Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 90: I Don't Want To Regret

As they walked back along the path, everyone seemed the keep to themselves. For Laz, his mind was filled with thoughts of the girls leaving. Overall, he'd known them less than 2 months, but considering how much had happened, it felt like so much longer. He had never been this involved with others before, especially girls. As such, he couldn't help but be reluctant for everything to come to an end.

He strongly felt this way about Kennedy and as much as he didn't want to admit it, he felt this way about Malene. You don't always notice when someone leaves a mark on your heart, but it is there none the less.

The path finally opened up to the parking lot as Laz just walked to the stairs leading upwards. Stopping on the first stair, he turned around and looked at both girls.

"Anyone need a ride home?" He asked, just trying to extend the time before they left.

"No, I'll be ok," Malene was the first to reply.

Kennedy didn't say anything at first, but her eyes caught Laz's in a lock and wouldn't let him look away. She then took a deep breath before speaking,

"Can I come up?" she asked, still looking at him.

"Um.. sure. Yeah." His mind was still a bit of a mess, but he wasn't going to reject her.

"Well, if you're not going, I'm not going," Malene interjected.

Kennedy turned around and looked at Malene who looked back at her.

"Are you sure?" Her words contained a hidden meaning that perhaps only she knew.

"Why wouldn't I be? Not like I haven't been inside before," Malene responded, not understanding.

"You going to move?" Malene then turned her attention towards Laz.

"What? Uh, yeah. Yeah, let's go. I don't have much but I can make some coffee." Laz had a funny sensation. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he felt like he wasn't understanding.

They went upstairs and after unlocking the door, Laz set Vivi down on the chair and walked over to the kitchen while the girls hung up their jackets. He quickly got to work on cleaning out the coffee maker as the girls just kind of mingled around, taking in the old place and basically just looking through his stuff.

Somehow, the girls ended up in the bed room and started going through the decent size walk in closet while Laz added the grounds and the water and then set it to brew. As he looked up from his work, he noticed the girls in the bedroom and rushed him after them. As a guy, there are some things you didn't want a girl to look at.

As he entered the bed room, he saw Malene, her face bright red, sitting on his bed while going through some of his dad's old porn magazines while Kennedy was looking through the top shelf of the closet.

'When did this become ok?' Laz couldn't help but wonder as he looked at the two intruders.

Truthfully speaking, minus the clothes in the small dresser and the few things in the nightstand, Laz didn't exactly know what kinds of things were in the closet. Sure, he messed with the old record player before but that was just because he loved music. He was one of the guys who felt that vinyl had a special sound that digital couldn't replicate or replace. He also knew of the helmets and bike gear that kind of stuck out at him, but that was about it.

Suddenly, a large bang was heard as something fell. Laz ran over quickly only to find Kennedy standing in the closet with a look of innocence on her face as Laz peeked in.

"What are you doing?".

"Nothing... oh? What's this?" As she bent over the box that had just slipped down, a few of the things in it caught her attention. One was an old bottle of whiskey that was in the corner of the box.

The other thing that caught her eye was a leather bound handle that had quite a few strips of leather coming off of it, each one was about a foot and a half in length. The couple of other things in the box were things like straps of leather and a few types of blindfolds. She held the bottle in one hand while holding the strange leather bound handle in the other hand. Waving it around a bit, she couldn't help swing it up and down a few times as though acting like it was some sort of toy.

"Is this some sort of old pom pom or something? Isn't it suppose to be, like shiny or something? And why is it leather?" She held it out to Laz who almost choked on his own tongue.

Did he know what it was? Hell yes!

Was he going to say it out loud? Fuck no!

Malene seemed to magically appear at this moment and see the things in Kennedy's hands while exclaiming with a surprised 'OH!'

Kennedy looked at her expectantly, wondering if she actually knew what it was. Malene's face was almost at red as her hair at this point while looking at Kennedy's questioning stare.

"Uh, yeah... Come here." Malene reached over past Laz and pulled Kennedy out of the closet before she could say anything else. She dragged her over to the bed and showed her one of the magazines she was just reading, pointing out a few pictures. Laz had remained in the closet and started picking up the box and putting it back up top while straitening out a few of the things Kennedy had messed up. By the time he came back out, he saw the girls sharing one particular magazine titled 'Kink' and he had a bad feeling that they figured it out.

'Well this is just getting worse." Laz made to move to the kitchen as though he wanted the check the coffee, but two hands, one on each shoulder, dragged him back and made him sit on the bed.

"Don't move," they both said at the same time.

"I really have to go check on the coffee," Laz argued while pointing at the kitchen.

