Bleach: The Authority to Protect

Chapter 5: ARC 1: Part V




July 4th.

"By the way Ossan what's with red ribbons that I saw when fighting those soul reapers?"

"What you see is a spirit ribbon, human and quincy spirit ribbon are white colored but for soul reaper their color are red."

"I see. And the cat with blonde guy they're watching us since beginning right?"

"Yes be careful. Don't underestimated them. Anyone who know how to conceal their power are either they want to stay hidden or they hid their strength to caught people off guard."

Flashback end


July 14th, Noon.

"Ichigo do you remember that you can't hear my name when I introduced myself long ago?"

"I do remember that... why Ossan?"

"The reasons behind that was my name sealed that's why you can't hear it."

"Who sealed it?"

"From the trait of the Reiatsu that has red spirit ribbon it appears that the one who responsible with sealing my name is a soul reaper. That's why I had an idea to outsmart the seal."

"What kind of idea?"

"Ichigo I need you need to learn sign language. Because even though you couldn't hear my name, you could still see my gestures, right?"

"You want me to use Auswählen on someone who held proficiency in sign language?"

"Yes Ichigo you caught on quickly."

"Alright Ossan you can count on me. I'll master it in no time!"

"But before that I want to teach you how to gather your mind."

"My mind? For what?"

"As you know, Auswählen is skill that can give and take. But such skill comes with a consequences if neglected and that consequences came from the feedbacks due using Auswählen. Too much feedback could've destroys your mind or turn your mind into vegetative state. That's why it's imperative for you to learn to gather your mind to increase your brain capabilities and enhanced your mental defenses. In other words it's a brain exercises."

"So it's another training.... huh...I'm currently training not just my body but my mind too? There's so much to do... " Ichigo sighed.

After long grueling training today Ichigo finally managed to convert his physical body into spiritual body in less than a second.

He could finally fought spiritual being without being seen by non-spiritual people.

Ossan really have such high standard when training, as he won't settle for less.

According to Ossan skill and technique that can't be used in less than a second is inefficient as it took to much time, so I had to learn using all skills and techniques in less than a second as even a second is critical within life and death situations.

Heck even White agreed with Ossan regarding that.

Brain exercise still come a long way, but at least I succeeded to gather my mind though my skill still on beginners level the benefits that comes with it was amazing and I come to regret saying 'amazing' in front Ossan.

"Ichigo I suggest you need to studies." Ossan suggest.

"Studies! But it's summer! I'm still on summer vacation. Why would I need to study?!"

"Because having knowledge is better than having none at all" Ossan reasoned.

"Ossan!! You've always been like that! You're so strict! Can't you even gave me a break? I'm already training my mind and body. And now I need to studies! No!" Ichigo complaints.

After that Ossan and I are going into arguments and I always fail at Ossan logical statements.

Any rebuttal and excuses were destroyed with pure calculative reasoning.

In the end I ended up studying at Karakura's Public Library.

Funny, it was still Summer vacation but I ended up studying. History, Geography, Math, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Linguistic, Culture and many more even Etiquette.

I even asked Ossan why I should learn Etiquette and White interlude and said that a King should've a standard.

Suffice to say I becoming smarter as I find out I can easily remember content of a whole book as I got better at memorizing, can calculating math faster even my manner of speech has changed, somehow I feel like I'm gonna ended up as top scorer in exams once the new term start.

Well at least Ossan gave me a day off from training but only once a week.

Without realizing it, night comes so I return home using shadow travel to my own room.

Very convenient technique.

I had to take shower to cool my head off after intensive study and going to eat dinner with my two younger sister.

Dad doesn't count as he was someone who can't be reasoned with, his daily attack make me wanted to strangle his neck sometimes.

Midnight came and when Ichigo just about to sleep he felt something unusual and familiar...

'What's this sensation?!'

"Ichigo! Remember when your mother died who were there?" Ossan reminded Ichigo.

'Ah I remember now! This feeling! That day on the river, it's the same feeling as girl who jumped! It's the same hollow who killed mom! I need to go or else I won't have another chance to settle it once and for all.' Ichigo thought as he convert his physical body into spiritual body using Sklaverai.

