Bow and Arrow

Chapter 11 — The Life of Mortals

The Life Of Mortals


With this little girl having shocked Tongqiu to the core as soon as she first spoke up, he could only understand it as a certain premonition befell on his mind.

With her still kind, clear eyes, the little girl continued "This is but one of the many sundry occurrences in all 'Novice Villages' across the Main Kingdom. And even then, this one act of downfall and tragedy is one but unique... how ironic, heh!" as the little girl self-loathingly laughed, once at herself, and once at her long journey all the way to where she now was; her dark ending.

She gazed at the roof where the light of the almost broken little oil lamps couldn't reach. She contemplated in silence, calm and relaxing silence as she suddenly, but slowly, turned her gaze towards the still befuddled young man with a mask, that could perhaps manipulate a mortal's sight.

"When you go back, tell my- father... that I left exactly how my mom wanted me to. That I didn't disappointed any of our ancestors, let alone them." When the little girl started talking once again, with enigmatic and ambiguous words, she at first sounded very formal and then changed to a somewhat more of that of a young child, proud of their tenacity and having overcome a tribulation with a sincere smile afterwards. 

"There's still much unknown for you Journeyers, way too much... it may be too late. But, a mortal's involvement can only be given a spark of truth after they either become a God or tragedy befalls. Whichever is first... it's all on the hands of the capable." As she ended her speech, she genuinely smiled in a gracious and sacred manner. Tongqiu could swear he even saw another face superimposing onto the childish one, it was a beautiful pale golden color and completely flat-smooth without any kind of style, as well as profound green colors that seemed to be rather colorless but were, in truth, ever so resplendent.

The little girl extended her left hand towards Tongqiu, in the middle of such an act she unfunded her fist as an item covered by a shining pale light aura, materialized in the palm of her hand.

"I give this to you, Journeyer Tongqiu; when the time comes you'll either know how to use or understand its use." As she spoke those last words, her face relaxed completely, and as her eyes went dim, she closed them ever so slowly.

To Tonkia, such a thing was the last of seeing her. But to Tongqiu, he instead saw a translucent beautiful navy blue female figure with the image from before superimposing the little girl. Her whole body naked as well, much more matured and with a charm impossible to not be noticed by Tongqiu, seeing how much it was to his tastes. 

Then, the navy blue colored figure discovered Tongqiu's gaze. She opened her eyes quite wide as she instantly said to him "Incredible... The prowess your mind possesses and the quality of your soul..."

She pondered a little more as she recomposed herself and spoke to him one last time "Please grant my wish, once I've transported you back to the 'Novice Village', return to the mountainous area of the Misty region and... take the life of the leader of these bandits. Of course you must make sure to eliminate every single one of them before you go after their leader. Annihilate the entire bandit group, once you've done that I'll bestow upon the you unimaginable! ...Farewell, Journeyer."

Her 'soul' disintegrated from her arms and legs towards her torso, finally concluding her dispersion by the middle of her brows being dissolved last.

*PING*... you've been consecrated with the 'True Wish' relic item.

[True Wish]: Type: Treasure, Grade: ???, Effect: ???. A box-looking object with multiple lineal unknown marks all around it. To use it, you only have to wish to possess it.

*PING*... you are now tasked with the quest [Slaughterer Mandate]. Completely wipe out all the bandits in the mountainous area of the Misty region, east of the Novice Village, first the leader of the bandit's subordinates and the leader himself as the last objective. Quest Type: Main Quest(only one player can ever receive such quest form such NPC), Time Limit Quest: None, Quest Reward: ???, 500 gold coins, SP+1000, Fame+1000, AP+5. Upon failure, the relic item 'True Wish' will evaporate.

Without a mere instant to even think, an energy-like blue colored substance intertwined between Tonkia and Tongqiu, first it started slow only to got beyond what the naked human eye could perceive! That was the moment they had the strange feeling of having jumped without moving an inch with a clear rosy-beige colored sky being the only thing they could see.

After literally just a second, they appeared 500 m behind the Novice Village they've been so befuddled about for the last 5 minutes.

