Bleach: The Authority to Protect

Chapter 4: ARC 1: Part IV

Chapter 4 




Morning come as I gently nudge Ichigo awake.

Kissing his forehead as I greet him. Ichigo then rubbing his cheek at my face and such action made my heart melt.

Ten days had passed since Ichigo killed those squad 12 members.

Ichigo and I became very close ever since. 

Thinking back even Kurosaki Isshin daily attack has became a routine even though his attack mean nothing to Ichigo's Blut Vené.

The more Kurosaki Isshin keep doing it the more Ichigo feel dislike toward him and that dislike turn into hatred as Kurosaki Isshin never stopped doing it.

I even didn't have to lift a finger just to separate them as Kurosaki Isshin and Ichigo relationship has became so estranged to the point Ichigo doesn't want anything to do with Kurosaki Isshin.

Indeed deep down I'm glad I could finally become so close Ichigo.


When night come Ichigo would ask me to cuddle together as I embracing him gently every night to keep Ichigo's nightmares away.

He liked it when I praising him for every efforts and milestone that he made. Guide him when he make mistakes.

Be there for him when no one else would.

Became the only one Ichigo ever loved liked.

Traveling and spending time happily together. It was one of many regrets that I had in original timeline.

Ahh... Ichigo whenever I see you smile joyfully my hearts felt warmth.

I want to hold you close so that not even the heaven above or hell beyond could take you away from me.

I'll stay by your side and be the one to wipe those tears you shed.

When someone hurt you let me be the arms you running to.

There's just so many things that I want to do with you Ichigo...

Ichigo everything that is me belongs to you, should you ask of me I'll give you my heart and soul. 

I'm yours....





July 2nd midnight

Inside Ichigo inner world.


Sitting among sideways skycrapers a white-inverted Ichigo could be seen.

"Hey Ossan what's up?" a bleached white doppelganger of Ichigo asked curiously towards shadow cloaked man that walk towards him. 

"White Zangetsu I wanted to ask something." 

"Ah... did you come to ask me because you want my cooperation to protect King from Squad Zero?"

"What! How did you know!"

"We share the same inner world. You and I are King's power. I saw what you saw because how we were connected in original timeline."

"I see.... I suppose that makes sense. Then I won't hold back. I'll tell you of my plan. We'll discuss together how to proceed from now on as Ichigo need both of us."

"Heh.. alright! King need all the power he can get. It would be troublesome if he died and turned into Soul King anyway". 

And that's was how I and White cooperate together to protect Ichigo by all means.

We discuss many situations and many circumstances that may arise.

Thus both of us come in the same conclusion that Ichigo had to become transcendent being.

Training Ichigo towards level of mastery be it in quincy, hollow, soul reaper and fullbringer power.

So both of us could create a world where Ichigo doesn't need to become a Soul King.


Flashback end 


13th July , deep in Kurosaki forest


As usual after breakfast Ichigo would always going to deep inside Karakura forest to train by using shadow travel as he could easily going there in seconds, because his proficiency in shadow travel are high enough that he could use shadow travel whenever he wanted and anyplace in which Ichigo have went previously and at everyone else he tagged should he decides so.

Currently after knowing shadow travel functions he decides to tag both of his younger sisters shadow if they're in danger then he could be there immediately to save them.

And today is the day I'll finally going to introduce White Zangetsu to Ichigo. 

"Ichigo today we will training with someone else. I'll introduce you to him, but first I'll guide you towards your own inner world."

"Inner world?"

"Yes. Inner world is soul scape wherein manifestations of power resides. Myself and the person I'm going to introduces to are living there currently." 

"Oh... your roommate. So how do I meet him?" as Ichigo wondered who might it be the person Ossan gonna introduce.

"Sit and close your eyes, seek deep within yourself and use shadow travel to navigate....." as Ossan explained.

Then Ichigo began sinking deep inside himself when Ichigo opening his eyes he sees a lot of tall skycrapers in sideways. 

"Whooaa... so this is my inner world?" awe could be seen in Ichigo face as he gaze at the surrounding until his eyes caught something in the distant, a doppelganger of himself but in white. 

