Caged In

Chapter 33: Varian

I went to bed last night after eating my yogurt, and when I woke up, the house was almost silent.

With the exception of someone pacing back and forth outside my door. I got out of bed and walked over to open it, and I saw Greg twiddling his thumbs, before looking at me like a deer in headlights.

" Hey, it’s time to go.” He pauses as his eyes rake up and down my body,” You’re wearing my clothes.” He said as his eyes glazed over.

" Yeah, I needed clean clothes.” I said as I brushed past him,” Okay. Let’s go.”

I see Evan playing with the kid from yesterday, and as I pass him, I grab his collar and begin to drag him back to the car. I throw him into the back seat, before getting into the passengers seat.

Greg silently gets in the driver’s seat and starts the car. I rest my head on the back of my seat,” Wake me up when we get there.” I say as I begin to close my eyes.

" You just slept for 12 hours, don’t you think you’ve had enough.” Greg remarks.

My eyes shoot open as I turn my head to face him,” Biiiitch.” I drawl,” Who do you think you are ?” I ask.

" The guy driving you home.”

" The guy who kidnapped me and then had to fix the mess he made through a whole convoluted plan that could have all be avoided if you just weren’t a dumbass.” I say.

" I feel bad for the people who have to put up with you.” Greg says.

" Woah, guys -” Evan starts.

" I feel bad for your future wife.” I growl.

" I feel bad for your future husband!” He retorts.

" If I were your wife, I’d poison your coffee.” I hiss.

" I were your husband, I’d drink it!” He says back.

" I’m going to sleep!” I yell as I lie back in my chair and face the car door window.

" Fine by me!“Greg snarls.

" Fine by me too!” I huff.

" The angst is real.” Evan murmurs.

I close my eyes and allow darkness to overtake my vision as I fall into a deep slumber.

Someone shakes my arm vigorously, and I groggily open my eyes,” Evan take your hands off me.” He smirks and refuses to,” Now.” I command.

He quickly removes his hand,” Someone’s grumpy.” He says.

I see Greg walk in front of us to the dorm entrance. I quickly run after him, and hit the button for the elevator. We step on casually but Evan decides to make a scene and he ran in last minute, causing the elevator door to open again and take even longer to close.

As soon as I felt the elevator go up, I let out a sigh of relief because I was almost home. When I heard it ding and the doors opened, my temporary peaceful relief was smeared as I heard yelling.

" You’re insane!”

I run out of the elevator to see someone wearing a baseball hat, looking particularly sketchy, shoving Nathan into a wall.

" Hey! Pick on someone your own size.”

And maybe not my cute boyfriend. I prefer his face without bruises.

I take my shoe off and throw it at the person holding Nathan up against the wall. The shoe hits the asshole that was bullying Nathan and I squeak as the person growls loudly in annoyance.

Nathan is released as the person turns to face me,” Your language has gotten far more vulgar than I remember.” As soon as the person opens their mouth, a familiar voice filled my ears as I realized who it was.

" And you’ve . . . uh, I don’t know, I think your haircut is different ?” I say as I mentally slap myself for saying something about his hair even though he was wearing a hat that effectively covered it all up,” But that doesn’t matter, why were you harassing my boyfriend, Varian ?”

I kneel down to pick Nathan’s head off the floor, I go to yell at Varian, but he interrupts me.

" He is only unconscious. I attacked him because he looked suspicious trying to get into your apartment.” Varian says.

" Look at this face, how does that look suspicious ?” I ask as I grab Nathan’s cheeks and pinch them, like a grandmother does to her grandson.

" Why was he at your apartment ?” Varian asks.

" Well . . . ” I looked down at Nathan's unconscious face.

Why are you here ?

765 words

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