'It felt like an instant but at the same time, like I've been trapped for centuries.'

As Tongqiu tried to adjust his eyes by moving them around everywhere, he saw the now fainted Tonkia comfortable in his arms, as well as the little box in his right hand's palm. Thinking of the notification from before, he unhesitatingly sent his wish to possess the object as it slowly moved towards his head and finally 'merged' with him.

There was no notification, but he didn't felt scammed nor played with. Relaying on his instincts, just as he has done before. He never felt an ounce of maliciousness nor scheme coming from this little girl-heavenly-like woman in any moment, the same reason why he didn't act at any moment when she extended her hand or when he was being covered by that strange substance, he didn't rejected them at all. He could even see his own broken eyes in hers'. He felt like he just met with someone, and that that someone have met with an entity like-minded. Which could finally have someone to understand each other.

'A pity she seems to be dead.'

At that moment, he had the sensation that the little box 'in his mind' glowed a little and he closed his eyes to try and 'see' it better. After few minutes of not managing to get anything he simply opened his eyes and carried the sleeping beauty towards the Novice Village, finally returning.

Coming from behind the Novice Village, he managed to use his now honed hiding skills -not game skills- to casually enter without being noticed of the strangeness of a man with a weird wolf mask holding a petite woman in his arms. 

He immediately headed to the house from which the old man gave him the quest to kill bandits without nothing else. In the way, Tongqiu kept on thinking of the curious ways that things have happened since he went to the mountainous area, as he finally arrived before his house.

This time, there was no one standing there. The house, however, had the door slightly opened while the sky was grey and discoloring the impossible to stop abundance of people around everywhere in this village.

It was impossible for Tongqiu to describe, but he could easily understand that the old man had to at least some kind of understanding of the happenings at the core section of the mountainous area. So he carefully, and respectfully -something new for him- that didn't left him with a sense of acting subserviently nor in disadvantage, with Tonkia in his arms towards the slightly opened door.

Once he stepped in, completely careful to not accidentally harm the petite woman's head or legs. Tongqiu first noticed that the interior was fully made of stone, but it at least had a beautifully done carving and the way it was handled was even more sophisticated.

What he saw next was an old man sitting in a chair right in front of a small clearly old table, with a little well taken care of- oil lamp whose light couldn't reach the top of the house on top of it; having a wooden-like decent jar and a crudely-made large cup made of wood as well. He was drinking while looking down towards an area Tongqiu didn't have angle to see. After he emptied two rounds of whatever he was having in the jar. He put the cup down, and spent 10 or so seconds in that position. Afterwards, he slowly raised his head to look at Tongqiu, holding that petite woman ever so carefully in his arms. Tongqiu didn't feel ashamed, ashamed of bringing not only not this npc's daughter but another's instead. In fact, his face was straight and still indifferent, but not cold anymore. At least not towards this old man.

The old man finally adverted his gaze down and sighed with clear self-loathing. Tongqiu then, ever so intuitively took the opportunity to get close to the table the man was sitting to drink at.

The old man spoke first "Is... that one of the two poor women taken a bit earlier today by the bandits? I assume the other one didn't make it then."

To such seemingly stern old man, Tongqiu merely nodded twice to hint at his clearly reason for visiting him and not asking for the reward right away.

Understanding, the old man took a little cloth bag and put it in front of Tongqiu on the table, then waited for him to take it so as to get to the next half of their meeting.

*PING*... you've completed the quest [Kill 10 or more Bandits at the mountains in the Misty region, east of the novice village]. Experience+2,000, 100 gold coins, SP+5 and fame+50.

Tongqiu: "..."

Afterwards, Tongqiu resumed everything the little girl entrusted him with. And that he'll be going back to clean up those filth. To which the old man simply carried a smile when he heard the words the little girl left for him. And when he heard that Tongqiu was to go back and create a grand massacre, he instead smiled even more resplendently.

Not saying anymore, he was about to leave when suddenly, the old man spoke out "If you got any material that should be good enough, I can either make you some equipment or potion, ah, come take a sip of this old man's drink." He said as he went to look for another cup.