"Hey! What's up King! Seems like you're getting better in handling your quincy power! Let's see you if can be better at handling me!" white-inverted Ichigo says eagerly as he began attacking Ichigo using white khyber knife. 

"Hey! I never agreed to fight you! Is this how someone introduces himself! I don't even know you!" as Ichigo keep parrying white's attack with Heilig Klinge. 

"Heh... very well then King. You asking me who am I? I'll tell you! I'm White Zangetsu! The manifestations of your hollow and soul reaper powers!" white gingerly replied as he keep relentlessly attack at Ichigo. 

"The manifestations of what! Since when I have those kind of powers!" Ichigo spat back.


"Since when you're in your mother womb obviously! You really don't see the resemblance between you and I?"

"My mother?!"

"Did you know I was passed down by your beloved mother actually? From something your mother caught in an accident. It's all her fault you're like this in the first place, isn't that ironic?!"

"You're the hollow my mom fought in an accident in the story Ryuu oji-san told me about! How could you be here!"

"How can you be so dense! I told you didn't I? I was passed down by her accidently!"

"Stupid white doppelganger! What the hell!"

"What's the difference between a King and his horse?"

"Huh! Don't change the subjects!"

"I dont mean some kiddy stuff like one has 4 legs and the other has 2, or ones a person and ones an animal. If their form, ability and power is exactly the same, then why is it one becomes the king and controls the battle and the other one becomes the horse and carries the king? So what's the characteristics that distinguishes these two beings! There's only one answer....INSTINCT!!! In order for identical beings to get stronger and gain power, they need to develop a killer instinct. And that instinct is mostly forged in battle, they must develop an insatiable hunger to engage in battle. They must live to mercilessly crush, shred and slice their enemies. This thirst for power is not an unnatural desire. In fact, it forms the very essence of our being because deep within our body, lies the whole instinct to dominate and slaughter our enemies. And to use me you must tap into those pure base instinct that's exist within your core waiting to be released!" as White stab Ichigo in his abdomen and blood began pouring out.

"Screw you! You piss me off without even trying! I'll end this! Sklaverai!" as streams of Reishi began flowing and subjugating into Ichigo's hand, the white khyber knife that white held began to breakdown and Ichigo wound began to heal at rapid speed. 

"Heh... took you long enough King! And here I thought it would take a long time before you get it! You pass!" White clarify. 

"I pass? You mean this is a test?!"

"If you're going to use my power then I need to know if you're willing to assert your strength! I personally refuse playing horse to a King that's weaker than me. Should I find you becoming incompetent I'll take matters into my own hands, understood?"

"For the record your test suck! I'll handle my own problems! If there's anyone getting in my way I'll destroy them!" Ichigo tried to punch White on the face and White dodged such attempt easily.

"King I like your reply!" White Zangetsu happily chirped as Ichigo grumble and stick out a tongue at White. 

"I see that you and White Zangetsu are going along so well..." Ossan pointed out. 

"Ossan your roommate personality suck! How can you stay with him is beyond me. He piss me off." 

"Now the test is over. What do you learn from White Zangetsu, Ichigo?" 

"From what I understand you want me to earn the recognition from that stupid white doppelganger and because I... I need to learn to handle all of my power. Even until now I can't still control all of my own vast power. I can't be reckless when using it as my body and bone could ended up crushing under the weight of my own power and White.... White Zangetsu is also my power so his knowledge in hollow and soul reaper power is necessary to help me mastering my own power... that's what I think.... I guess..." Ichigo reveal his reasoning. 

"Good it seems you understand well..." Ossan praises Ichigo for figuring White lessons.

"Even thought you could be better, Ichigo you've forgotten to use Blut Vené and ended up getting stabbed because you lower your guards. That's fatal in battle Ichigo..." Ossan chastise Ichigo.

"I'm sorry Ossan... I shouldn't get distracted in battle..." Ichigo apologise.

"Good. Now Ichigo you will begin to training under White Zangetsu from now on. Including sparring against both of us at the same time...." Ossan continues his explanations.

"King I'll show how to fight using my power and it will be tough, think you can handle it?"

"Yeah! Show me everything you've got White Zangetsu!"

