Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v2 Chapter 15 - Ellendo\\\'s new weapon

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

This is a magic scroll made of unknown fur of the World of Warcraft, which is densely engraved with a large number of magic spells and various mysterious patterns, forming a chain of interlocking magic arrays. Ryan carefully recognized, and barely recognized a small part, this part belongs to a wind magic, and its role seems to provide magic for another complex magic array.

Ryan watched for a long time and said embarrassedly, “I’m really sorry, I can barely see that this scroll is engraved with a large magic array sequence, and one of the magic arrays contains an incomplete wind magic, but it is I do n’t know what wind magic is and what its role is. “

Bacon comforted Ryan and said, “It ’s okay, except for its creators, it ’s hard for anyone else to understand. I ’m going to lead the Holy Knight back to the Imperial Capital. I believe that the Imperial Magic Guild headquarters will organize relevant personnel to decipher this scroll. . “

Ryan asked: “This magic scroll should be the one used by Xenat when he escapes?”

Bacon nodded and said, “Yes. I believe that as long as this magic scroll is successfully cracked, you can know some information about Sainat, and we can continue to track him.”

Ryan nodded and Sainate fled under the siege of the Holy Knight. The torn scroll was left on the scene. If you can know the role of this magic scroll, you may be able to find some traces of Sainate. What’s more, after such a hard battle, the holy knights and his team suffered heavy losses, and the surviving knights were exhausted. It was time to repair.

Allen was very interested in this pair of claw sleeves, and he asked Bacon: “This pair of claw sleeves, I remember seeing someone around Sennat take it with me. That guy played with you that day.”

Bacon said angrily: “No one knows his name, just because he has been with Sennat all the year round, so there is a nickname called” Left Hand “. In Mori City, it was this guy who protected Sennat from the run . He was covered with the blood of others. Did not expect to die here. “

Ellendo asked again: “Dead? Can you confirm?”

Bacon said: “He never left this pair of claws. It is said that he didn’t take it off when playing with the robbed girl at night. We found it on a charred corpse when we cleaned the battlefield. It should look almost the same size , But it looks completely charred and unrecognizable. “

Seeing Ellendo seem to like this pair of claw sleeves, Bacon said with a smile: “This pair of claw sleeves, we take it back at most just to prove that the” left hand “is dead, and it has no practical meaning, it is better to take it. I I have seen you transform into Warcraft, I believe you can use it. “

Ailondo showed a happy face, but he was a little embarrassed and scratched his head and said, “How is that good?”

Bacon saw this younger man taller than himself like a little girl, and said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter, we take it back but it is sent to the warehouse as a booty. Instead of waiting for him to be moldy, it is better to play in your hands. A bigger role. Besides, you are not an outsider. In the city of Sunrise at that time, the Holy Knights and Druids could fight alongside each other. “

Ellendo quickly took the claw sleeve from Bacon’s hand, his face unabashedly showing a happy expression.

Ryan was also very happy for Alan. He saw the power of this claw sleeve with his own eyes. If it wasn’t the special situation at that time, he might have to be injured under this claw sleeve.

Bacon carefully explained to Elendo the role of this pair of claw sleeves, and handed over to Elendo to put on and take off and some simple methods of use. After listening to it all, Ellen learned it completely. He put on his claws happily and walked to an open space.

“Woo!” With a wolf howl, Allen quickly grew a thick white mane, and in an instant, he became a wind wolf, full of explosive muscles, long and sharp claws, and that The red eyes, all showing the terrible behind Ellen’s transformation.

In the blink of an eye, Allen moved. He ran fast around the field, waving his steel claws, making a suffocating sound. He ran faster and faster, and those with slightly worse eyesight could no longer see Alan.

When Ryan saw the rise of Ellen’s running, he leaned over and raised a long wooden stake, shouted, and threw it to Ellen.

Allen screamed with excitement and threw himself up against the pile. His hands waved, and the sharp steel claws were inserted into the pile straight, and then his hands were separated sharply, tearing the horse-staffed pile into two! The ripped wood pile flew into the air and fell towards the ground.

After Allentore ripped the pile, he still didn’t stop. His right hand quickly shot out, and in just 2 seconds, he traversed the half of the pile in the air more than ten times, and cut the half of the pile into ten pieces again. I cut.

With a wolf howling, Allen stopped the erratic figure and stood beside Ryan. At this time, the wooden blocks that were divided into more than ten pieces fell to the ground.