While waiting, Tongqiu seated in another seat while putting sleepy Tonkia in his legs, although in a somewhat ambiguous position he didn't really started moving deviously and simply took a look at the small table and the cup the old man was using. He could swear he knew that the little girl made those, as he smiled in grief and kindness.

As the old man came back, he could swear that the eccentric mask now turned incredible gentle, as Tongqiu was looking at Tonkia's face and caressing her cheek with the back of his index finger ever so gently and slowly. The old man rather began walking slower and lighter, and as he arrived at his seat, he gently put the well-made cup on the table in front of Tongqiu and poured some of his jar in it.

Tongqiu simply accommodated Tonkia better on his lap, though that made him and her feel even more each other's body, as he calmly took the cup and drank from it all of its contents.

*PING*... you've drank or eaten an extremely precious consumable item. Effect: HP+150, MP+100, Stamina+200, SP+10 and Mind Power+1.

"Aahh, yes that was really good. I won't bother you, senior, anymore. Oh that's right, I do have some items, please check if you can do anything with these. What I need the most is two Gladius Dual Sword the most! But if you can make equipment just as good, then that should be enough." Tongqiu bid his farewell to let this old man have his rest.

"Mm, with these two Magical material and these two hearts, I can definitely surprise you, Journeyer, come back tomorrow. I won't stop working until I finish these new products for you, heh heh!" As Tongqiu was out of the house, he heard the grieving and excited shouts of the old man.

Tongqiu had no way to know if this profound sleeper would ever wake up before his body couldn't deal with his exhaustion. So he rapidly made his way into an Inn and rented a big nice room for a couple of weeks. Since he simply couldn't hold it anymore, he just wrote a letter and put it on the little table besides the bed, as he accommodated Tonkia in the well deserved bed patiently, then he went to the other side, almost half a meter away from Tonkia, closed his eyes and 'Log off.'

As he was disappearing, a white light suddenly appeared in Tonkia's body, just like how it started to appear from withing Tongqiu's body and instantly covered her whole body, afterwards the light turned extremely small as it merged with the body of Tongqiu, every single movement was as if time stopped, and only once the light entered in Tongqiu's body, did time itself resumed. When Tongqiu completely logged off and his body disappeared from the world Tonkia was obviously nowhere to be seen.



In a modest apartment, on a bed that has seemingly been left untouched for a whole day. Tongqiu opened his eyes. His tired, sleepy eyes.

Nevertheless, he stood up and grabbed some random shit to eat and some non-healthy drink as he easily downed it. Then he headed towards his 'untainted' PC as he opened the forums for Rising Essence. First things he discovered, he could actually use the forums inside the game. Tongqiu made a stiff face as he imagined himself slapping his head really hard... then to top it off, he also discovered that in the marketing system, one can choose to 'sell to' all of the Novice Villages' Marketing system and not only on the one the seller or buyer is currently in, another imaginary slap.

Lastly, as his energies truly already left his body long ago. He saw a thread were a player discovered the first dungeon ever, and it was in his own village at that.

'Are you fucking serious?! No, I gotta go back--a-aaaah-' As he slowly, but surely, stood up from the chair; his body gave in, his legs unresponsive and his mind -which had enough- completely turned off. There was a Tongqiu with a submissive posture in which case he could see himself, he wished for nothing else that for nobody to see him in such state, nobody not even himself. Such a disgrace.



In the Central HQ of the Crestfallen Industry, game company of Rising Essence...

There was an enormous luxurious yet humble room. Withing the room, there were three people, one middle-aged and another two were obviously old men. Calmly chatting, yet, they were eating so excitedly while the conversed.

"Oh, has your little girl Cinders finally met her super star then? You crazy fucker Hegwerd." Said the middle-aged man towards one of the old men rebukingly.

"Ah- hahaha, senior Brother is surely sharp, as always hehe." Robert Hegwerd, the one caught in his 'schemes' could only scratch his head as his face turned clearly rosy from embarrassment.