"Very well, then let me tell you Shikai is the state of first release of your soul reaper power. There's also Bankai an advanced version of Shikai but you need pass certain threshold to gain it."

"I'm going to learn achieving Shikai?"

"Nah... you already got Shikai King."

"Huh? I did? When?"

"To soul reaper learning Shikai is something that can be attained by learning the name of the manifestation of their soul reaper power. You already learn my name and called me, didn't you? That's is how you achieved Shikai King" White Zangetsu educate Ichigo.

"So I just need to only mastering my Shikai then?"

"Nah... King you're going to master Shikai alongside Ressureccion after you master Shikai then we can go to Bankai."

"Ressureccion? What's that?"

"Ressureccion is a Hollow version first release equivalent to your Shikai release. When you mastered it then you going to learn it's advanced version Ressureccion: Segunda Etapa."

"Sounds like I have to go training through hell just to master my own vast power" Ichigo sighed as he realize the gravity of his situations as mastering his own power requires a lot of consistent efforts and disciplines as it might takes a long time to do so.

"Hahahaha.... oh King.. with me you're going through hell! When you master your Shikai and Ressureccion even Hell itself will be piece of cake! My Cero is strong enough to destroys Gate of Hell itself! Oh! I can't wait the sight of you getting strong and stronger and utterly dominate and slaughter anything that get in your ways!" White Zangetsu keep giggling.

"Is he always like this Ossan?" Ichigo ask for Ossan confirmation.

"Yes. With time you get used to it.." Ossan nod in confirmation. After White Zangetsu done giggling his face radiating eagerness and he had a smug face aimed at Ichigo.

"King for your first lesson with me you're going to learn how to use your hollow power." White smugly told Ichigo. 

"Why hollow power?"

"Because it's easier King! So first you gotta learn Sonido and Hierro."

"How do I learn Sonido and Hierro?"

"Hiyah!!" as White suddenly attacking Ichigo.

"Wait! Why are you attacking me?!"

"I'm teaching you right now King!"

"But you keep attacking me, how am I suppose to learn?!"

"INSTINCT!! Hollows know from instinct how to use their power! All of your Hollow technique are engraved within your pure base Instinct! Just tap into your Instinct KING!"

"Screw you White!" 

"Cero!" White blasted a cero at Ichigo right abdomen and wounding Ichigo in process. 

"AAHhhh!!!" Ichigo began screaming. He saw a gaping circular wound on the right side of his abdomen and uses Blut Vené to stop his blood from pouring out.

It hurts!

It hurts so much! 

I don't want to die! 

I don't want to die! 





Instinct! Instinct! 

Instinct! Instinct! Instinct!




Ichigo hair began to turn white and his eyes changes into black-colored sclera and golden-colored iris with two black jagged horns jutting out from both side on his head including pure black Hierro armor covering his whole body and a hollow hole appears at Ichigo chest signifying his hollow transformation were completed.

Meanwhile Ichigo's wound began to heal rapidly as high-speed regeneration were at works.

Then he block White Zangetsu Cero attack with Hierro and use Sonido to attack from behind and cut White in half but White dodged it.

Using Cero Oscuras from his finger to blind White Ichigo then grabs White left hands and cut it.

White then use Cero Oscuras from his finger from his right hands and Ichigo retaliate with another Cero from his horns.

Blasting White into skycrapers.

Using Pesquisa Ichigo sensed that he successfully defeat him.

Even though White was defeated he looks proud and happy as Ichigo managed to achieve another milestone. 

"So you could do it afterall King.... to use instinct you gotta have to want to kill... congrats for learning Ressureccion King." White Zangetsu praises Ichigo as pride could be seen on his face aimed solely at his beloved King succeeded not at just Hierro and Sonido, his beloved King even use Cero variants, surprisingly exceeding his expectations by using Pesquisa and High-speed Regeneration.



The next day 14th July


Rain falls covering the skies and casted a gloomy atmosphere around Karakura town. A single hollow could be seen prowling around Karakura town and hid his own presence. Unlike any hollow this hollow had broken his mask.

This hollow had became an Arrancar and this hollow began searching for his target and waiting for a chance to kill it... that target have orange hair... 

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