Caged In

Chapter 32: What I Don’t Believe In

" What do you mean, I’m not in control ?” I hiss,” I’m not possessed or anything, of course I’m in control.”

He pushes me off of him gently,” Never mind.” He stands up,” I’m going to take a shower.” He says.

" No! I said I wanted all traces of her gone!” I pull him backwards.

He swivels around to face me with his eyes glowing a dim golden,” This is what you do to me. Not her or anyone else. This should suffice because all traces of her will be gone from my body when I shower.” He growls before turning around and shaking his head,” Ahem . . . so I’ll be going to my room.”

" I thought we were sharing your room.” I say.

" It seems that your father's original idea of separate rooms is better.” He says as he opens the door and tries to close it.

" Who said this was up for discussion, I get a say in what happens, too, you know.” I say as he releases the door and leans on the door frame.

" You know . . . ” he says,” You sound like a jealous girlfriend right now.”

My eyes widen,” I’m not jealous.” I take a step back,” And I’m certainly not your girlfriend.” I hiss.

" So separate rooms it is, then.” He smirked as he grabbed the door and quickly closed it,” Remember, everyone is heading to bed, so try to be quiet. I know that may be hard for a low breed, but I have faith in you to do at least that much.” He yelled through the door.

Before I could protest, I realized that I was alone in the dark room. Never once had I ever considered solitude a bad thing, but having it pushed onto me really rubbed me the wrong way.

I growled as I shoved the door open again, fully prepared for a verbal battle between Greg and myself, but he was already gone. I growled to myself before slamming the door shut and walking to the bathroom to take a shower and wash the food off of me.

I finished the shower quickly and dried off before realizing I only had one option for clean clothes: Greg’s clothes. I reluctantly grabbed a pair of his basketball shorts and one of his black shirts and put them on before I walked to the door. I sighed as I walked out of the room and into the hallway. I turned a corner into the kitchen, and turned the light.

" Damn it, Greg’s brother!” I whisper-yell as I notice the man with greased back blonde hair from earlier,” At least warn a person when you’re creepily sitting in the kitchen in the dark at night when people should be sleeping.”

" Dean.” He says.

" No, I said damn, as in ‘damn it I didn’t want to see this asshole’.”

" No, you idiot. My name is Dean. Don’t refer to me as ‘Greg’s brother’, it’s humiliating. He’s younger than me.” The man says bitterly.

I subconsciously move towards the fridge,” So if you’re older, why is Greg the alpha ?” I say as I open the fridge.

" Quite frankly, it’s none of your business.” He murmurs.

I shrug as a take a yogurt cup from the fridge,” Okay.”

It isn't as though I care that much about your tragic backstory anyway. I glanced back at him. Okay, maybe a little.

I open a drawer and take out a spoon before closing it and walking back to the halls.

" It’s almost like you’ve been here before.” Dean remarked,” You casually grab whatever you want and know where everything is. I wonder how.” He says in an accusatory tone.

I look at my spoon intensely for a moment.

How did I know where this was. I don’t think I’ve ever been here before.

I open the yogurt cup and shove a spoonful into my mouth,” You sound like you have something you want to say to me.” I point at him with the spoon once I've eaten all the yogurt off of it.

The man shakes his head,” Not at all.”

I squint my eyes at him,” Liar.”

He presses his lips together before standing up and walking towards me,” Well then,” he said as he brushed past my shoulder,” I suppose that makes two of us.”

" What the hell is that supposed to mean ?” I growl as I scoop another spoonful of yogurt into my mouth.

He doesn’t answer, which pisses me off. I think of anything to say to get him angry before he can exit the room,” Your mate.” I say remembering his kids.

He freezes.

" What about her ?” He asks cautiously.

" Where is she ?” I ask.

He doesn’t turn around as he speaks coldly,” The backyard,” he pauses as he suddenly continues to walk towards the exit of the room,” Six feet underneath the ground.”

I am frozen in my spot as he walks down the hall. By the time I build up the energy to turn around, he is long gone.

" It’s not like soul mates are real.”

Dean was walking proof of that.

" It’s probably just hormones anyway, everyone knows werewolves have more than enough of them.” I mutter to myself.

" They are.”

I jump in fear up as someone speaks up. I turn around to see Isaac.

Like Father like son.

" Goddess.” I murmur.

I notice his lack of a shirt, but I still let out a breath of relief when I notice he has pants on.

" Why don’t you believe in mates ?” He asks.

" It’s not that I don’t believe in them. You guys take partners and you call them mates, I believe that.” I say.

" But . . . ” he says expectantly.

" But,” I glare at him,” I don’t believe that the goddess we worship chooses partners for werewolves. The entire concept of soul mates absurd. I mean magic I get, go ahead and believe that if you want, but waiting possibly your entire life for someone who you have no say in whether or not they love you . . . I mean come on.” I say," Even the Christian God gave his creations freewill, and from what I know, he basically hates the humans."

" It sounds more like you simply dislike soul mates.” He says with a smirk.

“ How about this, you’ve heard about rogues, right ?”

He nods," They're the made up monsters adults tell us about as pups to scare us."

" They're not made up. They're as real as you and me."

" You're lying." He growled.

“ I don't care whether you believe me or not, but I've seen one in real life. Do you know what causes a wolf to go rogue ?”

He swallowed and shook his head.

I leaned down to whisper to him,“ The madness takes over when a wolf’s mate dies before they do.” I stood up and crossed my arms over each other,” So if soul mates were real, then your father -“

“ Shut up, you don’t know what you’re talking about!” He yelled at me,” My dad is way to strong to become a rogue!”

Not strong enough to maintain his position of alpha after his mates death though.

“ Oh really ?” I snap my eyes to meet his gaze,” Look here kid, I'm gonna tell you something this pack never will. No one will love you because they were destined to. Love, among others things, is a choice. It’s wrong to think about love as something that just happens. One day you’ll make eye contact and poof! You found your one true love. It’s all a bunch of made up nonsense.” I say,” An outside source being responsible for forcing to people together, no matter how compatible they may be, is unnatural.”

" They aren’t forced, they share a soul, they’re made for each other.” He says. He was no longer making eye contact with me, but staring defiantly at the floor with clenched fists at his side.

" If that were true, rejections wouldn’t exist.” I smile,” If that were true then no mate would ever have affairs, while knowing how much it hurt their soul mate! If that were true then -” He suddenly looks back up at me with raging golden eyes. I realize that I was raising my voice a bit too much, and I cough to try and pretend I wasn't just ranting at a teen like some sort of unhinged villain.

Isaac continues to glare at me.

I look to the floor,” I suppose you were right about me disliking the idea of mates.” I murmur,” I’m sorry if I scared you.” I say.

He maintains his silent glare.

" I’ll . . . I guess I’ll head to bed now.” I say.

I turn to head into the hallway, and I hear someone’s footsteps before a door closing.

I walk slowly into the hallway and towards my room.

Someone was listening.

1529 words

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