Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 21 - I Will Shelter You

Chapter 21 I Will Shelter You

It is Han Siqi’s voice!

It’s really him!

Fu Zhengzheng can’t restrain her ecstasy and responds, “Here we are!”

Immediately, she sees Han Siqi has broken into the room. He rushes in and picks up Fu Xing in Fu Zhengzheng’s arms and pulls Fu Zhengzheng outwards.

At this time, the living room is ablaze and smoky.

They rush downstairs to the flower beds in one go, gasping for air.

It is twenty minutes later that the fire truck finally extinguishes the fire.

When Fu Zhengzheng stands in the living room which has been burnt beyond recognition, the landlady has come angrily with an abacus to settle accounts with Fu Zhengzheng.

“Look what you did to my house! You have to compensate me for the loss!”

Fu Zhengzheng looks at her with the same helpless expression. After all, her mobile phone, wallet and bank cards have all been reduced to ashes. The mother and son will have no place to live in, much less compensate them for their loss.

Faced with the landlady’s yelling, she is at a loss, knowing that she has no relatives in B city.

“Mummy, are we homeless now? Are we going to sleep on the overpass?” Fu Xing shrugs his shoulders and looks at Fu Zhengzheng with disgust.

“Who said you were homeless? Daddy’s home is yours.” Hans Siqi, who has just returned from the phone call, hears Fu Xing’s “homeless” remarks when he enters the door.

“Daddy!” As soon as Fu Xing sees Han Siqi, he rushes toward Han Siqi to hold his thigh and rub.

“Daddy’s here, so you don’t have to sleep on the overpass.” Han Siqi picks up Fu Xing and wipes his little black face with a wet towel.

Before Fu Zhengzheng has time to ask Fu Xing where he has learnt the words “sleeping on the overpass”, the landlady’s eyes shine as soon as she hears “daddy”, and says, “Fu, since your husband has come, please ask him to settle the loss with me first. I am an old woman without any financial resources except the rent.”

“Madam, you needn’t to be worried at all. I have no wings and I can’t fly off. I will definitely compensate you. After I tidy up here, I will talk to you about compensation.” Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t want to talk nonsense with the landlady, so she sends the landlady away in a few words.

Seeing the mess in the room, Han Siqi frowns and asks, “What’s the matter?”

“Well, I was too foolish to misuse the fire, thus accidentally triggering a fire.” Fu Zhengzheng laughs at herself, trying to hide the truth.

When she first saw those people, her first reaction was that they were sent by Lin Jiao. But after careful consideration, she feels that it should not be Lin Jiao. Because Lin Jiao was very nervous when she recognized Han Siqi and misunderstood Fu Zhengzheng’s relationship with Han Siqi during the day. Besides, there is no big problem between Fu Zhengzheng and Lin Jiao, so Lin Jiao needn’t to kill Fu Zhengzheng.

But besides Lin Jiao, she can’t remember who she has offended. She has thought of calling the police, but is afraid that more information may be leaked out in answering the police’s questions. If her identity is exposed, it will be more troublesome. So she just answered in simple words and decided to wait for an opportunity to let Yang Tao investigate it.

But she does not know that Fu Xing has told Han Siqi about the attack when he was hiding in the wardrobe calling Han Siqi for help.

Han Siqi looks at her thoughtfully and doesn’t expose her. He looks down at Fu Xing, wiping the stain on his face which has just not been wiped clean, and looks at Fu Zhengzheng whose clothes have been torn. He takes off his coat and throws it to her. Then he picks Fu Xing up and goes out.

“Hey, hey, where are you taking Fu Xing?” Fu Zhengzheng catches the coat and catches up quickly.

“To my home.”

“No!” Fu Zhengzheng grabs Fu Xing’s arm.

But Fu Xing pouts his mouth and says, “Mommy, I don’t want to sleep in the street with you.”

“This is a good sensible boy.” Han Siqi pats Fu Xing’s face and goes downstairs with Fu Xing, ignoring Fu Zhengzheng.

“Hey, hey…” Fu Zhengzheng stamps her feet but fails to stop Han Siqi’s steps. She thinks for a while and follows them while holding the coat.

Along the way, Fu Xing begins to get excited. He now smiles at Fu Zhengzheng, now asks Han Siqi while leaning on the back of the chair. Fu Zhengzheng is so absorbed in her thoughts that she doesn’t respond to her son.

She is thinking that if Yang Tao knows that she and Fu Xing live in Han Siqi’s home, what he will think. But then she thinks that she may find something she wants to know in his house, about her task and about her personal affairs.

It seems that she is more eager to know about the latter… Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head and secretly blames herself for her negligence.

“Mommy, here we are! What a big house Daddy lives in!” Hearing Fu Xing’s cheerful voice again, Fu Zhengzheng quickly looks up and finds that the car has entered a villa.

Looking at the big house behind the tall camphor trees, Fu Zhengzheng hesitates for a while and follows Fu Xing out of the car.

“Aren’t you cold?” Han Siqi asks and frowns when he notices that Fu Zhengzheng is still holding his coat while her own clothes have nearly been torn.

