Chapter 91: Night Of Dreams (part 1)
"How could you think I would ever forget you?" Laz couldn't help but smile. Maybe she didn't know, considering he had never told her, but she was already imprinted on him for the rest of his life. In the past he would have laughed at people who said something like this, but he had finally understood it these last few weeks.
You don't need to spend a long time with someone to really know them, nor do you need to spend a long time with someone before they become a lifelong memory. Sometimes, these things just happen.
Kennedy didn't respond with words, instead, she moved in and kissed him again, deeply. Laz reached out and pulled her closer while falling backwards, pulling Kennedy on top of him. Besides just kissing, Kennedy's hands had found their way up to Laz's head and she ran them through his hair. Laz just let his hands run up and down Kennedy's back and occasionally grabbed her plump and perky ass.
When they finally broke the kiss, Kennedy sat back up and moved her leg over Laz, straddling him. She then slowly started to unbutton her white blouse before removing it all together. She then reached back and undid her white lace bra as well, releasing her massive breasts. Laz was enchanted by them as they hung right there in front of his face. It was the first time he was able to truly appreciate them in the light as it was dark last time. Kennedy truly had reason to be proud because although they where large, they were tight and supple. Her perky little nippŀes seemed to be a bit stimulated and stood out, enticing Laz to want to tease and taste these delicious looking pieces of candy.
Before he could do so of course, Kennedy had leaned forward so that her breasts pressed against his stomach while she tilted her head slightly and started kissing his chest and began tracing the outlines of his muscles with her finger. It seemed like she wanted to eat him up more than he wanted her.
Of course, while this was going on, Malene was just kind of standing off to the side with the bottle of whiskey in her hands, gawking at them as they both seemed to ignore her. Watching this, her thoughts were a mess. Whenever she thought about what Laz had done with her over the weekend, she would feel angry, shy, nervous, anxious and even a bit depressed. But despite feeling so many things, just thinking about it was also enough to make her hot and more than just a bit wet. For a girl who never had an experience like that before, it was wild, exotic and pleasurable.
Now, right before her, the guy who had almost taken her first time was starting to get intimate with another girl. She really wanted to tell them to stop, but she couldn't. She wanted to leave, to not watch, but her legs wouldn't move. In the end, she just threw back the bottle and took several gulps, causing the burning sensation in her throat to distract herself. She felt it hit her head quickly as she started to lean against the wall, only to slide down and sit on the floor. The whole time, her eyes never left the couple on the bed. After Kennedy kissed Laz's chest to her satisfaction, she moved down towards his pants and started to undo his belt, the whole time just sliding her mounds against him. With nothing to do with his hands, Laz gave up moving for the time being and relaxed, letting Kennedy take the lead however she wanted.
Kennedy, seeing Laz accept his fate, finally lifted herself off of him, making it loads easier to undo his belt. When she finally got his jeans unbuttoned, tilted her head forward slightly so that he could see her eyes looking forward at him. She slowly undid the zipper as though teasing him by dragging it out as long as possible, the whole time her eyes never lefts his. As she leaned back a bit, she reached he hands out to both sides of his waist and pulled down his pants and boxers in one, quick motion, releasing his beast from its confinement.
Laz wasn't huge in a way that defined reason, but he was larger than a guy his age would have reason to be. That plus whatever happened to him when he started going through the stages seemed to cause his animal instincts to surge, giving a boost to his member. Needless to say, seeing it in the light was almost a cause for alarm for Kennedy. Her mindset wasn't in the right place last time and therefore she was a bit blurry on his actual size. Now there, she was incredibly clear.
Laz was starting to get heated up himself which caused him to start to become stiff. Like a vampire rising from it's grave, Laz stood at attention while Kennedy looked on, silent. For a moment, Laz had a feeling of deja vu, worried that something might happen to her. His fears were laid to rest as he saw he look back at him with a fire blazing in her eyes. He knew she was ready to move forward, in more ways than one.
She crawled off the bed and pulled him to the edge so that she wasn't hunched over him. Since Laz was still laying down, all he could see when he looked over towards her was her head sticking up from the edge of the bed. Kennedy brought her hands up and began stroking him, from base to tip and back again, using both her hands. As it turned out, one hand wasn't big enough to fit all the way around his large manhood, so she was using two. Getting her head in close, she moved his member so that it was standing up right next to her face, almost as though she was comparing it's size to her head. Luckily, her head was still slightly taller, but not by much. She then turned her hazel eyes to glare at him, as though blaming him fro giving her such an impossible task. If anything, that turned Laz on even more.
Steeling her resolve, Kennedy stuck out her tongue, running it around the head of his massive snake and then moving up and down along the shaft. She kept going up and down while taking the time and a bit of extra saliva to moisten the entire beast. Occasionally, while she was around the base of it, she would lightly nibble at his fleshly sack, causing Laz to feel bolts of electricity zoom through him every time.
