Bow and Arrow

Chapter 12 — Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius

Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius


After a few seconds, Tonkia started to calmly and nervously explain: "When I woke up, I didn't see you anywhere, instead I only saw white all around me. I couldn't stand up nor walk or even crawl. After calming myself from my panicky state, I discovered I could instead float around here and there. At some point I felt that a voice was talking to me, but there was no voice outside nor inside of my head. It told me that I was too weak and... well, that I needed that grow in strength, you know..." when she got to that point, she shyly looked up and down towards Tongqiu, then continued: " I slowly began to understand what the voice was telling me and did as instructed, I imagined myself in our previous battles, except it was only me, and I also had an armor that I've never seen before. It, it, it was really beautiful and unique! It was like nothing I've ever seen before, and the best of it all was that it suited me so damn perfectly!!!" She finished those last words by cheering up loudly with her arms all up, letting Tongqiu once again see her petite breasts and tiny narrow waist.

Ruffle, ruffle.

As she hurriedly took all possible bed sheets in the bed to cover herself, profusely blushing, she continued: "Aaa-a-anyways, beside the armor I also had a pair of gauntlets which could change to anything I wanted, from a sword, to a spear, a bow, daggers, arrows and even a statue of you Ton-- ehem, as I was training, I ultimately would return to the white area where I couldn't do nor sense anything. But, this time I had my armor. And received more information from that voice. It explained that this was the 'space' from a relic that my hu-- you obtained and that every time you or I wanted, no matter how separated if by land or other Kingdoms, then I could enter the space from that relic. YOU KNOW?! It means that I can accompany you at every moment!!! Isn't that great?!"

Looking at the immensely euphoric Tonkia, once again naked completely from head to thighs, he couldn't help but hid the best he could the emotions at knowing what kind of god-like item that mysterious little girl-woman gave him. Was he ever so damn grateful in his life? And how could he genuinely be grateful when it's only NPCs? Only pixels, nothing real? What the hell was wrong with him?!

"It is perfect." Tongqiu spoke serenely after gazing at the roof for a few seconds pondering deeply, before looking at the increasingly downcast Tonkia from overthinking for his tactless silent treatment.

Feeling quite panicked, he added: "I was just thinking about the girl who gave us such treasure, don't you think?" As he smiled once again, charmingly in her eyes, kind and caring in his intention.

"Ah, ah... heh, yes." As Tonkia was getting nervous, now aware of her complete utterly naked body before him, she still didn't cover herself anymore.

The eyes of Tongqiu never felt so famished, they burned with such obvious intensity that Tonkia unconsciously lifter her little head to look at his eyes in curiosity. The next instant, she felt dry, going completely dry in her throat, and there was quite the opportunity to quench such thirstiness right in front of her. Coinciding with her own heart and mind.

Tongqiu moved forwards without a care as he put his two hands at her thighs, the mouth of his mask once again doing an opening for him to bite her cheek tenderly albeit roughly as well. Tonkia merely had an idea in her mind, to see him completely. 

After Tongqiu backed away his head to see her reaction, as if reading her thoughts, he immediately operated the settings of the mask with his mind to let himself be completely seen by her. And as he was taking off the remaining clothes on himself, Tonkia's lost gaze couldn't move away from his face.

That damn jaw... those ears, small looking but so biteable giving her a need to kiss and lick them to make him fall into a state of depravity... his lips, not being big nor small yet so seductive for any woman, young woman and even girls inexperienced in love would fall into a pool of their own... eyes that contained a broken colored grey within them, and his somewhat broken-looking nose that in contrast of the broken-looking bridge, had instead a cute little pointing tip of the nose which arose many indecent hot ideas through her mind... Such eyebrows that seemed to be sculpted carefully with utter mastery by the Universe itself. All that together, even if he had a little bit of extra meat on his cheeks, he looked exactly like the dish he'd never try once to stop eating every day for the rest of her existence.

As Tongqiu had  his hands in her thighs, he shakily sent his right hand towards her cream white rosy center of her thighs, not being able to take his eyes off her creamy-white glowing skin, he took a bite on her shoulder, a bit deep leaving an obvious territorial mark on her. But then, his actions were completely stopped as his chin was ever so fervently yet gently taken by a small creamy-white hand, with her pale-rosy palm caressing his chin while her fingers violated his lips in hopes on igniting a  fire inside him incapable of extinguishing. 

