Chasing You Like a Tenacious Falcon

Chapter 88

Quan Zhisui returned to the Zuo Family in Wei Shixu's car. As soon as the car stopped, she got out. Wei Shixu called out from behind her, "Wait." He took a few shopping bags from the trunk and handed them to her, saying, "Throw away the ones you bought before."

Quan Zhisui: "..."

Seeing her hesitation, Wei Shixu added, "I mean it. If you've washed them too many times, don't wear them anymore. I'll keep buying them for you."

Quan Zhisui sighed and turned her face away, saying, "Wei Shixu, I won't be with you."

Even if... you treat her so well!

Wei Shixu's breath hitched. "If you still don't agree by the time you're an adult, I'll just kidnap you."

He insists on being with her!

Quan Zhisui turned to glare at him, her eyes shining. "You can't beat me."

Wei Shixu's eyes gleamed as well. "I can't, but I can hire people, lots of them."

Quan Zhisui suddenly became fierce. "I'll call all my martial brothers! And I'll have my master call his martial brothers too! All of them are trained fighters. We'll come down the mountain and beat you up! Let's see who has more people!"

Wei Shixu suddenly laughed, a bright and cheerful laugh. "Alright, alright, beat me up. Take the clothes."

He realized that Quan Zhisui was stubborn and wouldn't yield to either soft or hard tactics.

Coincidentally, so was he.

Two tigers can't share one mountain, unless they're a male and a female.

This was good.

He liked her even more.

As he watched Quan Zhisui walk into the Zuo Family's gate, Wei Shixu sat back in the car with a smile on his face.

At that moment, the bodyguard in the front seat hesitantly spoke up, "Young Master, could we... hire some female bodyguards?"

Wei Shixu didn't even look up. "Reason?"

Quan Zhisui didn't need bodyguards; few bodyguards could beat her. Why hire female bodyguards?

This request was really strange!

The bodyguard struggled to find the words, stammering, "We're a group of big men, rushing around and looking all serious. Standing in front of a lingerie store, it's... it's really awkward!"

Wei Shixu: "..."

The bodyguard looked miserable. "Young Master, you were having fun picking things out, but you didn't see the way the store clerks looked at you and us, like we were perverts! And you were even in your school uniform... in your school uniform!"

It was absolutely mortifying!

Wei Shixu paused, then nodded slowly. "You have a point."

The bodyguard was thrilled. "So, can we hire female bodyguards? You don't have to go pick things out yourself, right?"

Wei Shixu took out his phone. "No, I'll buy them online."

The bodyguard was stunned!

Do you really have to pick them out yourself?

Young Master, get a grip!


As soon as Quan Zhisui stepped into the Zuo Family's main hall, a cup came flying toward her. She tilted her head, and the cup flew past her face, shattering on the ground in the courtyard with a crisp sound.

The Zuo Family was in chaos.

Xu Zhiyi was screaming in rage, Zuo Zhiyu was issuing warnings, and the two elderly grandparents were both scolding and protecting a baby stroller, from which the loud cries of a baby could be heard.

The hall was a complete mess, with shattered glass everywhere.

It was a full-blown scene!

Zuo Zichen sat dumbfounded on the stairs, watching the four elders go crazy.

Xu Zhiyi was truly furious, her voice shrill. "You actually brought them back! Brought them into the house?! First, you brought back Quan Zhisui, and now you've brought back a son! Is this house a daycare? I'm going to kill this little bastard!"


Zuo Zhiyu slapped her. "This is my son! Try calling him that again!"

Zuo Zhaoyuan chimed in, "Listen, Xu Zhiyi, this is my Zuo Family's grandson. Don't be ungrateful."

Zhang Liufang added with a sneer, "You couldn't even bear a son yourself after all these years. How can you stop the Zuo Family from expanding its lineage?"

Xu ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌​‌‌​​​​‌​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌‌​​‌​‌‌​​‌​‌‍Zhiyi let out another piercing scream, which only made the baby in the stroller cry even louder.

Zuo Zichen, who had been sitting in a daze, noticed Quan Zhisui at the entrance and quickly looked down.

Today had been a day of shocking revelations for him!

When Zuo Zichen rushed to the hospital and found the room Quan Zhisui had mentioned, he saw his father and grandparents gathered around a baby stroller, cooing at a newborn.

There were two strollers in the room, one with a baby boy and the other with a baby girl.

But the three of them only paid attention to the baby boy.

The woman who had just given birth was crying, her eyes fixed on the stroller with the baby girl.

Zuo Zichen's mind went blank. Trembling, he pushed the door open and walked in.

After that, the baby boy was brought back to the Zuo Family to be raised, with Zuo Zhaoyuan and Zhang Liufang fighting over who would take care of him. They were absolutely smitten with their new grandson.

The baby girl, however, was left at the hospital, completely ignored.

As for Zuo Zhiyu, he comforted the woman, saying that she could raise the girl herself, and that he would send money every month and visit when he could.

Zuo Zichen felt like his entire worldview had been shattered!

Growing up as an only child, he had never had siblings before Quan Zhisui came along, and he had always taken the family's affection for granted. He had never noticed or thought about his grandparents' and father's preference for boys over girls.

From kindergarten to high school, Zuo Zichen had attended the best schools in Liangxi Town, surrounded by normal classmates and teachers, including many talented and accomplished female students.

Although he had gone through a rebellious phase, he had never harbored any sexist beliefs.

In fact, in Zuo Zichen's mind, the more outstanding and brilliant a woman was, the more admirable she became. That was why he had even dared to pursue Zhuge Ying from the student council, despite knowing it was a long shot.

The chaos had been going on since dinner and had now stretched into the late hours of the night. Zuo Zichen was still reeling from the shock.

At that moment, his phone vibrated. He took it out and saw a message from Quan Zhisui, who was standing just a few meters away.

Zuo Zichen: "..."

He took a few deep breaths, stood up, and joined Xu Zhiyi in her meltdown.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Zuo Zichen started smashing things, shouting as he did, "What about me! What am I! Am I not a son of the Zuo Family too?!"

Zhang Liufang panicked and rushed to comfort him. "Oh, my dear grandson, of course you are! You're my precious grandson!"

Zuo Zhaoyuan, who was busy protecting the baby, couldn't come over but also tried to soothe him with words.

Xu Zhiyi sat on the floor, crying. "We're so pitiful! Your father is a monster! Bringing his illegitimate child into the house! Ah!! My life is so hard! Zichen, my poor son!"

The scene became even more chaotic, giving Zuo Zhiyu a splitting headache.

Meanwhile, Quan Zhisui had already taken the shopping bags and gone upstairs.

The drama downstairs continued until the early hours of the morning.

In the end, the baby boy stayed in the Zuo Family, with Zuo Zhaoyuan and Zhang Liufang doting on him like a treasure.

Xu Zhiyi went up to the third floor to pack her things, planning to run away from home.

Zuo Zhiyu didn't even bother to stop her and instead started lecturing Zuo Zichen, who had just had his outburst.

Zuo Zichen listened with one ear and let the words go out the other. As soon as Zuo Zhiyu finished his long-winded speech, he immediately slipped away to the second-floor master bedroom and knocked on Quan Zhisui's door.

"Come in," Quan Zhisui said, turning around from her seat with a faint smile.

Zuo Zichen entered like a thief, even locking the door behind him.

"Sis!" His eyes were shining with determination. "Turns out we have such a young competitor! The battle for the family fortune is about to begin! But he's too small to be a threat to you!"

Quan Zhisui: "..."

So that's what you're thinking, huh?

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