"It's fine. Here, open this," Kennedy passed him the bottle of whiskey while sliding back beside Malene who was intently looking at something in the magazine. Both girls happened to be sitting on their knees while on the bed, one holding a magazine and one holding the unidentified object. Laz gulped at the beauty of the sight of two very hot and yet different girls sitting behind him. He quickly went to work on the bottle to distract himself. After a moment or two, he realized that it was just a twist cap at was covered in a wrap. Even though the bottle was a bit old, it wasn't that old, or expensive. He quickly got it open and set it aside.

As soon as he was done, he felt the unidentified object hit it back in a very soft way, almost tickling him.

'Yep, they figured out it was a whip,' He thought to himself while resisting the urge to itch. To be exact, it was called a cat of nine tails. The handle gave birth to nine strands of leather that extended from one end while the other end was just flat. Although it was not like the whips of old that used to have barbs on the end, it could still leave a mark. Overall, it was actually one of the gentler types of whips due to it's smaller size and gentle parts. A crop, bull whip or a cane would not be something he would enjoy feeling as they could seriously harm someone. Although Laz had never handled one before, as a natural surfer of porn, he had come across many things. Many, many things.

Needless to say, he was pretty sure he could figure out how to use this much easier than the girls.

Of course, the other thought that came to his mind was that since this was something in his dad's room, was it something he enjoyed using, or was it something he enjoyed having used on him. Laz wasn't sure he wanted that answer.

"That doesn't seem right?" Malene commented, looking at Kennedy.

"Mmm... Take off your shirt!" Kennedy ordered Laz after thinking for a minute, whip still in hand.

"Really?" He looked back at her as though thinking she might be joking.

"What? That a problem?" Laz couldn't help notice that Kennedy seemed a bit aggressive tonight, be it her actions, or her speech. He hated to admit it, but he felt it was kind of sexy.

"No, nope. No problem." Laz slowly removed his shirt and sat there, facing forward. Both girls couldn't help but take a few quick breaths at the site of Laz. Even though he was a bit on the short side still, barely having caught up to Kennedy, he was rather lean with very defined muscles. They weren't overbearing, but they added a much more mature charm to him. Malene actually reached out her hand as though transfixed and wanted to touch his back but Kennedy pulled her hand back.

It seemed like the girls had come to some sort of unspoken agreement about something. What that was or what it entailed was only known to them. Laz just faced forward and was waiting for them to try again, somewhat amused by this. In all honesty, he didn't think that they could possibly hurt him with the whip considering how tough his body was, but he would let them try anyway. What happened next was a bit out of his expectations though.

Kennedy reached over Laz, grabbed the bottle of whiskey , opened it and took a few gulps. She then started coughing horribly as the burning sensation hit her mouth and throat. She finally collected herself enough to hand the bottle over to Malene while her eyes were still watering. Malene, looking very hesitant, took a few quick sips before handing the bottle up to Laz. She started coughing as soon as he took it and fought back the urge to vomit.

Laz, who had turned around at this point, couldn't help but smile at the two beauties who were both coughing with tears in their eyes, while holding back the urge to puke.

"That was awful," Malene said through her coughs.

"It was," Kennedy agreed.

Laz just laughed and brought the bottle to his lips while taking a decent size gulp. As the liquid hit his mouth, it was like acid had hit the back of his throat and wanted to burn it away. It was a far more painful sensation than when he had first drank the golden nectar. Although he didn't react as strongly as the girls, he couldn't help but cough a few times as well.

Kennedy and Malene, watching him trying to act tough, couldn't help but laugh.

'Why did I only notice now how out numbered I was?' He thought to himself. Kennedy had reached out her hand to take the bottle from Laz and he just gave it to her. He couldn't help but feel impressed to see her bring the bottle to her lips and take yet another drink. Even Malene was still trying to recover from the first time and she had had a much smaller drink. When Kennedy tried to pass her the bottle, Malene turned it down and pointed to Laz. Kennedy then turned to Laz and offered to pass it to him.

Laz couldn't help but look a bit hesitant, so much so that Kennedy just said, "fine." She then took another swig before passing the bottle back to Malene, but this time, instead of swallowing, she crawled over to Laz and reaching her hands behind his head, pulling him to her. As their lips locked and they both closed their eyes, Laz could feel the already warm liquid flow from her mouth to his followed by her tongue.

The kiss lasted for a over a minute, long after he had swallowed. As they broke apart, Kennedy beamed a smile at him.

"See? It doesn't burn as much the second time."

Even if Laz was the dumbest brick in the world, he could already guess what her intention was for tonight.

"Why?" He asked, looking her in the eyes.

"I don't want you to forget me. I don't want to never see you again. But mostly, I don't want to regret. No matter what happens in the future, I will always be your first!"

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