Tongqiu's lower body never felt so provoked, he didn't took her arm to stop her but instead his right hand stopped shaking as it instead of heading for her now reddish pink center of her inner thighs to her chin, plucking her passionately until Tonkia couldn't resist anymore and her body gave in. As her spine went completely soft, at the mercy of Tongqiu's embrace, his right hand went towards her back and then to her head to keep her at bay. She was loosely resting on her back with his right arm while her neck and head were completely controlled by his wrist and hand. 

Meanwhile, Tongqiu's left hand found its way from her upper back, slowly grazing at her skin, from her spine to the separation from 'back' to 'buttocks'. When his left hand finally arrived at her ass cheeks, he slowly and softly grasped at the not so full yet elastic left meat of this devilish woman, making her incapable of being able to moan while played around in his mouth, forcing her to arch her head back a little to let him hear her sweet, satisfied and greedy moans over and over until he forced her to take in his lips, tongue, teeth, and saliva non-stop yet once more.

His left hand then left for the right cheek as he was much more brutal and fast with, he wasn't going around crudely but was instead making different shapes, and with such small amount of 'material' to work with was but a trance-like inducing sensation which he couldn't stop no matter how much he tried. Her left cheek kept on getting more and more reddish as her moans were more and more 'attention seeking'.

"T-the other one too. Rough, harder!" As Tonkia spoke with a clearly misty gaze, she started unclothing Tongqiu to the fullest.

After a few minutes of giving her left cheek the same treatment, he finally made the little woman yelp before starting shaking intensely without stop for a couple minutes once he barely reach her maidenhood.

He gave her a little rest as his incredible thick, though not large, manliness was pointing at her noise all the way up from her waist, where it was completely glued to her body as if drowning in the soft meaty tummy of this body of hers. Going so crazy that if it already felt so good and addictive on her tummy, how would it feel if it entered her.

But Tongqiu wouldn't be lenient towards such daring little woman, so he took both her inner thighs from the back with his hands and lifted them up... all the way to his face, his hungry, greedy and lustful and ruthless face.

After many round of tongueslashes, tonguethrusts, teethdevouring, tonguesworddances, and many more of the like. Tongqiu kept on 'punishing' thins evildoer woman as he unceasingly, not even when he was already tired, kept on wolfing on this woman's cunt. About 20 minutes later, she finally lost reason: "I beg you! I beg you, I beg you, I beg yooouuu!!! Make. Me. Yours. Make. Me. Your. Ah. AH. AAHH. WOMAN!!!"


Tongqiu let go of all intending remaining punishments dropped both her legs to his side, quite close sticking to his legs and thighs but, what surprised him the most right away was that she spread her legs so open she had to lift them to allow her to keep on spreading them. Not only that but her flowery garden was soaked and expanding and contracting a lot, too much, too much for it to be normal. He wasn't an expert but he knew that if such a thing was to be known be possible to all women, they'd go crazy on their partners, and those who didn't had one would start lamenting more than they would a war.

Before penetrating her, which was already impossible enough for him to restrain himself, he had to give her something else right before that. So he lowered his head and did his best to try and 'take a bit' with his mouth quite into the flowery garden. According to his experience from his previous 'punishment' he could see her having another climax while she was convulsing her lower abdomen all the way to her dying to be entered by him entrance. Thinking even her uterus was completely thirsty, he positioned himself, aiming forwards.

"AAAAAaaaaaaaaahhh..." He made one brutal thrust, as she euphorically screamed in thanks.


Not even waiting more than 5 seconds, he started without any kind of second thought to stop, hammering his way into her all the way where he got continuous second kisses. Tonkia's virginity was taken but pain wasn't visible. At the moment before Tongqiu started hammering the needy wooden maiden figurine, he had a thought to enter a better place for her soon to loudly announcements to the world to be made, which were answered. He immediately felt his surroundings move like they did after he chose his race. Then next thing he knows is him being in that 'white space', however, there was this bed and the bed sheets with them, probably with Tongqiu's thinking they managed to be moved as well.

'So it works this way as well... ugh.'

No more time for distractions, hammering this 'his' to take maidenhood was his only task, the only thing he could ever have in his mind right now and in the future...

"Aah, aah, aah, aaannnnnyyaaaah!!!" Probably a bit more than 1/3 of a day later, she gave her last extremely loud moaning exclamation of their 'ferocious battle'. She went doll mode and only breathed in and out profusely. Her eyes completely watery. Only affection, warmth, devotion, infatuation, happiness and satisfaction was posible to identify. Besides the obvious gum-like elasticity of her whole tired, exhausted and drenched in sweat plus 'juices' body.

