Chasing You Like a Tenacious Falcon

Chapter 91

Just a few steps ahead and around the corner lies the Martial Arts School.

It is a traditional Chinese courtyard-style building, with houses on all four sides enclosing a central courtyard. Though the courtyard is not large, it can accommodate up to a hundred people, serving as the daily training ground for the students.

The surrounding buildings are two stories high, housing student dormitories and classrooms.

Behind ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌​‌‌​​​​‌​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌‌​​‌​‌‌​​‌​‌‍the main building directly opposite the courtyard, there is a small backyard accessible by a set of stairs.

The building is old and dilapidated, clearly untouched by repairs for decades.

Despite its small size and worn appearance, the Martial Arts School exudes charm and vitality, brimming with the energy of martial arts.

It is a professional Martial Arts School!

Currently, the school has just over eighty students, ranging from teenagers to as young as seven years old.

However, the number of coaches and teachers is quite substantial, totaling more than twenty.

Several martial arts coaches are responsible for teaching martial arts during three daily sessions.

A number of traditional Chinese culture teachers handle the students' academic studies, as well as courses in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting.

There are also several life management teachers who oversee the students' daily routines, including purchasing ingredients, cooking in the canteen, and preparing traditional Chinese medicine.

All those working at the Martial Arts School are martial arts practitioners, sharing the same attributes as Quan Zhisui, and are also her senior brothers.

Additionally, there is a head coach and a school director, though neither is currently present at the school.

The mystical arts of "Shan Yi Ming Xiang Bu" (mountain, medicine, fate, divination, and astrology) are not taught here, as these are considered part of a lineage. If a student has a connection with Taoism and becomes a disciple, their master will teach them.

However, Quan Zhisui's master, the school director Fan Shiliu, has not taken on any new disciples for many years.

When Wei Shixu walked in, he saw students practicing martial arts in the open courtyard. Both the older and younger students performed their moves with precision and vigor.

Their punches carried the force of the wind, exuding youthful energy and grandeur!

On the second-floor corridors of the surrounding buildings, several long-haired Taoist priests in training attire were running, likely the martial arts coaches and teachers—Quan Zhisui's senior brothers.

As they ran, they shouted messages to one another.

"The troublemaker is back!"

"Hide the food! If you haven't swallowed it yet, hurry up and do so!"

"The kitchen! Someone lock the kitchen door!"

"What about the students?"

"Right, right! Get the students to safety!"

"And the master! Quickly inform the master to return!"

"Ahhh! Why isn't the eldest brother here?"

"Code red! Code red!"

"The troublemaker has returned!!!"


Upon hearing this, the students practicing martial arts immediately scattered.

The older ones ran swiftly, especially the teenagers, who looked as if they had encountered a ferocious beast. Some were so panicked that they didn't even use the main door, instead breaking windows to hide in their rooms.

The younger, newer students stood frozen in place, unsure whether to continue practicing.

They were too young to understand the significance of the term "troublemaker" at the Martial Arts School.

Regardless, it was undeniable that Quan Zhisui's return had thrown the school into chaos!

Zhuge Ying watched the sudden commotion with astonishment: "This is too exaggerated."

Kong Mingze asked, "The troublemaker they're talking about... it's not Quan Zhisui, is it?"

Wei Shixu chuckled and stepped inside.

By then, Quan Zhisui had already rushed to the second floor, grabbing one of her senior brothers and throwing a punch: "Zi Ling! Why are you running?"

Zi Ling was the martial arts practitioner they had encountered at the crossroads earlier. Despite his desperate attempt to return and warn the others, Quan Zhisui had caught up to him and locked him in a chokehold.

"Junior Brother Zi Nian, let's talk this out! Let go of my throat! My throat!" he flailed, struggling to break free.

Why was he running? To deliver the warning, of course!

Look at how terrifying you are—you've scared everyone out of their wits.

Zi Ling had been Quan Zhisui's sparring partner before she turned ten, and they had been fighting since childhood. She was used to beating him up.

At that moment, Quan Zhisui suddenly realized something and rushed to the wooden railing of the corridor to look down.

There, she saw Zhuge Ying and Kong Mingze standing below, looking up at her with stunned expressions.

Wei Shixu, on the other hand, wore a look of "I knew it."

Quan Zhisui immediately released Zi Ling.

Zi Ling jumped to the side and ran off, still yelling.

Quan Zhisui awkwardly explained to her three classmates: "I really don't have a violent streak."

Wei Shixu nodded calmly: "Indeed, you always say you're going to beat me up."

Zhuge Ying glanced at the now-empty courtyard, her expression complicated.

Kong Mingze shook his head: "I don't believe it."

Quan Zhisui felt even more embarrassed!

The group was deeply curious about the place where Quan Zhisui had grown up and began exploring.

The buildings on either side were student dormitories, while the main building housed the senior brothers' quarters. The classrooms were located upstairs in the main building, and the side rooms were the canteen and the traditional Chinese medicine room.

At one point, they came across a notice board covered in densely packed papers, all containing updated rules and precautions for the Martial Arts School.

Kong Mingze was shocked: "Why are there so many versions of your school's rules?"

Quan Zhisui stared ahead, lost in thought, and said nothing.

The three of them walked over to take a closer look.

[Martial Arts School Rules and Precautions, 11th Edition Revision]

1. Do not provoke the troublemaker! Do not provoke the troublemaker! Do not provoke the troublemaker!

2. If the troublemaker becomes violent, run immediately. Do not attempt to win. Run to the backyard—the director can save you.

3. Absolutely, positively, without a doubt, refuse any challenges from the troublemaker! Do not fall into her verbal traps! Her strength isn't just physical!

4. If the troublemaker invites you into the mountains or to challenge other schools, refuse immediately and hide! She can return safely, but you'll either get lost or end up in the hospital!

5. If the troublemaker asks for your food, give it to her (crossed out). If you encounter the troublemaker, hand over your food (crossed out). If you encounter the troublemaker, forget about the food—just run!

6. ...

The entire list was filled with entries about the troublemaker.

Kong Mingze exclaimed, "Now I understand why they ran so fast. They've been traumatized! And you even like stealing food!"

Zhuge Ying looked at Quan Zhisui in confusion: "Zhisui, are you a troublemaker?"

Quan Zhisui tried to explain: "These are old versions! I'm not like that anymore, really!"

Wei Shixu then pulled out a more recent notice: "This is the 16th edition. Let's see what it says..."

"Stop! Enough, enough!" Quan Zhisui snatched it away and tore it to pieces.

Wei Shixu watched her flustered reaction, a smile in his eyes.

So cute.

The Martial Arts School wasn't large, so they quickly finished their tour and made their way to the backyard behind the main building, where a small set of stairs led up.

"I live in the backyard," Quan Zhisui said cheerfully, hopping up the stairs.

Wei Shixu smiled softly and followed her.

Zhuge Ying was extremely curious: "Can we see your room?"

"Of course!" Quan Zhisui nodded, her eyes sparkling. "But my room is small and cluttered with old things—outgrown clothes and broken toys I couldn't bear to throw away."

Kong Mingze teased: "A hoarder, huh?"

Quan Zhisui replied, "I just can't let go of them."

Wei Shixu smiled again, his expression warm and serene.

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