Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 87

"So tell me what do you think of your reward? Was it worth all your hard work?" asked Yuichi


"Lord Yuichi, I appreciate the opportunity to learn these techniques. 'Reiki Shuusoku' has opened up new possibilities for me. I can feel the difference in my reiryoku control. With this technique I might no longer expend too much energy when I shrink into my smaller insect-sized form," she expressed with genuine gratitude. "This reward is more than worth the hard work, and I am eager to continue learning and improving."


Yuichi smiled at her response, pleased with the outcome. "Good to hear, Miel. This technique will be a valuable asset in the future so keep practicing it. Now, as promised, there's more to learn so work hard and I’ll teach you. For now, I’ll need you to stay here for a few days. My dorm room will still be under watch so I’d like you to stay hidden here for a few days. I can’t have anyone find out about you or these scrolls just yet so keep them hidden and stay in your insect form as much as possible to avoid detection."


Miel nodded in understanding. "I'll follow your instructions, Lord Yuichi. Staying hidden here and practicing the techniques you've taught me will be my priority. I'll ensure that no one discovers my presence or the scrolls."


Yuichi appreciated Miel's commitment to secrecy. "Good. I trust you to handle this with utmost discretion. As you continue your training, I'll work on deciphering these scrolls. Maybe Niko will have a good idea on where I can get books on old languages and code-breaking."


With an understanding between them, Miel assumed her insect form, blending into the background, she took the scrolls with her. The chamber with its painted sky and craggy landscape, would become her temporary sanctuary.


Meanwhile, Yuichi exited the study chamber and returned to his dorm room. Now back, Yuichi decided to get some rest. The next morning, Yuichi woke up early to prepare for the day ahead. After a quick bath, he gathered his belongings and headed out for his classes.


As he was about to leave his dorm room, a sudden knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. Opening it, he was greeted by Niko, excitement evident in her eyes.


"Niko, what brings you here so early?" Yuichi inquired, curious about the unexpected visit.


"Yuichi, I’ve got the information we needed. There's going to be an auction held by the black market today," Niko exclaimed, a hint of thrill in her voice. "My contact said that they don't know when the next one will be, so today's our best chance to find the rare parts and any other thing you wanted. Like you suggested, I made a few kidō spells we can use to trade, but I don’t know if that’ll be enough."


Yuichi considered the information. The black market auctions were notorious for trading in forbidden items, slaves, and secrets. While he didn't usually engage in such activities, obtaining the part needed to create the item he had requested from her was absolutely necessary now.


"Today, you say?" Yuichi mused, weighing the options. "That’s short notice, but there’s nothing to do about that, so I'll be joining you. Find me in my dorm room after classes, and we can head over together."


Niko's eyes lit up with satisfaction. "Great! I'll be there. We can walk to class together; it's been a while since we last did."


Yuichi agreed, appreciating the company on the way to the academy. As they strolled through the Soul Society's corridors, Niko shared more details about the black market auctions—how they operated, the risks involved, and the potential rewards for those bold enough to participate. She even explained the item she had encountered the last few times she went.


Their conversation transitioned to lighter topics, providing a welcome distraction from the weight of recent responsibilities. The academy's atmosphere, bustling with students and the anticipation of another day of learning, offered a sense of normalcy that Yuichi found comforting.


Upon reaching the classroom, they parted ways, each heading to their seats. The prospect of the upcoming black market auction added a layer of intrigue to the day, promising new opportunities for Yuichi. Maybe he could also solve his deciphering problem at the auction.


As classes progressed, Yuichi's thoughts alternated between academic lessons and the impending auction. The day unfolded with a mix of routine studies and the anticipation of what the black market might unveil.


After the final class concluded, Yuichi returned to his dorm room, where Niko was already waiting. One of the rules that the auction had was that zanpakutos were forbidden, so Yuichi left it in his room.


Niko glanced around the room, ensuring no prying eyes or ears were nearby. Satisfied with the privacy, she leaned in, her voice dropping to a hushed tone. "I've got the kidō spells we might need for trade. I tried to cover a variety of possibilities, but you know how unpredictable these auctions can be. I have no idea what people will want so hopefully we’re able to trade."


Yuichi nodded appreciatively, acknowledging Niko's foresight in preparing for unforeseen circumstances. "Good that’ll help very much. Let's hope they come in handy and people want them." He stowed the scroll containing the kidō incantations into his uniform, concealed from casual view.


“Here I brought us some clothes to change into. Student are forbidden to enter since they’re afraid we’ll be spies helping to shut them down. You go change first and I’ll do so afterward.” said Niko as she threw clothes at Yuichi.


After getting changed they both headed out of the Academy grounds and even the Seiretei. They then headed for the Rukongai District. The black market was hidden deep within the worst parts of the Rukongai District, its exact location known only to a select few. The entrance was discreet, blending seamlessly with the surrounding structures. The duo approached cautiously, wary of any potential threats.


Upon entering, they were met with a labyrinth of dimly lit corridors and hidden chambers. The atmosphere buzzed with low conversations, exchanged glances, and the occasional flicker of spiritual energy from concealed attendees. The auction was a clandestine affair, and the participants varied from rogue Soul Reapers seeking forbidden artifacts to creatures from Hueco Mundo offering rare materials.


Niko guided Yuichi through the shadowy maze, navigating with the ease of someone familiar with the hidden paths. The auctioneer's voice echoed through the chambers as the bidding commenced on various items. It seemed they were already on their third item so Yuichi hoped that what they were after hadn’t already come up.

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