At that moment, the cold wind blows and Fu Zhengzheng can’t help but shivers. She looks down at her clothes and blushes. God, the clothes are so broken, but she had a long talk with the landlady just now. Luckily, the landlady is a woman. She hurries to put on the clothes.

A woman in her fifties stands at the door and slightly bows. She smiles and says, “Hello, Miss Fu, my name is Chen Qiaolan, a servant of Master Siqi’s family. Master Siqi has taken the baby upstairs. Your room is upstairs too. I’m taking you there now.”

“Oh, oh.” Fu Zhengzheng quickly follows Chen Qiaolan’s steps.

“Mr. Han’s room is over there. Here’s your room.” Chen Qiaolan leads Fu Zhengzheng to the second room on the second floor. “Master Siqi ordered it in a hurry, but please be assured that all the articles on the bed are new. Besides, Master Siqi has had someone prepare these clothes for you, which I have put in the bathroom. Master Siqi is probably bathing the baby now. You can go and take a bath too.”

“Oh, thank you.” Fu Zhengzheng looks at the spotless room and thanks her immediately. Only then does she realize how incongruous the stain on her body is with the clean house. She is embarrassed to stick out her tongue and rushes into the bathroom.

When she comes out in clean clothes after taking a comfortable bath, she is surprised to see that Han Siqi and Fu Xing are lying on the bed prepared for her.

“He’s asleep.” Han Siqi tilts his body and looks up and down at Fu Zhengzheng. Then he leers at her and says, “It’s so enjoyable to see a beauty coming out of a bath.”

“Thank you for sheltering us, Mr. Han. I can’t thank you enough.” Fu Zhengzheng folds her hands to make a heroic gesture. Then she changes her tone, “But now it is so late, and I am afraid that staying alone with you at night may affect your reputation. So please go back to your own bed.”

“Anyway, I have always been regarded as a play boy, so I don’t mind affecting my reputation. Let me sleep here. I am tired and I can’t move anymore.” Having said that, Han Siqi lies down comfortably.

“You may sleep here to accompany Fu Xing, and I will sleep next door.” Fu Zhengzheng turns around and goes out.

“I have only slept with beautiful women, and haven’t slept with a child yet.” Han Siqi yawns and gets up lazily. “You should rest earlier and go to work with me tomorrow.”

Looking at Han Siqi going out, Fu Zhengzheng rushes to the door and locks it, and then she is relieved. Looking at her sleeping son, she cannot help but kiss him on the forehead and lie down slowly.

Considering that Han Siqi always behaves in an affectionate manner to her, she is a little angry and also worried, not knowing what will happen in the days when she lives together with him.

Forget it. Instead of thinking about it, she should think about how to buy a cellphone and get an SIM card tomorrow. Yang Tao will probably know that her residence was on fire tomorrow, and he will be extremely anxious if he can’t contact her.

But how should she borrow money from Han Siqi tomorrow? After all, he has provided free food and shelter for them. Can she shamelessly ask for money? Since he has already doubted her purpose of approaching him, now will he be more contemptuous of her?

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head helplessly, but she finally makes up her mind and falls asleep with satisfaction.

However, when she wakes up, she finds that her head is as heavy as a stone, and she has no strength at all.

“Woman, don’t move!” It is Han Siqi’s voice. She feels that his broad palm press her down. “You don’t wear my clothes. You deserve it.”

Then here comes Fu Xing’s voice, “Mommy, don’t move. The doctor said you had a cold last night, and now you are put on a drip.”

Am I sick? Fu Zhengzheng asks to herself.

But she has always been in good health. How can she be so delicate when she comes to Han Siqi’s home?

Fu Xing holds her face with his little palms and kisses her. He then coaxes her as if she was a kid, “Mommy, you are on a drip, and you should keep quiet. Grandma Chen will take care of you. Daddy said that children who didn’t go to kindergarten were not good children, so I have to go to kindergarten.”

“No!” Fu Zhengzheng suddenly panics, and she struggles to get up, “What if Lin Jiao…”

“There will not be Lin Jiao anymore.” Han Siqi says coldly.

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked again, “What? What have you done to Lin Jiao?”

“I have done what should be done.” Then Han Siqi tells her softly, “You have a rest first, and I will be back later. Xingxing, let’s go.”

“Hey, hey…” As Fu Zhengzheng yells, Han Siqi takes Fu Xing out of the room.

“Miss Fu, Master Siqi has always done things in a proper way. You can be assured. Would you like a drink?” Chen Qiaolan takes two pillows to make a comfortable position for Fu Zhengzheng.

Hearing Chen Qiaolan calling Han Siqi “Master Siqi”, Fu Zhengzheng gets an idea and even forgets her headache. “Aunt Chen, how long have you been a servant in the Han family?”

“I have been in the Han family for more than thirty years since the birth of the elder master.”

“Well, did you watch the Han brothers grow up?”

“Yes, Master Siqi was brought up by me. Otherwise, he would not only let me take care of him when he lives alone.” Chen Qiaolan looks a little proud.

“Do you know Han Siqi’s experience from twelve to twenty-two?” When Fu Zhengzheng asks this question, her expression is somewhat complicated. She is both expectant and tense.

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