Using Sonido as fast as he could towards said hollow.

The hollow could be sensed prowling around Yumisawa Park.

When he got there, he realize it's truly was the very hollow he saw that day and that hollow had an anglerfish shaped lure in the form of a little girl, the same girl he saw jumped into the river.

"You! that was you by the river that day! Almost a month ago!" Ichigo shouted.

"Hmmm.... that's a long time ago, I don't remember but, you've seen me before?"

"Yes! I've seen you! You've killed my mother on that rainy day!"

"Incredible! You actually saw me and lived.... Ah! I see.. you've got orange hair.... it's was you sonny. Hehehehe... You're lucky. But your luck's run out sonny! Perhaps you think I'm some ordinary hollow. Let me tell you I'm not Menos Grande! I'm an Arrancar!"


"I'm known as Grandfisher! Lord Aizen's subordinates! And Lord Aizen promised me should I manages to kill orange haired boy that have seen me twice, Lord Aizen will promote me as one of his Espada!"

Then Grandfisher grabs Ichigo shoulder with one his finger.

But it couldn't hurt Ichigo due Blut Vené as Ichigo dodged.

'Aizen?! Someone knew about me? Wait... don't tell me that camera was Aizen all along?! I see that's makes sense!' Ichigo thought in his mind.


"It's all over sonny... you're to green to challenge me!!" Grandfisher said as his lure turn into visage of Ichigo's beloved mother, Kurosaki Masaki.


"I don't really remember what's happened a month ago, but.. I was able to recreate your mother. From your expressions, I guess you're upset? Hehehehehe!"


"Didn't you notice? When I grabs you I only use this hand, I used these claws to peek into your memory! I probed into your mind to find the one thing you can't bear to hurt, then this hand formed that very thing! Even the most cold-blooded person has weakness and for you that person is your precious dead mother!!"

"I see you talk to much Grandfisher" then Ichigo eyes began turned cold towards Grandfisher.



"Ossan? Why did soul reaper kill quincy 200 years ago?"

"It's because of quincy power were incompatible with soul reaper balance."


"Yes, the hollow who got killed by quincy power were perished into nothing and unable to enter soul reaper soul system, and that system known as The Balance. By not adhering to soul reaper balance quincy were seen as a threat that destroys the very balance they've maintained for a long time therefore they were exterminated to ensure balance were kept."

"Thank you for telling me Ossan...."

Flashback end.


Thank you mom...

I love you so much...

Farewell mom....

Rest in peace....

Sankt Bogen.

A giant bow with a single arrow could be seen in the sky aiming downward toward Grandfisher and kill him in a blink of an eye.

On that very day Grandfisher perished and tears could be seen flowing from both Ichigo eyes yet strangely enough Ichigo feel at peace....the pain and grief that grabbed Ichigo heart is gone.

Ahh... the rain has stopped.

"Ichigo.... "

"What is it Ossan?"

"Happy birthday Ichigo. Today you've turned ten years old." Ossan congratulate Ichigo and fondness could be seen in his stoic visage.

"Happy birthday King! All hail to our King! For turning ten years old today!" White also congratulate his King and grinning widely.

"Yeah thanks Ossan and you too White!"


At the top non-descriptive building not too faraway from Yumisawa Park hidden under the cover of darkness a man with green stripped white bucket hat could be seen alongside black cat with piercing golden eyes.

"What do you think of Kurosaki Ichigo, Yoruichi-san?"

"You ask me what do I think about him? He's strong Kisuke. I don't think there's someone as strong as him around his age. As for his power, I can't sense him. His control of Reiatsu is superb he probably undetected like an assassin."

"Hmmm.... it's that how you think?"

"Oh~ you think there's something else Kisuke?"

"It was fast Yoruichi-san. The arrow that he made was killing that hollow in just blink of an eye. It's too efficient."

"You think it's Aizen?"

"That Arrancar most likely send by Aizen to test Kurosaki Ichigo, but that quincy bow can only be taught by another quincy."

