ryan and Allen walked straight to Lucy and came up with proof that they had completed the task.

Lucy carefully read the certificate and went through the relevant procedures for Ryan, and 200 ringing gold coins fell into Ryan’s pocket.

For the first time, Ryan had so much money. He smiled and put the gold coins in his wallet, and then tied them tightly around his waist. In fact, if strictly speaking, the entire process of Giethoorn is more than just a task to arrest thieves, it can be said to be a war, not to mention that Ryan and Ellen have successfully avoided the annihilation of the holy knight by the formation, light This achievement is enough to be divided into a small territory by the empire.

However, Ryan and Ellendo were reluctant to publicize. They took the money and walked out of the mercenary guild in the direction of other mercenaries.

The two walked onto the street in a walk. Victory Day was the busiest time of the year in Alfa City. It ’s a pity not to take a good look.

Ryan and Alan Duo walked past the “Fire Hammer Equipment Shop” where they had been selling things last time, but they unexpectedly saw a half-height platform set up on the open space outside the store, with flags of various colors hanging on the platform There are also several teenagers shouting at pedestrians around the table: “The Fire Hammer Equipment Store is in a big auction. There are magic necklaces made by the magic master Vladimi and carefully crafted by our master Charles. Many weapons, as well as all the sharp flying knives that have endangered Alfa ’s scars for many years and the crutches used by the mysterious magician who removed the scars … ”

Ryan heard this, his mouth closed in amazement, which is too exaggerated, when did he use crutches? Elendo heard that exaggerated voice and couldn’t help smiling at Ryan.

Ryan pulled Ailondo awkwardly, trying to leave quickly, but was dragged over by Ailondo.

Approaching the crowded Firehammer auction stand, Ryan saw Charles at the first sight the burly, bearded man. Compared with that day, Charles put on a neat dress, not like a blacksmith at all, but like a businessman.

In the middle of the auction stand is an auction table. A capable middle-aged man is full of energy and standing straight. He is eloquently introducing a work to be auctioned, a battle axe made of pure steel. The axe face of this battle axe is as large as the face of an adult, and it is polished very smooth, and it can clearly reflect the human face. Charles personally showed the axe. He asked a bronze long sword to be held. He picked up the battle axe in his right hand and chopped it hard, easily cutting the long sword into two pieces. There was an exclamation immediately from the audience. The auctioneer took the opportunity to preach the benefits of this work, hoping to buy a good price.

Soon the auction started, and the outcry began to rise rapidly from the base price of 10 silver coins. In a moment, they were added to 2 gold coins. At the price of 2 gold coins, they stopped a bit, and they were immediately bought with 5 gold coins. go.

A smile appeared on Charles’s face. In fact, although the material and workmanship of this axe are very good, it usually sells 1 gold coin.

Another auction item was placed on the stage, which was a long sword that was cut in half. There was a whistle immediately on the stage, as if making fun of the negligence of the Fire Hammer staff.

However, the auctioneer was unimpressed. He said with passion and aloud: “At the time of auction, the sword that has endangered the scars of thieves in Alfa City for many years!”

The whistle on the stage stopped immediately. This is the first time you have seen this auction item. You can’t use it anymore. Why did you buy it?

The auctioneer did not panic. He swept his eyes and said aloud: “The thief’s scar has harmed Alfa City for many years. I don’t know how many people were killed under his sword. Today he was removed by a mysterious magician. We were fortunate to have bought the long sword with scars at a high price in the hands of the mysterious magician. This long sword was cut in two pieces, which is a symbol of the removal of evil and the arrival of peace. With it, we have happiness and happiness , May our lives never wish to see it again, and never have disputes … “

Under the explanation of the auctioneer Ruo Xuanhe, a young man full of sense of justice really bought this broken sword for 50 silver coins.

Ryan was stunned to see that he had only sold 2 silver coins. After being sold by this sly blacksmith, the worst sword in it can be sold for 50 silver coins. Is the Alfa people rich or what is going on?

In the end, the pile of things that Ryan sold to Charles sold a total of nearly 50 gold coins, especially the strong branch that Charles did not know where to get, known as the walking stick of the mysterious magician, who was dedicated to learning The magical noble boy bought it. It is said that he is going to get along with this crutches, maybe the mysterious spell left by the mysterious magician is on it. As for the selling price, the aristocratic teenager who was dressed in gorgeous clothes and followed by more than 10 followers said disapprovingly: “Isn’t it just 20 gold coins? Just buy a first-level magic scroll is almost the same number.”

Almost at noon, the Fire Hammer auction was over. Ryan and Ellen followed the surging crowd to the central square of Alfa City. According to the residents of Alfa City, the famous people on the mainland were invited Wildcat Song and Dance Ensemble sang the full version of “Heroes Epic”.

“Heroic Epic” is a long opera describing the deeds of the seven heroes of the Holy Empire. Ryan had only heard from others before, and the town of Takri could not afford this kind of song and dance group touring on the mainland. This time I had the opportunity to hear my long-awaited “Heroes Epic”, of course Ryan is going.

Before walking to the central square, Ryan saw from a distance that a platform with a height of one was built with wood. A beautiful **** the platform was singing loudly the most exciting part of the popular “Heroic Epic” Out of battle. The girl is very beautiful, with big eyes, long eyelashes, and a tall nose. She is wearing a gorgeous costume and set off her exquisite figure, attracting the attention of a large group of men.

Ryan and Ellen slowly squeezed in, standing quietly at the place not far from the platform and enjoying the performance.

With the deepening of the plot, the girl ’s singing became more and more intense, and soon came to the so-called most difficult and the most exciting part. The beautiful girl let go of the singing voice and used a very high syllable and fast The speed of the singing shows the battle scenes vividly, and the thrilling scene outside the sunrise city appeared in the eyes of everyone:

The evil demon Ariste, no one in the world can compare with him,

His terrifying ability makes people on every corner of the continent feel trembling,

The armor protecting his body was inlaid with the scales of the Shadow Dragon,

Tall feathers were inserted into the gold helmet, and a precious belt with monsters engraved around his waist,

The cloak floats like the wings of a phoenix,

The dragon-like strong nightmare jumped in the wind,

The carved “bite the sun” light is like the water of autumn,

To rush to the castle to challenge, who dares to fight him?

All the kings were afraid, as if their courage were to split.

At this time, the blood axe of the dwarf king rushed out,

In his hand is a long “blood roar”,

The tiger-like beard stood up like a golden thread,

There seems to be lightning in the eyes;

While the two were fighting, the human knight Bird was angry,

The sword “Revenge” shines like snow,

The tabard embroidered with lions is like a butterfly,

Where the horseshoe stepped, there was an unyielding cry;

The owl-like elf hero Moon Shadow held up “Song of Soul Calming”,

The power of nature makes her more brave;

The three played around Allest for a long time,

Without stopping offense and defense,

The shouting sound vibrates, almost tilting the sky and the earth,

Ryan and Ellendo were also attracted by this wonderful song, deeply immersed in it.

Unconsciously, it was dark. Ryan and Ellendo stood here listening to the opera for most of the day.

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