"Aiya, he's truly such a disgusting pig only thinking in devious and unpur-" As the other old man was joining in to rebuke Robert Hegwerd, the middle-aged man gave him a glare and then the old man instantly shut up.

Seeing this, Robert Hegwerd felt incredibly encouraged and spoke against the old man as well "Heing, for someone so righteous and filled with justice, to have your little niece offered like such is really astounding, the little remains of the Shark family surely are something ey?"

Kleus Shark's face instantly went red as he looked down and could only hope that the middle-aged man would help him out.

However, the middle-age man his hope, was instead rebukingly glaring at him instead. "I was also surprised you decided to select someone, but, shouldn't you consult with me?! After all I promised your Big Sister that I'll take care of the Shark family, you ungrateful mongrel."

Kleus Shark was definitely not able to take it anymore as he pronounced each word with utter care and reproach "Senior Brother! You can't say that, I'm obviously so caring towards that little girl, even when she went as far as to hide her appearance to take bigger roles in this tiny little world, you know?! Besides, it's not my family who did all things without consideration, hmph!" As he finished talking, he folded his arms and adverted his gaze.

Meanwhile, the middle-aged man could only lower his gaze and his face turned embarrassed just as much as those three damn idiotic old fellows as well. After a short moment, he said while shaking his head "Huh... sigh! Why do daughters have to be so troublesome?"

"HAHAHAAHA!"  "PWHAHAAHHAKAHAKAAHA!!!" Both old men erupted in laughter afterwards.

Then the middle-aged man couldn't avoid making a grin. As he gave up, he started laughing maniacally-like as well. "KHAH HAH HAH!!!"

Three men, two old men, one middle-aged man. The three of them embarrassed to the core, the three of them laughing without stop.



The third day since Rising Essence came out finally started, hours ago. And a previously heavily affected by playing for more than 26 hours in a row Tongqiu, started waking up.

"Nnhnn? Nmnmnmn. Uh?!" His eyes opened slowly, as they slowly became clear.

'Aw shit, I fell asleep, I wasted too much time, TIME TO GAME. But first..'

He was about to head towards his indecent PC but then remembered he still had a 'reward' to claim in the game and let it pass, for now. Then he went to the good old untainted PC and kept browsing a little more.

First, he found a developer's notice. Indicating that streaming the game was put to be possible, but all and every single stream would have to be +18. Which would reduce their views and gains too much, considering how technology was able to genuinely able to identify someone's real age and appearance without the need of visual or hacking into personal data. Which was recognized as almost magical.

Secondly, the race towards the first level 10. As read before, announcements are clearly one of the biggest fame-rising methods, and it definitely wasn't a joke to be considered the first to hit level 10 from 7 billion people. 

Third, was that some players have dedicated themselves to find dungeons, specially private ones. Since only those could a party or a person, for loners, to enter without any pvp fear. If they were cowards, that's it, according to the negative comments.

Lastly, as he was closing the forums, he found out that he felt as if he was having the weight of... someone else on his shoulders... or in his head. So he rapidly took some other food and garbage drink before cleaning his teeth properly and finally go back towards the reality where his ugly, absurd ass body wasn't the least noticeable. Nor existent.

'Enter, Rising Essence.'

And so, he appeared in the same room he left the other night, and as he looked to his right to see Tonkia, he was astonished to see that not only she wasn't there but even the note was left untouched in any possible way at all.

'Mmm... that can't be...'

As he was very faithfully thinking that the devoted Tonkia wouldn't, a non-blinding immense light appeared above him as a incredible small piece of light moved out of between his brows in the other side of the bed, as it grew bigger and bigger until it matched the shape of Tonkia. Leaving Tongqiu ex-tre-me-ly shocked.

Tonkia was wearing some kind of armor which looked really incredible, but then when she noticed she wasn't in that strange space anymore and that instead it was an Inn-like room where she saw an astounded Tongqiu looking at her even with his mask on.

"AAAAH!" As she got crazy on about, she realized that the armor she had on was growing blurry. Finally it disappeared and revealed her petite yet incredible charming and mature body to Tongqiu's lustful greedy eyes.



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