Caged In

Chapter 14: Phone Call

How do I put this into words ?

I officially hate full moons.

It’s not like I loved them before today or anything, I still disliked them, but god damn it, it didn’t hurt like a mother back then. That doesn’t even get me started on the howling, my senses have increased, so now it’s like a spam call that I can’t turn off yelling in my ear about health insurance. Yeah, health insurance, because it makes me want to cry whenever they play those really sad commercials. The one with the dog always gets me.

I also hate the pack house. I remember being treated distinctively worse a year ago, so it’s nice that they started acting relatively normal with me here. Most of the pack members are still assholes, but I suppose slow improvement is better than none. My dad has also gotten less strict with training and such, but I wouldn’t want to be here instead of college.

I feel my phone begin to vibrate, and flip it open to see Nathan’s contact picture on the screen. I smile to myself before answering the phone.

" Hey.” I say.

" Hey, babe, I was wondering if you wanted to go for a run with me tonight ? I couldn’t make it to the gym earlier, and I’m feeling guilty about some fast food I just ate.”

Oh, that’s cute, he thinks he can lie to me.

Before I can reply to Nathan, there is a presence at my door.

Knock knock.

" Oh, tonight ? Sorry, that’s no good.” I say quickly as I walk cautiously to my door,” And by the way, I know you didn’t eat any fast food. Last time we went on a date, I kept saying we could go to Chipotle or something but you said you hated fast food. If you want to see me, just say so next time.”

I place the phone to my chest to muffle the sounds,” Who is it . . . and if you say Jason, I swear to all that I hold dear, I will call 9-1-1 and I will have you detained.”

" It’s me, low breed.” Greg’s voice pierces the door.

" Just a sec.” I said in an irritated tone of voice.

" What was that, what’s that attitude you -”

I press the phone back up to my ear to hear the end of one of Nathan’s ramblings,” - and so I guess I shouldn’t have bothered you on such short notice. But why can’t you go tonight, I thought you finished all your class work ?”

I laugh nervously and wince as a loud howl sounds in the background,” I’m actually visiting my parents.”

There is a prolonged silence before Nathan says,” . . . Oh . . . I’m sorry, but I heard something weird in the background, are you watching Twilight ?”

" Yeah, it’s movie night. Look, I really have to go, but I’ll see you soon, bye!” I stammer.

" Yeah, okay babe, love -”

I hang up quickly and run to the door.

" Greg, opposite sides of the house means you are supposed to be far away from me. Ignoring basic instructions from someone seems to be a talent of yours.” I hiss.

" I don’t take orders from anyone.” He pushes past me and walks into my room.

" Oh yeah, I forgot, the alpha wolf is his own man who doesn’t let anyone tell him what to do.”

Greg huffed and crossed his arms," If I do something someone told me to, it is of my own accord.”

" Oh, I'm sure." I rolled my eyes," Why did you come here ?” I ask seriously.

" Well, there’s something important I need to tell you.”

634 words

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