Bacon came up, he stooped to pick up a small piece of wood cut by Alan Duo, couldn’t help but marvel, a dozen pieces of wood were the same size, and the cut surface was neat, as if not seen with my own eyes, I can’t believe it This was cut once when flying in the air.

He couldn’t help but be surprised by the strength of Ellendo. On that day, Ellendo only dragged down the thief magician Vir. The action was not outstanding, and even once obviously fell off. Now it seems that he has not fully displayed all the strength. Ah, after all, he is facing a senior magician in the electrical department. People often use lightning as fast to describe the speed at which electric magicians release lightning, and Ellen can successfully hold Vir, allowing Ryan to have enough time to kill the thieves who besieged the Holy Knight, and use clever measures to remove the “left hand”. Allen contributed to the victory of the war.

Unfortunately, his credit was completely concealed by another teenager in front of him. The young magician Ryan is the greatest hero of this battle. His appearance avoids the humiliation of the holy knight being wiped out by the whole system for the first time, saves the lives of bacon and others, and maintains the holy knight’s supreme honor. Not only that, he was also struggling to kill the enemy under the siege of many thieves, annihilating nearly 50 thieves, and using the plan to kill the famous “left hand” around Senat. In addition, his most glorious deeds There is nothing like fighting against a senior magician in the electric department.

The power of the magician of the electricity department, the holy knight knows, the jumping chain lightning and the lightning drop from the rapid fall have harvested the lives of many holy knights. However, such a powerful electric magician died under the magic of Ryan, which has to be amazing.

When Ryan saw Ellendo stopped, he said to Ellendo: “This pair of claw sleeves is for you. Give them a name.”

The fluff on Ellen’s body faded slowly, and he turned back into a human form. After listening to Ryan, Alan Duo didn’t want to say: “I took it with me, as if I had a pair of sharp claws, I think it’s called” sharp claws “”

Ryan said: “Okay, the name” Sharp Claw “is good.”

Ellendo took off the “sharp claws”, pulled out a storage pocket from his arms, and put the “sharp claws” into it.

For the first time, Ryan saw Ellendo having storage pockets, and he looked at Ellendo in surprise.

Allendo felt Ryan’s gaze, and he smiled at Ryan without speaking.

Dealing with the matter in front of him, Bacon invited Ryan and Ellendo to sit at the wooden table again and continue their unfinished lunch.

After lunch, Ryan and Bacon say goodbye, preparing to return to Elfa City with Ellendor. Bacon once again invited Ryan and Ellendo to the Imperial Capital and later the Royal Knights as guests. Lane and Allen agreed with a smile.

The experience of Giethoorn let Ryan and Allen feel very much. For the first time in his life, Ryan saw ulterior motives and met one of his most powerful opponents since he left his hometown. This experience made Ryan feel deeply. In fact, this task of clearing the evil thief from the horns town was already difficult. Ryan, however, because of Flanner ’s momentum and other mercenaries saw the awe of Ryan ’s eyes and took a hasty look. This task was fulfilled; in a conversation with the mayor of Gietholle, Mayor Ryan easily believed, completely refusing to think carefully about what the other party said was true or false.

For his own performance, Ryan reviewed his shortcomings in his heart, and it seems that his emotions are still easily affected by others. Both Caleb and Draenei had taught him to keep calm at all times, but he didn’t do enough.

In the battle with “Left Hand” and Vir on that day, Ryan was quite satisfied with his performance. This is also the benefit of his carefulness to hide his strength. If it was really tested in Alfa City at that time, according to the “Magic Test Code” , He can release second-level water magic “mirror”, earth magic “stone skin” and spiritual magic “fear”, that can definitely be successfully promoted to an apprentice magician.

The magic apprentice and the apprentice magician are completely different levels. The former represents that it is still in the learning stage, and some magic apprentices cannot even graduate for life; while the latter means becoming a real magician, but the experience is still lacking. When Zheli Le saw his emblem, he would not take it lightly, and he would definitely inform Xenat in time. Will Senat sit back and watch his own existence?

However, Ryan also clearly knew that almost all of his hidden strengths after he left his homeland were exposed. To continue to retain some of the strengths as before, he must desperately improve his strength, whether it is martial arts or magic. Only in this way can one’s own enemies underestimate themselves again and again, so as to achieve the purpose of hiding power.

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