As Tongqiu was admiring the result of his evildoings, his face relaxed, fully satisfied. Well, he could take 5 minutes to go at it again, so as to not disappoint his partner. But it didn't seem to be necessary. 

He smiled contentedly as he used the blankets to cover her ever so sweetly and tenderly. Tongqiu said: "I think I now know how this place works... kinda well. That armor and gauntlets you talked about are possible to acquire. You just need to 'prove' that you are worthy of them by challenging yourself more and more, and once such thing is confirmed I will be summoned here to enter a trial alone, for you. If I pass you'd get them, if I don't... probably won't get them then." He finished by furrowing his brows.

Tonkia merely smiled as her verdant glassy eyes moved to look at him sideways, results from her overworked body no being able to even tilt her head. She said: "I... It's okay, hubby... there is... no rush, huff... let's meet my parents later, okay? I definitely not! Can see them in this state."

At the mention of such, Tongqiu thought: 'Ughoooh, right, this part.' But at the thought of who he was going to and for who, such sensation dispelled from his being and he rather took a resolute glint between his eyes. For things he disliked doing, he's able to them for Tonkia, is the least she can do. Such things were noticed by the ever growing closer together with- Tonkia. Allowing her to feel relaxed and form a gratified smile as she said: "After all, I'm leaving them for a man, you know?"

She smiled at him. He looked into her eyes. A kiss was born from devotion and his mind... took a minor healing from his real life.



After leaving the 'criminal of war' to rest in the white space; he left first for the Marketing system.

Seeing there was still no actual good offers from buyers, he took the staff back and set the settings to 'Global' finally using it not like a retard, at least. But instead of the previous selling, it now changed to purely 400 gold coins. Which was sold at 15 seconds after he put it on sale.

Next, he went to the greedy NPC to receive his rewards. He didn't want any more business with this fucker.

"Oh, Jour-" He was cut off by Tongqiu as he indifferently and coldly said while passing a big cloth bag to him: "Shut the gods fuck up, give me my reward."

*PING*...[Collect 'Bag of Riches' from the treacherous bandit at the mountains in the Misty region 527/100]. As a reward, 250 gold coins, Experience+3,000, AP+3, Fame+150.

*PING*... congratulations you've levelled up, now LV5, HP+10, MP+10, Stamina+10, Mind Power+1, AP+9.

*PING*... your fame has reached 500, reaching into the ears of the city lord of Azure Dragon City.

"Oh, Journeyer, if you'd li-" Once again cut off by Tongqiu, Tongqiu responded the same way as before: "Bye, no more business."

Which left poor greedy NPC lamenting this 'hot-blooded' youth eagerness to defend justice a bit too much.


Finally, he arrived before the old man's house, the incredible blacksmith/gardener senior he befriended.

*Knock, knock, knock!*

"Come in!" By the time he finished knocking, a tired yet expectant shout was heard from inside.

Stepping in, Tongqiu first saw the old man by the small table as he respectfully nodded towards his a couple times before noticing his now completely white hair. Seeing his eyes, the old man merely smiled in nonchalantly assurament towards his own well-being.  

The old man spoke: "Young one... I see the last strand of soul was left by my... daughter, for you to keep withing yourself... and I'm deeply thankful for that, thank you. Besides giving you these ordinary items, I'd like for you... to accept me as your master as a blacksmith and gardener, what say you? Heh."

This astounded Tongqiu even if just a little, such easy gains were after all, very welcome. But he decided to take a respectful stance, something he felt was the proper thing... which he wouldn't use really, and said: "Senior, please allow me to learn from you. I promise I won't make you feel as disheartened as I did last time... I'll-... do great."

*PING*... you've received a hidden reward for a hidden Main Quest, [Forge and Create]. New branch skillset available from this 'unique' sub-classes.

The old man simply extended two fingers towards him as he immediately after had to sit down in his seat to not fall down completely. And without waiting for Tongqiu to say or help him, he said to him: "Now, go ahead and claim your armament as well as elixirs... you still have an obligation, young one." As he seemingly fell asleep, which was confirmed by Tongqiu, right after he spoke.