"You think it's Ishida families?"

"No Yoruichi-san, Ishida families were not that skilled. This style remind of someone."


"Yes, according to one of the archives from classified sections inside Central 46, there's a mention about war with quincy 1000 years ago and it's around the time of original Gotei 13."

"We have another war with quincy 1000 years ago? I thought 200 years ago were the first war between soul reaper and quincy, but apparently it wasn't, right Kisuke?"

"Indeed Yoruichi-san. In that war 1000 years ago, there was a single quincy that was capable of making a giant bow in the sky. That quincy was known as Quincy King Yhwach the one person who instigated a war with his army towards Soul Society 1000 years ago and Captain Commander Yamamoto alongside original Gotei 13 was the one who defeat them."

"I see. So you think somehow Quincy King survived?"

"Yes, Yoruichi-san. I think Quincy King isn't just surviving but he'd be planning another war against Soul Society."

"Not just Aizen Sousuke but we have to deal with Quincy King? Talk about disaster. Think you can manage, Kisuke?"

"Yes. I think it's time for us to approach Kurosaki Ichigo. As we actually might've deal with him as an enemy."

"Kurosaki Ichigo. But why?"

"Yoruichi-san, let me tell you something Kurosaki Ichigo from last month were a crybaby child and now he was ruthless in action, merciless in mindset, efficient in skill, his development is too fast and he moved like someone who used to move and fight in taller body and he even used the same techniques as Quincy King. And when I saw him I felt like I'm dealing with someone who held an authority and overwhelming charisma. I think he's no longer Kurosaki Ichigo we've known. It was merely a possibility but maybe he's actually Yhwach who posses Kurosaki Ichigo body."

"What! Are serious Kisuke! Is this really true!"

"This is only mere speculation and that's why I'm going to talk to him soon to confirm whether it was true or not."


July 15th

After finally killing Grandfisher I returned home using Shadow and dry my clothes using Reishi and convert back my own body into physical.

Many things happened that I ended up sleeping soundly for the first time since mom passed away.

I wake up again almost noon.

As usual dad daily kick never stopped.

The good things is I've succeeded in maintaining Blut Vené even in my sleep so dad kick won't leave me bruised, but any good feeling I had towards him were gone.

My sisters celebrates my birthday and it's sweet of them making handmade cake just for me.

Both of my sisters give me a present and I treasures their gift and dad's gift were only decent clothes I only politely accept his gift as to not make a fuss.

That's when I realize something, dad's ribbon is red.

"Ossan? White? I want to ask you both something...."

"Ask away Ichigo..."

"No worries King you can ask me anything!"

"White you said you were manifestation of my hollow and soul reaper power, right? I got quincy power from mom and hollow power came from something she caught accidentally Does my soul reaper power come from dad?"

"Yes King, You've inherited soul reaper power from your sperm donor, when you're in your mother womb your soul reaper power and hollow power merged into one and it created me as the manifestation of your hollow and soul reaper power."

"I see... does any soul reaper came around when mom died that day? Or any soul reaper trying to deal with Grandfisher?"

"I'm sorry to say Ichigo but there was no soul reaper around" Ossan said.

"There's no soul reaper King. If there's any then they should've dealt with Grandfisher that day!" White complaints.

"I see... not even dad come that day?"

"No Ichigo" Ossan said.

"We didn't see sperm donor, as sperm donor only went for funeral" White replied.


It took time but finally Ichigo managed to find someone who was proficient in sign languages.

By converting his body into spiritual form so he couldn't be seen and then Ichigo began using Auswählen just to take that person skill and left once he was done.

After that Ichigo began absorbing the knowledge and skill that he got through Auswählen so Ossan could communicate using sign languages to finally tell me his name.

When Ichigo was done he curiously wanted to know Ossan name.

So he decided to visit his inner world and he found Ossan waiting him there.

"Ahh... so Ossan what's your name?" Ichigo asked again as he seated in sideways skyscraper.

With sign language Ossan began to gestures

[My name is.... Yhwach]

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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