Seeing his reaction, Kennedy couldn't help but smile seductively. Truthfully speaking, she had no experience with this sort of stuff. Due to the childhood trauma, she had even stayed away from most types of porn. That is, until Saturday. After a few things started to happen between them, she decided that she needed to learn a thing or two and 'studied' up a bit. Fortunately, the things she had learned were things that Laz enjoyed. As she stood up, Kennedy started to undo her belt and slide down her jeans, being careful to step out of them without tripping. Standing there in just her white lace panties that had matched the bra she took off earlier, she started to act a bit shy and crossed her arms, covering her chest while turning a bit red. She never once stopped looking at Laz though.
Not sure if she was acting coy or was actually feeling embarrassed, Laz sat up, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. Kennedy suddenly let out a little 'yelp' but didn't resist, reassuring Laz that she was still good to go. As such, he moved his head over and started kissing her soft, flat stomach. Going slow, he started at the top of her stomach and worked his way downward, until he came to the top of her white, lacy bikini briefs. Moving his hands to the sides of her waist, he drew them downward, allowing himself to get the full view of her sexy and well groomed kitty.
As the sweet smell entered his nostrils, he stuck his tongue out at gently licked at the top, spreading her lower lips slightly and flicked his tongue back and forth across her sweet little love fruit, causing shudders to engulf her body. Before he knew it, a little bead of juice worked it way down her leg while she let out a small moan. Backing away slightly, he looked up to see her eyes partly closed as though reveling in the sensation. She quickly opened them when he stopped and looked down before taking a step back to steady herself. She then pushed him onto his back and made him slide up the bed a bit before crawling up him.
While straddling him, she swung her hips forwards and backwards, causing her moist lips to slide back and forth along his rock solid member, as though lubing it up. Just as she was going to reach down, stand up and direct his pulsing man meat into her love canal, she noticed Malene sitting on the floor.
One of her hands was still wrapped around the neck of the bottle of whiskey, but her other hand had made its way between her legs and up her skirt. Although her actions were blocked by the skirt, Kennedy had no trouble guessing that she was actually playing with herself while watching them. This caused her to stop for a moment at the unexpected sight. Noticing her gaze, Laz also turned his head and realized what she was staring at. He had almost forgotten about her.
Malene, who had just had her eyes half way closed while rubbing herself, first noticed Kennedy's gaze and then Laz's. She turned bright red and quickly stopped, dropping her head as low as it could go while not wanting to look at anyone.
Kennedy couldn't help but get a somewhat devilish idea when she saw this. Much to Laz's dismay, Kennedy stopped her actions and got up, walking over to where Malene was sitting. She squatted down in front of her, still fully naked and reached her hand under Malene's chin, gently raising her head. When both of their eyes met, Kennedy could see the desire hidden within them and knew that this girl was being shy but wanted to join in.
Laughing a bit, Kennedy grabbed the bottle of whiskey from Malene and took another swig. Setting the bottle off to the side, she lowered her head towards Malene's and before Malene could object, Kennedy's lips covered Malene's. Although Malene squirmed a bit, she gave up quickly and accepted the offering from Kennedy, slowing taking in the warmed whiskey that was again followed by a warm tongue.
Laz, propped up a bit on the bed, was flabbergasted at the sight of the two girls kissing.
'The sexy big sister was actually kissing the shy and nervous kitten?!?'
His mind practically exploded at the sight before him.
The two girls kissed for several moments before separating, both of their faces bright red. Whether it was from the whiskey or the kiss, only they knew for sure. Kennedy stood up, grabbed Malene's hand and pulled her up with her. While the two girls stood there facing each other, Kennedy started to pulled up Malene's shirt while Malene willingly raised her hands to help. After that, Kennedy reached around and undid the clasp of Malene's purple bra, causing it to fall off after Malene brought her arms down. Although Malene mounds weren't as massive and imposing as Kennedy's, they were still decently sized and stood up proudly. Hey tiny nippŀes were a slightly more wine color in contrast to Kennedy's pink, but it just made them that much more tempting.
Kennedy then squatted down a bit and began to slid off Malene's blue, puffy skirt and purple colored underwear while Malene just moved as needed, obedient in every way to Kennedy's demands. She also removed the thigh high socks as well, leaving the two girls completely naked while standing there and facing each other.
Laz's heart was racing as his blood boiled, watching a sight that other guys could only dream about. At this moment, his only thought was to devour these two beautiful flowers in front of him.
After a moment, they both seemed to nod their heads. Kennedy grabbed Malene's hand while reaching over and turning off the light. The two girls then both turned to face Laz before walking forward a few steps and crawling onto the bed.
"Are you ready?" Both girls asked Laz seductively at the same time.