Somewhat not desiring to have any ties however, Tongqiu brought the old man to the room he was looking at the night prior this morning... he found out it was... a girl's room. Feeling somewhat mournful, Tongqiu couldn't move himself away and simply let the old man rest in that small, silly bed with multiple colors. He gazed around for a little as he finally decided to move out, taking the items into his white space, just like he did with his other things -and a stolen closet for armory and weapons- and went out towards the east. 

He stopped below the huge shadow of a big old tree, and stared at his new items. Two Gladius Dual Swords, 2 potions which looked extremely tasty, and a weird kind of shield to wear.

x2 [Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius]: Type: One-Handed Dual Sword, Grade: Magical(Violet), Equipment Requirements: Tongqiu, Attributes: Physical Attack+156, STR+32, REC+17, LCK+6. Able to evolve to the next grade. However the required materials and skill capable to do it are extremely demanding.

x2 [Everbrave Elixir]: Type: Consumable Item, Grade: Powerful(Dark Blue), Effect: Upon consuming, REC+10, LCK+10, SP+100.

'Holy shit.' Without hesitating, he took one of the potions while giving the other to Tonkia with a note attached to it.

*PING*... you've consumed 'Everbrave Elixir'. Effect: REC+10, LCK+10 permanently and SP+100.

Next, he learned 'Unparalleled Angle':

[Unparalleled Angle]: Skill: Passive, Trigger, MAX LV 20, LV: 1, SP before next LV: 1. Usually, to start an attack one needs to accumulate force, raw strength. Use this skill in the opportune moment to change the direction and angle of attack of your melee weapon without losing any strength, and with accurate precision. Costs 5 mana and 10 stamina. He decided to upgrade it all the way to LV6 using 62 SP.

[Unparalleled Angle]: Skill: Passive, Trigger, MAX LV 20, LV: 6, SP before next LV: 64. Usually, to start an attack one needs to accumulate force, raw strength. Use this skill in the opportune moment to change the direction and angle of attack of your melee weapon without losing any strength, and with accurate precision. Costs 10 mana and 20 stamina. Additional Effect: When activated Physical Damage+5%. 

And then, he realized that he had accumulated a total of 21 AP and 189 SP! He immediately used 10 points on STR and 11 on DEX.

Character: Tongqiu
Race: Human — Innate Race Talents: Adaptability, Racial Reproductive Wonder, Warmonger — Race Ability: Union
Level: 5
Class: None
Basic attributes: STR:(30) 97, DEX: (24) 47, LCK: (23) 35, REC: 23, WIS: 2, INT: 2, DET: (3) 7, Luck: 3, Charm: 3
Association: None, Money: 530, Fame: 500
HP: 565, MP: (185) 205, Stamina: (305) 555
Attack Power: (432) 700, Magic Power: 14
Physical Defense: (29) 85, Magical Defense: 21, HP Regeneration: 5
Hit Rate: 36%, Dodge Rate: 12%
Critical Hit Rate: 12%, Pierce  Rate: 3%
Attack Speed: 100%, Movement Speed: 102%
Core Elemental Resistance: Fire: 0%, Water: 0%, Earth: 0%, Wind: 0%, Lightning: 0%
AP: 0, SP: 127
Skills: [Unparalleled Angle]: Skill: Passive, Trigger, MAX LV 20, LV: 6, SP before next LV: 64. Usually, to start an attack one needs to accumulate force, raw strength. Use this skill in the opportune moment to change the direction and angle of attack of your melee weapon without losing any strength, and with accurate precision. Costs 10 mana and 20 stamina. Additional Effect: When activated Physical Damage+5%. 
x2 [Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius]: Type: One-Handed Dual Sword, Grade: Magical(Violet), Equipment Requirements: Tongqiu, Attributes: Physical Attack+156, STR+32, REC+17, LCK+6. Able to evolve to the next grade. However the required materials and skill capable to do it are extremely demanding.
[Bloodstained Iron Armguard]: Type: Armguard, Grade: Powerful(Dark Blue), Equipment Requirements: LV5, Attributes: Physical Defense +24, DEX+11, STR+3.
[Durable Iron Boots]: Type: Shoe Garment, Grade: Powerful(Dark Blue), Equipment Requirements: LV5, Attributes: Physical Defense+32, DEX+12, DET+4.



Author's Note: Finally! First lovey-dovey scene! Also a clear notice for all. A more or less long novel with ONLY slow romance is boring, is it not? Especially when romance is also quite focused on. Also, math is taking more and more time writing this novel Q_Q *looking towards the scary future ahead* and I'm terrorized.

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