Caged In

Chapter 15: Irritable Together

" I need to talk to you about-” his eyes fall to the phone in my hand that is crossed under my arm,” Wait, who were you on the phone with before I came here ?”

I chuckle lowly,” My human boyfriend that makes my parents think I’m an impostor because, and I quote,‘no wolf would ever willingly date a human.’”

" The one from earlier . . . Nolan ?”

I look down and correct him under my breath,” Nathan.”

" And you were talking about . . . ?” He drawls on.

" Oh, the usual. School, biology, classes, teachers, friends,” I pause,” Sexy stuff.” I lie knowing it’ll ruffle his metaphorical feathers.

At this a feral growl rips through his throat as he throws his fist into the wall next to him and creates a rather large hole,” What was that last one ?”

I smile at Greg’s obvious irritation,” Sexy stuff. Y’know, like -”

" I can imagine what it is, low breed.” He cuts me off harshly,” Why would anyone do anything with that meat sack, can he even please you, I bet he can’t. He must be broken down there or something.”

" I’m pretty sure he isn’t.”

" There has to be something wrong with him, then.” Greg says determinedly.

" What’s that supposed to mean ?”

Greg strides forward until he is close enough to wrap his arm around my waist and pull me flush against him,” Well, he chose to date you, after all.” He smirked,” He can't be normal, it just isn’t possible.”

" Because I'm so ugly and annoying?” I try to shove him away, but his grip only tightens.

" Well, I didn't say that." He looked away.

" Let me go.” I mutter as I glance up at his face. He was staring blankly at something far away, but his eyes are glowing.

" Greg, let me go!” I yell.

" Fine, fine." He lets go of me and takes two steps away from me with his hands up.

" Shut up and leave.” I hiss,” You’re just going to cause more problems if you stay.”

" I’m sorry.” He says sincerely before following with a more bitter tone,” I didn’t realize I was such a problem to you.” He hisses as he stomps towards the door.

" Yeah, you are a problem to me! Ever since you showed up in my life, everything has been crazy and stressful!” I say,” I don’t even know why you bother coming near me when all we do is fight.”

" We only fight because you’re so irritating.” He turns to face me.

" See, you’re picking a fight with me again, why can’t you be the bigger person and leave ?”

" Because you piss me off!” He yells,” I mean, I have people who I dislike, but I have never felt anything like the way I do about you with them. All I want to do is -” he pauses and closes his eyes as a strained look crosses his face.

" What ? Can’t finish the sentence ?” I smirk.

He puts his hands over his head as he crouches down,” Lucy, I understand that it’s a full moon,I’m irritable, and you’re irritable -”

" I’m not irritable.” I huff,” Don’t try using the full moon as an excuse to explain my dislike for you, it’s always been there.”

" Lucy, everyone is irritable today. Everyone is giddy and hormonal, so get over it and let me talk for just a second.” He takes a deep breath,” If you think just because I’m a pure blood that makes it easier not to shift on a full moon, you’re wrong. It may be less instinctual, but we still feel the pull too. I came to your room to see if you were going to shift and if you needed my help. Honestly. But then I get sucked into some frivolous argument and whatever I wanted to do doesn’t get done.”

" Say sorry.”

" What? Why me?” He hisses.

" Because you’re rude!” I yell,” Is it that hard to apologize ?”

" For what ?” He asks,” I wasn’t the only one who was in the wrong here, low breed!”

I feel my migraine coming back as my teeth begin to ache,” If you weren’t going to apologize, then why did you even bother saying that monologue about how you always fight about frivolous stuff with me ?”

" Because you were being unreasonable. I couldn’t even have a simple conversation with you.” He growls.

" And you still can’t. Just get out!” I feel a bone in my left pointer finger break and I wince and turn away from Greg.

" Lucy . . . ”

" Why are you still here, the door is over there!” A bone in my right hand breaks.

" Lucy, I can’t -”

" You have two legs, you can - arg - shit!” I exclaim as another bone in my left hand breaks.

Greg doesn’t say anything, but I feel his presence still in the room, and he has made no movement to leave. I turn around to shove him out, but his face is pressed into his hands as he is crouched on the floor. I hear pained grunts from him and I notice his entire frame is shaking.

" Greg . . . ” I whisper as I move closer,” Greg you’re scaring me.”

I hear a low growl in response to my voice, and slowly Greg lifted his hands away from his face to reveal his glowing eyes.

919 words

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